Small businesses taxed more than big businesses


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Most middle class jobs come from small businesses. Dems often claim they want to save middle class, yet supported Obamacare and other policies that are destroying middle class.

I don't care what they say, watch what they do. Dems have not made choices favorable to small businesses and middle class. While liberals tend to claim they want to help middle class and blame Republicans for the shrinking job market, it's the liberal policies that are killing small businesses across the country. They love taxes and I've always said that middle class always gets the bill for the half-brained ideas that liberals come up with. They always say they are going after the wealthy and have never actually done that. Obama is just as friendly to the super wealthy as anyone else in the past.

I keep hearing ads from New York where they are offering no taxes for a few years in an effort to get businesses to come there. The liberals there know darn well that tax breaks mean job creation, yet the Dems in congress claim that tax breaks don't create jobs. Hmmmm.

"It’s worth noting that, under our current system, the tax rate on small businesses is even higher than it is for large ones. Thanks in part to the 2013 tax increases and to Obamacare, the top federal rate on small business income is 43.4 percent, versus 35 percent for large corporations. This needs to change.

Fourth, get rid of tax preferences. Simply put, our tax system should be neutral. It shouldn’t pick winners and losers. A key part of any serious reform will be eliminating the current polyglot system of deductions, credits and exemptions.

Fifth, simplify the system. One of the main reasons so few Americans think our tax system is working well is the fact that it’s so ludicrously complicated. But we need simplicity not only to reduce aggravation and errors—we need it because reducing the size and scope of government without transparency is practically impossible."
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All we will ever get is lip service. The middle class always picks up the tab for big spending and always will until we send all the current politicians, both parties, packing and replace them with ones who understand the constitution, respect federal laws and actually give a shit about this country.

Washington refuses to cut spending and that must come first. Then they can toss out the current tax system and start over with one that is actually fair. We should eliminate the need for refunds by paying only the actual amount due. No more refunds to those who didn't pay anything in.

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