Slavery and White Fear of Revenge


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
We are seeing this more and more with the shift taking place in the United States today , the fear, the lashing out, their hysteria all cloaked in the cry to make America "great again" and take back 'Merica.

American culture is imbued with fears that African Americans will someday repay the violence and oppression that has marred their history in this country, according to linguist and cultural critic Noam Chomsky. Speaking with philosopher George Yancy about the roots of American racism, from Native American genocide to anti-black discrimination, Chomsky emphasized the ongoing impact of black enslavement and subjugation in the U.S., saying “fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.”

yep taking "their" country back, clutching guns , cowering on their keyboards all based on fear

Noam Chomsky: Slavery and White Fear of Revenge 'Deeply Rooted in American Culture'
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You dumbass.
In the sixties, we marched for civil rights. No one schooled us. No one paid us. It was the right thing to do.
What we have now are a bunch of blacks killing blacks to prove black lives do not matter, but free stuff from looting and paychecks from George Soros, the author of BLM, does. It's a joke. And scares no one.
We are seeing this more and more with the shift taking place in the United States today , the fear, the lashing out, their hysteria all cloaked in the cry to make America "great again" and take back 'Merica.

yep taking "their" country back, clutching guns , cowering on their keyboards all based on fear
You are showing off your ignorance.
We are seeing this more and more with the shift taking place in the United States today , the fear, the lashing out, their hysteria all cloaked in the cry to make America "great again" and take back 'Merica.

American culture is imbued with fears that African Americans will someday repay the violence and oppression that has marred their history in this country, according to linguist and cultural critic Noam Chomsky. Speaking with philosopher George Yancy about the roots of American racism, from Native American genocide to anti-black discrimination, Chomsky emphasized the ongoing impact of black enslavement and subjugation in the U.S., saying “fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.”

yep taking "their" country back, clutching guns , cowering on their keyboards all based on fear

Noam Chomsky: Slavery and White Fear of Revenge 'Deeply Rooted in American Culture'

To be real about this.....most blacks are decent people. However, just about all of them carry a resentment over something that they've been taught as a kid or something some ignorant jerk said or did to them while growing up.

I figure, if you put your feelings out on your sleeve, somebody's going to hurt them. So don't leave them out there. Don't act like you have a chip on your shoulder. Don't assume someone hates you because of the color of your skin.

But to set the record straight......white people aren't afraid of blacks. They just don't like being around them when they act black. Yes, there is the isolated cracker who would just as soon kill them as look at them. But thankfully those are few and far between.
Keep up the kind of mess that happened in Ferguson and Baltimore, the Al Sharptons blackmailing Sony and other businesses. Obama and the media telling blacks that cops want to kill them.......and all of that will change for the worse.

I think blacks have more to fear than the other way around.

I don't think they want all the people that want to kill them to start doing it.

Personally, I think any liberal that fosters violence by posting threads like this are just cruising for a bruising.
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For most of the South's history, the fear of African Americans "taking over" has permeated mainstream political culture. That paranoia ran deepest in states like South Carolina, where African Americans constituted a majority of the population well into the 20 century. Whites in Charleston certainly acted on those fears in 1822, when they executed Denmark Vesey, a founding member of Emanuel AME Church, for plotting a slave rebellion. After emancipation, white supremacists stoked fears of "Negro domination" to overthrow South Carolina's interracial Reconstruction government. The architects of Jim Crow enacted disfranchisement measures such as poll taxes and literacy tests as safeguards against the seemingly ever-present threat of another black takeover.

Dylann Roof and the white fear of a black takeover
We are seeing this more and more with the shift taking place in the United States today , the fear, the lashing out, their hysteria all cloaked in the cry to make America "great again" and take back 'Merica.

American culture is imbued with fears that African Americans will someday repay the violence and oppression that has marred their history in this country, according to linguist and cultural critic Noam Chomsky. Speaking with philosopher George Yancy about the roots of American racism, from Native American genocide to anti-black discrimination, Chomsky emphasized the ongoing impact of black enslavement and subjugation in the U.S., saying “fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.”

yep taking "their" country back, clutching guns , cowering on their keyboards all based on fear

Noam Chomsky: Slavery and White Fear of Revenge 'Deeply Rooted in American Culture'

To be real about this.....most blacks are decent people. However, just about all of them carry a resentment over something that they've been taught as a kid or something some ignorant jerk said or did to them while growing up.

I figure, if you put your feelings out on your sleeve, somebody's going to hurt them. So don't leave them out there. Don't act like you have a chip on your shoulder. Don't assume someone hates you because of the color of your skin.

But to set the record straight......white people aren't afraid of blacks. They just don't like being around them when they act black. Yes, there is the isolated cracker who would just as soon kill them as look at them. But thankfully those are few and far between.
Keep up the kind of mess that happened in Ferguson and Baltimore, the Al Sharptons blackmailing Sony and other businesses. Obama and the media telling blacks that cops want to kill them.......and all of that will change for the worse.

I think blacks have more to fear than the other way around.

I don't think they want all the people that want to kill them to start doing it.

Personally, I think any liberal that fosters violence by posting threads like this are just cruising for a bruising.
just how by posting history of this country promoting violence?

Why are the posts uncomfortable to you?

"I think any liberal that fosters violence by posting threads like this are just cruising for a bruising.[/QUOTE]

Really ? sounds like you are the one making a Veiled threat of violence.
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Hell I say bring it. Most blacks can't even properly fire a weapon, much less keep one in working condition. Hell most of the time they end up shooting the wrong person. Lmao
We are seeing this more and more with the shift taking place in the United States today , the fear, the lashing out, their hysteria all cloaked in the cry to make America "great again" and take back 'Merica.

American culture is imbued with fears that African Americans will someday repay the violence and oppression that has marred their history in this country, according to linguist and cultural critic Noam Chomsky. Speaking with philosopher George Yancy about the roots of American racism, from Native American genocide to anti-black discrimination, Chomsky emphasized the ongoing impact of black enslavement and subjugation in the U.S., saying “fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.”

yep taking "their" country back, clutching guns , cowering on their keyboards all based on fear

Noam Chomsky: Slavery and White Fear of Revenge 'Deeply Rooted in American Culture'
I call it the Thomas Jefferson syndrome. He believed there would be a time of reckoning

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free."
-Thomas Jefferson
You dumbass.
In the sixties, we marched for civil rights. No one schooled us. No one paid us. It was the right thing to do.
What we have now are a bunch of blacks killing blacks to prove black lives do not matter, but free stuff from looting and paychecks from George Soros, the author of BLM, does. It's a joke. And scares no one.
really? you didn't march with anybody for civil rights you dumb bible thumping cracka, ignorant people like you think it MLK was just about civil rights, those stories are what you crackas tell your self, MLK was murdered in Memphis supporting striking workers, The difference now is the rightwing crackas are dying off and are being surpassed by people of color, which wan't the case in the 50' and 60's

And the same battles are still going on in the regressive south with civil rights and labor, this time will be the last for your ilk

You dumbass.
In the sixties, we marched for civil rights. No one schooled us. No one paid us. It was the right thing to do.
What we have now are a bunch of blacks killing blacks to prove black lives do not matter, but free stuff from looting and paychecks from George Soros, the author of BLM, does. It's a joke. And scares no one.
really? you didn't march with anybody for civil rights you dumb bible thumping cracka, ignorant people like you think it MLK was just about civil rights, those stories are what you crackas tell your self, MLK was murdered in Memphis supporting striking workers, The difference now is the rightwing crackas are dying off and are being surpassed by people of color, which wan't the case in the 50' and 60's

And the same battles are still going on in the regressive south with civil rights and labor, this time will be the last for your ilk

I can tell u don't live in the south, come speak that shit to a country nigga n a missing pic of ur ass will b on the side of a milk carton.
Guano, a few things to keep in mind about your hoped-for uprising by blacks.

Overall, blacks account for only 12% of the population but you have to subtract from that those that are good law-abiding people as opposed to the militant niggas who'd be in the streets attempting to administer some payback to whitey. So let's say it breaks down to 50-50 good black people vs. the niggas. That would leave a 'fighting' force of only about 20 million, give or take depending on how far off the 50-50 estimate might be.

Twenty million sounds like a lot until you realize how utterly dwarfed it would be by the number of whites and others who legally own firearms in this country. Also, keep in mind a hell of a lot of them know how to properly care for and use them as opposed to the many niggas who utilize the sideways, Hollywood 'look cool' method of aiming and firing a weapon. The fight would come down to an overwhelming force of trained and experienced shooters vs. a bunch of know-nothings. Also keep in mind we'd have the police, National Guard, and other assets on our side too.

My advice would be careful what you wish for, but bring it on if you insist.

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