site is REAL slow today

Thur 10-19-17

4pm, forum navigation is dragging again. This has gone on for nearly a week.
Seemed like it. But like I said..Kat is VERY good at tech stuff. VERY good. She should be Tech Admin. Period.

May want to check with her first and see if she WANTS to have these daily headaches. :D

I heard the position pays $50.00 an hour.

I am highly doubtful. :D I thought these mod/admin positions were just voluntary.

But they let us run an Internet Casino on the "dark pages". It's all in bitcoin, so I have no idea what that works to out to in per hour..
Here's the update. At 2PM, they found the problem began when someone ran a search on the term "butt hurt" in the politics forum. The results are still streaming out. Estimated it returned over 1.2Trillion hits. As soon as the search for butt hurt stops, they'll be able to finish the resync of the servers.
Here's the update. At 2PM, they found the problem began when someone ran a search on the term "butt hurt" in the politics forum. The results are still streaming out. Estimated it returned over 1.2Trillion hits. As soon as the search for butt hurt stops, they'll be able to finish the resync of the servers.

Well I'm going to start a search for snowflake on the entire forum in hopes it shuts the whole place down for a few days.
This is beginning to piss me off. Half the time I can't even get in.

The Search function is down again it was working last night now it's down again.
I was on the USMB at about 2am this morning and the site virtually shut down. It was showing error messages and couldn't load a freaking page. I finally gave up and went on to other political sites. All of the others were working fine.
The board is broken again. Keep getting timed out, errors, no posts show.
And the kevin spacey stuff. Nobody looks to see if a thread is already going and just go for the new thread to start. When I realize someone already had one going before I did mine, I ask staff to combine mine with theirs. Seems like common courtesy to me but to others...its competition I guess.

Anyway...yeah...too many of one topic NEEDS to be merged..asked to or not.
Doesn't matter anyway. I hang my hat somewhere else more often these days so no biggie. When I get errors here or the pages don't load..I go over there. Much more pleasant nowadays than here.

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