Sis emailed me this

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

So that was all about Pelosi. How about when the republicans chanted 4 more years when he entered, and stood at the end of every sentence in the speech, up and down, up and down.

it was more like one of the rallies he spreads his lies at.
So that was all about Pelosi. How about when the republicans chanted 4 more years when he entered, and stood at the end of every sentence in the speech, up and down, up and down.

it was more like one of the rallies he spreads his lies at.

I didn't see it happening that often.

and they weren't on the dais like the VP or the Speaker, were they?

But they were offset, IMO, by the ladies in white that stood and ranted.
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

Pretty long stretch between tearing up a copy of a speech filled with demonstrable lies and tearing up the constitution, don't you think? Or were you trying to equate the value of rump's words with the constitution? Either way, your hyperbole is just a little bit nuts.
My first reaction is that it is a propaganda email allegedly written by a woman with a background that can't be verified. The author claims that it's not about their differing parties and it is "woman to woman" and then brings up abortion, sexual assault, her girls etc. and so on.

That said, Pelosi is an asshat so it's unnecessary--she doesn't need help.
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

Pretty long stretch between tearing up a copy of a speech filled with demonstrable lies and tearing up the constitution, don't you think? Or were you trying to equate the value of rump's words with the constitution? Either way, your hyperbole is just a little bit nuts.


I didn't write it, I cut and pasted it.

Don't like it?

Don't' read it, don't pass it on.
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

Welcome to the political climate of 2020
It wasnā€™t created by Pelosi but she must function in it

The days of professional courtesies are over
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "


See her problem is she still believes and is stuck on the high road
Thiers none to be had when they're swinging at you from the gutter and have ulterior motives...the issue is never really the issue .
Like millions of others itll probably hit her one day

Step out of line with the left I have to tell ya what happens to some the responses you already got in the thread .....
Now you may or may not be turned off by the demonized right but 90% of us are live an let live
Home schooling her children? lol we cant have that takes a village and the Joy's of anal sex ed for kindergartens and public libraries ...dont disagree or else
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

My opinion is that it is a fabricated tale
Reads phony
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

My opinion is that it is a fabricated tale
Reads phony

and yet, she described Pelosis actions quite well
Wish both parties would grow up and stop having hissy fits

Name edited to prevent personal attacks to the author.

"An open letter to Mrs. Pelosi,

Mrs. Pelosi, I am speaking to you woman to woman. I donā€™t care about our political parties or our individual beliefs right now. Iā€™m simply speaking to you as a woman in the year 2020.

You donā€™t know me, so to be fair Iā€™ll give you a bit of background. I am my childrenā€™s teacher. I educate their young minds every single day. I do so willingly and with a sense of responsibility unlike any other. I have been sexually assaulted twice in my life. When I was 14, a man stalked my every move for months and then broke in through my bedroom window at 3:00 a.m. When I was in my early twenties, I was assaulted by a different man while I was working at an apartment community. Iā€™ve been ruthlessly bullied by a girl in high school who I later learned has legitimate mental health issues. Iā€™ve had multiple doctors strongly urge me to abort my baby because there was less than a 1% chance of her surviving the next 28 weeks of the pregnancy. Sheā€™s 15 years old and smart as a whip. Iā€™m a woman who cares about other women. I care.

Last night, President Trump gave the State of the Union address. You fidgeted in your seat more than my kids did in church when they were toddlers. You made smug, condescending faces and you used hand motions and little head shakes to tell ā€œyour peopleā€ when and when not to clap, when to stand, basically how to act during the entire speech.

I must tell you, Mrs. Pelosi, this is an amazing time in history for us because my girls and I are studying American government. The past semester has been rich with opportunities to watch history unfold live not just in a textbook.

You are part of a party that claims to promote diversity and individual freedoms, yet you ā€œdirectā€ those around you as to when to sit, stand, clap, or show emotion. Unfortunately, you seem to have a very difficult time when someone disagrees with your opinion. You are a woman in a role of leadership and youā€™ve looked less like a leader than the pint-sized bully at the local preschool. You, Mrs. Pelosi, are a mean girl. Iā€™ve dealt with enough them to know. You want men/the world to respect us and treats us as equals, then don't act like a deranged woman whoā€™s in desperate need of some alone time in the bathroom to eat her hidden stash of chocolate in front of millions of people.

You didnā€™t use the time honored words to introduce the president. You allowed your personal feelings to override anything that looks like what youā€™re paid to do. You are paid to represent the American people and to do your best while you have the position. You're not paid to have a temper tantrum upon your mini throne.

Itā€™s OK, if you donā€™t feel love for the current president, but do you think that ripping up a speech that recognized and honored a baby born prematurely, a young lady receiving a big honor, a respected military man turning 100 years old, a soldier returning home, and more is the morally right thing to do? We wonder why thereā€™s such a lack of respect for elders and authority in this country. You, maā€™am, are a perfect example for the reasonā€”you, you who are an elected ā€œleaderā€ of this great nation, acted like an enraged toddler whose Goldfish were taken away before you were ready. Sadly, you have repeatedly allowed the vitriol in your heart to overflow into your work.

You can rip up a copy of the presidentā€™s speech while trying to look cute and powerful to your cronies, but what worries me is that one day youā€™ll decide itā€™s time to rip up the Constitution. The 2020 election is coming up, and I pray that the people of this great land will recognize mental illness when they see it and allow you some much needed time off to get some help. Please, get some help.

Humbly, "

My opinion is that it is a fabricated tale
Reads phony

and yet, she described Pelosis actions quite well

This is politics in 2020 and Trump is the main culprit. He has abandoned social mores and openly mocks tradition.

To complain that he is not afforded Presidential courtesies is disingenuous
So that was all about Pelosi. How about when the republicans chanted 4 more years when he entered, and stood at the end of every sentence in the speech, up and down, up and down.

it was more like one of the rallies he spreads his lies at.
Hen...that's called respect.
I thought it was well-written and I agreed with all of it up until the last paragraph. The references to Mrs Pelosi's mental health could have been left off IMHO; it approaches personal animus and demagoguery that isn't needed. What Mrs Pelosi did was wrong and disrespectful to the office of the presidency IMHO and she should be called out for that, but using mental health as a negative without a clinical diagnosis isn't good. One may think her actions were reprehensible but that does not mean she is mentally ill.

We see the same thing around the USMB quite often, allegations of mental illness or retardation are a poor way to win an argument. All it really does is make somebody else defensive and incivility ensues. Nobody needs that.
I thought it was well-written and I agreed with all of it up until the last paragraph. The references to Mrs Pelosi's mental health could have been left off IMHO; it approaches personal animus and demagoguery that isn't needed. What Mrs Pelosi did was wrong and disrespectful to the office of the presidency IMHO and she should be called out for that, but using mental health as a negative without a clinical diagnosis isn't good. One may think her actions were reprehensible but that does not mean she is mentally ill.

We see the same thing around the USMB quite often, allegations of mental illness or retardation are a poor way to win an argument. All it really does is make somebody else defensive and incivility ensues. Nobody needs that.
It shows how it is a fake letter
It hits on all the Pelosi talking points

The abortion nonsense was the most obvious. All the doctors urged her to get an abortion and the girl turned out to be a rocket scientist
Civility takes both sides.

Trump refused to shake he hand, another time honored tradition.

Honestly. We aren't going to see the return of civility and tradition for a long time. Because no one cares enough to stop excusing or rewarding bad behavior.
Civility takes both sides.

Trump refused to shake he hand, another time honored tradition.

Honestly. We aren't going to see the return of civility and tradition for a long time. Because no one cares enough to stop excusing or rewarding bad behavior.
Our President has changed politics as we know it

Civility and traditions have been discarded for.......It does not matter, I WON

Trump cannot act the way he does towards not only his opponents, but his own party and then expect traditional presidential respect

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