Snowed for 24 hours, nearly a foot of snow, snowblower is broken

Wife heard on a news station earlier that a shovel full of snow weighs 20-60 lbs, and shoveling for an hour means you've lifted and moved about a ton of snow.
Too bad you didn't live in Amarillo. It was 80 deg yesterday, and it's 56 today.

I would live there or elsewhere if it were an application away from Canada to become an American Citizen. Over a decade ago a Business Partner of a company I worked for wanted to hire me in California. Biggest mistake I ever made was declining that offer...
Too bad you didn't live in Amarillo. It was 80 deg yesterday, and it's 56 today.

I would live there or elsewhere if it were an application away from Canada to become an American Citizen. Over a decade ago a Business Partner of a company I worked for wanted to hire me in California. Biggest mistake I ever made was declining that offer...

My final tour of duty in the Navy before I retired was running the MEPS here in Amarillo. After being here for a couple of years and finding out that the cost of living was decent, as well as it was a decent sized town but still had a small town feel, and the fact that I can ride a bike 45 to 50 weeks out of the year made me decide to put down roots and stay here.

That was back in 2002, and I haven't regretted my decision yet.
Actually 1 ft in 24 hours isn't too bad. I have family in the Buffalo area where after 24 hours of snow they're sometimes looking for their cars.

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