Sixth Sense

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
ESP, whatever you want to call it, is it scientifically possible? I'm just curious because sometimes I seem to know things are about to happen or have happened without anybody telling me or any logical explanation.
We can certainly model this "Sixth Sense" in a scientific way and investigate the matter with scientific method ... that part would be scientific ... however, that doesn't seem to be useful ... so it's not pursued, no money at the backend ...

The Bible speaks of prophecy but this seems to be just an advanced form of empathy ... if you know your own heart well, then it is easy to predict what's in the hearts of others ... and can predict their choices ... that's not a sixth sense, that's taking the other five senses and processing them ... strictly internal to the brain ...

All I can say for sure is I don't have a sixth sense ... and I'm perfectly comfortable with the unexplained ... doesn't bother me a bit ...
If you research it, you will find there is a lot of information that points to the balance system, the vestibular, for being the center of the subconscious as well as thinking and emotion. Logic I think can just pop out of your balance system into your adjacent cochlea, which i think is the organ for conscious interpretation. But anyways your tailbone wagging can make your balance system dizzy and can amplify excitement emotions of anger hate fear love laughing. Knowing the tailbone is making you dizzy will make you one of the first recorded to know of this since humans lost their tailbones 220 million years ago!

Sixth Sense​

In fact, almost every human on Earth possesses SEVEN basic senses. The five most commonly referred to as Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch, as well as a sense of balance (vestibular sense) and a sense of position and movement (proprioception sense).

Our sense of balance is regularly referred to as our sixth sense, although they don't have to be listed in any particular order.
ESP, whatever you want to call it, is it scientifically possible? I'm just curious because sometimes I seem to know things are about to happen or have happened without anybody telling me or any logical explanation.
No, you don't have any supernatural powers. No one does. You're flirting with the occult (witchcraft) again. I've been down that road in my teen years, but I grew up
ESP, whatever you want to call it, is it scientifically possible? I'm just curious because sometimes I seem to know things are about to happen or have happened without anybody telling me or any logical explanation.
As far as I know, Tripitaka, Buddhist scriptures, says something about Jhanas and psychic powers.

The Jhanas are deep states of meditation that are part of the Buddhist contemplative tradition. They are associated with heightened concentration, tranquility, and mindfulness. While the traditional purpose of Jhanas is to cultivate mental absorption and insight leading to enlightenment (nirvana), some practitioners and traditions also attribute various psychic powers, or "iddhis," to the deep meditative states attained through Jhana practice.

It's important to note that the connection between Jhanas and psychic powers is rooted in religious and mystical beliefs rather than scientific evidence. Different Buddhist traditions may interpret and emphasize these aspects differently. Here are some explanations for the purported connection between Jhanas and psychic powers:

1. Enhanced Concentration and Mind Power: Jhanas are said to involve intense concentration and focused attention. Practitioners believe that such heightened mental states can lead to increased mental clarity, perception, and cognitive abilities, potentially giving rise to what are perceived as psychic powers.

2. Purification of Mind: Jhana practice is often associated with the purification of the mind from defilements and distractions. A purified mind is believed to be more receptive to subtle phenomena, including what might be considered psychic.

3. Opening of the Third Eye: Some traditions speak of the opening of the "third eye" or the development of heightened intuition as a result of Jhana practice. This is often symbolic and represents an expanded awareness beyond ordinary perception.

4. Karmic Merit: In certain interpretations, the development of psychic powers is seen as a natural outcome of accumulating positive karma through ethical living and deep meditative practice.

It's essential to approach these claims with a critical mindset. The experiences and interpretations of practitioners can vary widely, and not all Buddhist traditions or individuals attribute psychic powers to Jhana practice.

Furthermore, the emphasis in Buddhism is generally on the path to liberation from suffering rather than the pursuit of supernatural abilities. 🙈🙉🙊 :)
We can certainly model this "Sixth Sense" in a scientific way and investigate the matter with scientific method ... that part would be scientific ... however, that doesn't seem to be useful ... so it's not pursued, no money at the backend ...

The Bible speaks of prophecy but this seems to be just an advanced form of empathy ... if you know your own heart well, then it is easy to predict what's in the hearts of others ... and can predict their choices ... that's not a sixth sense, that's taking the other five senses and processing them ... strictly internal to the brain ...

All I can say for sure is I don't have a sixth sense ... and I'm perfectly comfortable with the unexplained ... doesn't bother me a bit ...
Yes, much that prophets said in the bible can be explained as simple logic and reasoning. If this, then that will happen. Warnings against Israel and Judah were spoken to. However, there are the other things said that are specific events and items that would happen like Isaiah seeing a book to be revealed in the last days of the earth. The same book referred to by Ezekiel that would be joined with the book of Judah (Bible), the book of Joseph. Or, that a virgin would conceive and bear the member of the Godhead to be with us or born to this world (Jehovah be born as Jesus Christ). Things like that.
No, you don't have any supernatural powers. No one does. You're flirting with the occult (witchcraft) again. I've been down that road in my teen years, but I grew up
So you say you grew up. I have my doubts. I don't know. I remember in my senior year of high school, I took a 6 week course in psychology. During this, the teacher put a needle in an eraser. Then, he placed a small square shaped piece of paper that had been folded diagonally twice on the point of the needle. He then said that people have been able to move the paper around on the head of the needle with just their minds. A couple of students appeared to have been able to do it. So, when I got home, my neighbor friend and I started trying to spin the paper on the needle with our minds. We were in a closed room with no air coming out of any of the vents, windows or door. To our amazement, both of us were able to get the paper spinning in the direction desired. Together, we both tried to rock the paper off the needle. While we got in rocking pretty good, neither of us were able to knock it off. Our minds are able to do things that pessimists like yourself cannot do.
No ESP is not possible. The name gives it away. We don't receive any information that doesn't come to us via our senses. These tales of ESP are all just coincidences or products of our subconscious.
I would love to put it on video, but it doesn't work that way...
I have many-many-many times correctly identified the exact playing card when someone holds up a card and says "what card am I holding".
I have done it so many times that it goes way-way beyond mathematical possibility.
But it never works unless I am not aware I am about to be asked. In other words if I am sitting across from someone, and I know they are about to ask - it will not work. My "thinking" brain is in control and I will be guessing exactly like anyone else.
But if I am unaware someone is going to do it, the image of the card appears before the thinking brain engages. And when I know what the card is - I am 100% sure of it and would be stunned if it wasn't the right card, which has never happened actually.
When Bonzi and I got together she, naturally, was skeptical.
We were in Cincinnati at a brewery, and I went to the bathroom, this pub has games and playing cards on a wall for people to play. She got the cards. I came back and she asked "what card am I holding"... I told her 3 of clubs. She hollered out loud enough people turned and looked at her. Of course it was the 3 of clubs. Even then not 100% convinced, 10 minutes or whatever went by and she quickly did it again - 10 spades. She just clasped her hand over her mouth.
That was in 2018. I have done it at least 7-8 times with her since. Every once in awhile she does it.

I have other instances and occurrences... but this post is already likely TLDR
No ESP is not possible. The name gives it away. We don't receive any information that doesn't come to us via our senses. These tales of ESP are all just coincidences or products of our subconscious.

Birds have a magnetic sense.

Fish have an electric sense.

What you are alluding to is called a TRANSDUCER, and the MEG shows the brain can act as its own transducer.

Without going into the details, our brains take imprecise and somewhat random computational elements (neurons) and put them in populations where they become at least 7 orders of magnitude more precise in the population.

The classic example is phase coding in the auditory system of the owl. There, the neurons have refractory periods in the low milli-seconds but the population resolves to better than a microsecond.


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