Slate: Its Criminal That We Arent Borrowing Trillions to Fix the Country & Save the Planet Right Now

We are spending trillions to "save the planet" that doesn't need saving. How much is the "theory" of global warm costing us?
Imagine the size of the life preserver we would need!

This is the kind of stuff that 12 year olds think is profound in civics class (only during republican administrations). Every dime the U.S. spends on defense and foreign aid is geared towards "saving the planet". If you want to get closer to reality you might try to find out how the billions of dollars dolled out by the federal government to Baltimore has lined the pockets of decades of corrupt democrat administrations.
Arctic sea ice could disappear every September if carbon emissions continue to rise at the current rate
It Is Criminal That We Aren’t Borrowing Trillions to Fix the Country and Save the Planet Right Now

We should be taking advantage of the current state of the bond market to borrow gobs of cash in order to fix the country, bolster the economy, and save the planet. We probably won’t. It’s criminally negligent.

All the spending we do will not effect China or India. As it is the US has lead the world in reducing carbon emissions for the last 10 years. India, China and most of Asia are all trending upwards, same as Africa and the middle east. I see no reason to cripple the US economy while it will not even effect the outcome. We are actually doing just fine if reducing carbon emissions is what everyone is worried about. This is why its so baffling that someone like AOC could be so stupid as to think that what the US does in the next 8 years is going to hold the fate of the earth in the balance. If the Democrats are going to roll over for China on trade as they always do, theres no way in hell they are going to force that regime to cut back on fossil fuel consumption. We would be better off letting Trump buy Greenland, hopefully at a discount, then start a re-forestation program . If the planet is truly warming, then all those trees will grow quickly and offset the carbon.

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