Skip A Rope


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Cheat on your taxes don't be a fool what was that they said about the golden rule
Never mind the rules just play to win and hate your neighbor for the shade of his skin
Skip a rope skip a rope...

Stab 'em in the back that's the name of the game...

If the MittRyan's release more than two years of taxes and it turns out they paid the same percentage as most Americans, the PaulRomney's will piss off their tax cutter base. If the MittRyan's paid a low -rich guy- percentage of taxes the PaulRomney's will piss off middle class independents-----[ame=""]Skip A Rope[/ame]
Up the voltage on your next session.

IOW's, you/righties have no response to Romney putting his tit in a wringer by picking a guy that leaves his campaign in a damned if they do - damned if they don't position on releasing tax records -- not to mention Ryan's opposition to 6,000 - 7,000 to wind energy jobs in the swing state of Iowa.

Up until now, I've thought Romney was a smart guy with a --rich guy plutocratic/royalist ideology-- but by picking Ryan, I'm reconsidering the smart guy part.
Up the voltage on your next session.

IOW's, you/righties have no response to Romney putting his tit in a wringer by picking a guy that leaves his campaign in a damned if they do - damned if they don't position on releasing tax records -- not to mention Ryan's opposition to 6,000 - 7,000 to wind energy jobs in the swing state of Iowa.

Up until now, I've thought Romney was a smart guy with a --rich guy plutocratic/royalist ideology-- but by picking Ryan, I'm reconsidering the smart guy part.

We'll take our chances!:eusa_clap:
Cheat on your taxes don't be a fool what was that they said about the golden rule
Never mind the rules just play to win and hate your neighbor for the shade of his skin
Skip a rope skip a rope...

Stab 'em in the back that's the name of the game...

If the MittRyan's release more than two years of taxes and it turns out they paid the same percentage as most Americans, the PaulRomney's will piss off their tax cutter base. If the MittRyan's paid a low -rich guy- percentage of taxes the PaulRomney's will piss off middle class independents-----Skip A Rope

So when do you demand that this admin pay theirs instead of showing your wealth envy?
Up the voltage on your next session.

IOW's, you/righties have no response to Romney putting his tit in a wringer by picking a guy that leaves his campaign in a damned if they do - damned if they don't position on releasing tax records -- not to mention Ryan's opposition to 6,000 - 7,000 to wind energy jobs in the swing state of Iowa.

Up until now, I've thought Romney was a smart guy with a --rich guy plutocratic/royalist ideology-- but by picking Ryan, I'm reconsidering the smart guy part.

We'll take our chances!:eusa_clap:

I'm not at all surprised that y'all Republicans are willing to take chances with our security, economic welfare and prospects for future growth -- after all Bush...?

By the EIA's forecast, the United States will challenge Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil producer when crude and other forms of liquid petroleum are included. But the U.S. is also the world's top oil consumer, demanding nearly 20 million barrels a day. So even with an oil boom, the nation still falls far short of its energy demands.

Well ain't that interesting, while pushing for green energy expansion doubling the amount of wind energy produced in America since taking office, President Obama has also quadrupled the number of oil leases issued by the Bush Administration.
President Obama ain't just blowin' smoke when he touts an "all of the above" energy policy -- President Obama talks the talk AND walks the walk, something that can't be said by previous Republican Administration's.

White House touts wind energy against Romney - The Hill's E2-Wire

By Zack Colman - 08/14/12

The White House is touting a new report on wind power during President Obama’s stop in Iowa contrasting his views with those of GOP challenger Mitt Romney in the wind-heavy swing state.

The Energy Department (DOE) released its sixth annual "Wind Technologies Market Report" on Tuesday. It showed 32 percent of new installed power generating capacity in 2011 came from wind, amounting to $14 billion of investment.

The report also said ending the wind production tax credit (PTC), which pays wind producers 2.2 cents per kilowatt-hour, could “dramatically” slow new wind installations in 2013.

The Obama offensive on energy points to a clear divide between him and Romney, who recently advocated for letting the PTC end Dec. 31 as scheduled. The incumbent’s messaging has amped up since Romney made the statement, showing that Obama thinks he can turn Romney’s position into a campaign liability.

“Right now, homegrown energy, things like wind energy -- creating new jobs all across the states like Iowa -- and Governor Romney wants to end tax credits for wind energy producers,” Obama said Monday in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “America now produces twice as much electricity from wind as we did before I took office.”

Obama is painting the wind issue as a jobs initiative in Iowa, the state with the second-most wind generation capacity in the nation. The report echoes administration and wind industry claims that ending the PTC would cost 37,000 direct and indirect jobs, while extending it would preserve 75,000 jobs.

Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass the PTC. He hammered that message in Colorado last week, and is doing the same on his three-day tour of Iowa, a state that boasts 7,000 wind energy jobs.
Obama won Iowa’s six electoral votes in 2008, but he and Romney are running a close race in the state, according to RealClearPolitics. The site gives Obama a 1-percentage point lead over Romney in an average of polling data.

On a Monday call with reporters, a senior administration official said it “certainly wouldn’t be surpris[ing]” if Obama mentioned the report in Iowa.

“As the administration has made clear, time is of the essence,” the official said of Obama's position on the PTC.
Killing the PTC would be akin to “pulling the rug out” from under the wind industry, the administration official said. Though the official acknowledged some in Congress have discussed phasing out the incentive, the administration is focused on getting an extension “first and foremost.”

The Senate Finance Committee passed the PTC in a tax extenders package earlier this month, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said last week he is "very confident" the full Senate will pass the PTC. The House has yet to seriously debate the incentive.
“From our perspective, we have seen success with this program,” the administration official said. “We have created the jobs and now is not the time to turn back on the industry.”

Romney drew some puzzled reactions from Iowa politicians when he said he wanted to end the PTC. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) was so perplexed by the pronouncement that he called Romney aides to “get to the bottom” of the matter.


But back to the subject -- I have to ask, why are Republicans on this message board askeered to address Romney's lack of candor about his taxes -- even the Republican leadership has more cajones on this subject than the cowards on this message boardand-----and now Ryan won't...

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