Sister Wives File Polygamy Suit


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
On Wednesday, the Browns are expected to file a lawsuit to challenge the polygamy law.

The lawsuit is not demanding that states recognize polygamous marriage. Instead, the lawsuit builds on a 2003 United States Supreme Court decision, Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state sodomy laws as unconstitutional intrusions on the “intimate conduct” of consenting adults. It will ask the federal courts to tell states that they cannot punish polygamists for their own “intimate conduct” so long as they are not breaking other laws, like those regarding child abuse, incest or seeking multiple marriage licenses.

The connection with Lawrence v. Texas, a case that broadened legal rights for gay people, is sensitive for those who have sought the right of same-sex marriage. Opponents of such unions often refer to polygamy as one of the all-but-inevitable outcomes of allowing same-sex marriage.

I'm surprised it took someone this long to file a lawsuit like this.

I lived in Utah for 10 years, and knew several polygamists. I don't really have a problem with polygamy, per se, particularly when it's practiced openly amongst consenting adults. It's when it's hidden in the shadows that Utah has run into problems, including polygamist sects in S. Utah marrying off their teenage daughters to men in their 40s-60s, welfare fraud, employment violations, and other forms of abuse.

I mean, here's the thing. I wouldn't want to do it, and I wouldn't want my daughter to do it. But, this is a form of religious expression. These people, particularly the fundamentalist LDS, believe that they are following prophecy, and that they are doing something that is necessary for them to be part of god's kingdom. If we are talking about consenting adults, what right does government have to get into the middle of people's free expression of religious beliefs?

I feel the same way about the practice of voodoun in Miami. If a guy needs to slaughter a chicken for religious reasons, as long as the way he's doing it isn't in violation of health codes, it's his own damn business, and the state should stay out of it.

I guess that when it comes to religion, I'm pretty much a libertarian. Government should not come between people and their beliefs (as long as those beliefs don't involve harming innocents).
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I don't have a problem with what they are requesting. I do have a problem with legalizing multiple marriages.
I don't have a problem with what they are requesting. I do have a problem with legalizing multiple marriages.

I don't even have a problem with legalizing multiple marriages. Being married helps to protect the rights of the wives and children in these situations. Cohabiting doesn't, so much. I can see a lot of potential for abuse (and it currently exists) because a lot of polygamist wives have multiple children and some aren't very educated. It becomes difficult for them to leave the marriage if they are being mistreated, and then getting alimony and/or child support is more complex.
That's why we have marriage and age of consent laws. Unfortunately, many polygamists like little girls.

I lived in Utah for 10 years, and knew several polygamists. I don't really have a problem with polygamy, per se, particularly when it's practiced openly amongst consenting adults. It's when it's hidden in the shadows that Utah has run into problems, including polygamist sects in S. Utah marrying off their teenage daughters to men in their 40s-60s, welfare fraud, employment violations, and other forms of abuse.

I mean, here's the thing. I wouldn't want to do it, and I wouldn't want my daughter to do it. But, this is a form of religious expression. These people, particularly the fundamentalist LDS, believe that they are following prophecy, and that they are doing something that is necessary for them to be part of god's kingdom. If we are talking about consenting adults, what right does government have to get into the middle of people's free expression of religious beliefs?

I feel the same way about the practice of voodoun in Miami. If a guy needs to slaughter a chicken for religious reasons, as long as the way he's doing it isn't in violation of health codes, it's his own damn business, and the state should stay out of it.

I guess that when it comes to religion, I'm pretty much a libertarian. Government should not come between people and their beliefs (as long as those beliefs don't involve harming innocents).

I agree with everything you said except when it comes to consenting adults. Arranged marriages have been a part of many cultures with children being married at exceptially young ages. If we are going to allow freedom of religion we must allow everything that comes along with freedom of religion. Even if we don't agree with how a culture, religion raises it's children.
We do not need to allow "everything" that comes with freedom of religion. Satanists can't sacrifice humans.

If people want to exercise their "fundamental right" to have sex with children, they can go live in the fucking jungle with the animals.
I agree with everything you said except when it comes to consenting adults. Arranged marriages have been a part of many cultures with children being married at exceptially young ages. If we are going to allow freedom of religion we must allow everything that comes along with freedom of religion. Even if we don't agree with how a culture, religion raises it's children.

I don't have a problem with arranged marriages, as long as the marriages are arranged between consenting adults. I don't believe that parents have a right to give away an underaged child, without that child's consent, and I don't believe that a 14 year old girl can grasp fully what she's consenting to.

So, no. I don't believe that arranged marriages involving minors should be allowed. Too much potential for abuse, which I saw at firsthand while living in Utah.
I have no problem with polygamy, religious or not. My only issues are with how such an arrangement would work from a legal standpoint (which spouse gets power of attorney, who has what responsibility for which children, medical decisions, what happens in the case of divorce, etc.). I suppose you can say I'm morally unopposed, I just question the technicalities involved.

I don't know if this suit will work or not. I suppose it depends on what state and federal laws may apply.
If you accept homosexuals getting married, polygamy should be no big deal.
So, I'm perplexed. How does an adult consent to an arranged marriage?

If it's arranged, it's obviously not either party's personal choice in a spouse, thus my being perplexed at what seems to be an oxymoronic point.
The purpose of polygamous marriages is to churn out as many little religious zealots as they can. And the younger they are, the more they can spawn. Sickos.

The Browns seem like nice enough people, but they need to keep their religious sexual perversions on the down low. Don't ask; don't tell works for me.
The purpose of polygamous marriages is to churn out as many little religious zealots as they can. And the younger they are, the more they can spawn. Sickos.
Is that why Homosexuals have parades and want there lifestyle taught in public schools?
We're not talking about gays Tank. Newsflash: They don't breed like rabbits.
Blacks and Hispanics do too, you got a problem with their breeding habits?

At least the Polygamist take care of their children

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