So a member of the looney squad wants to bring the fire

They must be talking about AOC's bad breath.

Otherwise, this is a book waiting to happen.
Saw this dimwit say public transportation should be free.

Free! Free! Free! Is not a platform...
Free! Free! Free! Is not a platform...

It's a great vote getter... for their base.

‘We will bring the fire’: 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley threatens those who ‘don’t see the light’

for those don't agree with her ideology? How is that for being a tolerant and open mined progressive a phrase I use VERY loosely.

The so called squad can stick where the sun don't shine.

It's beginning. The "underground" Resist movement will be moving mainstream now.

Phase One: Eradicate Trump. Failed.

Phase Two: Establish Trump as a national (world?) threat. In the works.

Phase Three: When he gets reelected, carry out an all-out assault on all things Trump, from him, the WH, right down to the old man on the street carrying a red ballcap.

Let the LDTs (Loonie Domestic Terrorists) free!
As scary as it is that there is a whole District of people who will elect people like this Tailb, and AOC, and the Muslim from Minnesota who married her brother...and lied on Immigration Forms... these Loons actually do more for the Republican Party than they do for their own Democratic/Socialist/Loon Party.

A sort of reverse recruitment.
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Saw this dimwit say public transportation should be free.

Free! Free! Free! Is not a platform...

You seem to be mistaken! Pretty nearly all the Dems are running on that platform.
Wouldn't bringing fire be environmentally unsafe? Careful Ayanna talk like that will cost you your green new deal decoder ring.
‘We will bring the fire’: 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley threatens those who ‘don’t see the light’

for those don't agree with her ideology? How is that for being a tolerant and open mined progressive a phrase I use VERY loosely.

The so called squad can stick where the sun don't shine.

It's beginning. The "underground" Resist movement will be moving mainstream now.

Phase One: Eradicate Trump. Failed.

Phase Two: Establish Trump as a national (world?) threat. In the works.

Phase Three: When he gets reelected, carry out an all-out assault on all things Trump, from him, the WH, right down to the old man on the street carrying a red ballcap.

Let the LDTs (Loonie Domestic Terrorists) free!
It cracks me up when liberals threaten violence.
Sure they can get away with it in Portland but I'm waiting for em to bring it to the South and the fly over states.
Thats when things will get interesting.....for a very brief moment anyway.
‘We will bring the fire’: 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley threatens those who ‘don’t see the light’

for those don't agree with her ideology? How is that for being a tolerant and open mined progressive a phrase I use VERY loosely.

The so called squad can stick where the sun don't shine.
There is NOTHING tolerant about Socialists.

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: Socialist Squad Forces Democrats block measure to prevent terrorists from working at TSA.

They run the House with an iron fist.

An amendment was offered that would require screening TSA applicants and conducting background checks. These would specifically prevent the hiring of people convicted of sexual assault and other violent crimes or those whose names appear on the terror watch lists. Given all of the complaints about TSA agents misbehaving when screening travelers at airports, that seems to make sense, doesn’t it? Apparently not to a lot of the House Democrats. Nearly all of them, led by “the Squad,” voted against the amendment and defeated it.


When it was obvious that Republicans and enough sensible Democrats would PASS the provision, Nancy the Ripper PULLED the amendment rather than enrage The Squad.​

When it was offered, overwhelmingly the majority of the House would like to see the TSA not hire terrorists or those who have been convicted of sexual misconduct with minors and others. But the socialist wing of the party, that controls now the Democratic Party, said that that could not be offered.

It’s no surprise that Democrat logic in 2020 means taking marching orders from Squad Democrats to give TSA the ability to hire the Harvey Weinsteins of the world. A ‘second chance’ for sex offenders shouldn’t include patting down traveling families.

TSA agents were charged with trying to smuggle 20 tons of cocaine from Puerto Rico.

A TSA screener used his position to order a woman to disrobe while she went through security.

We have two options: Keep sexual predators off of the federal payroll, or reject it and reward sexual predators with a paycheck from the taxpayer.

What possible justification would there be to not conduct such screening for the people on the front lines of keeping radical Islamists with suicide vests off of our planes? And why would you hire somebody with a track record of sexual predation to monitor the “nudie” scanners and pat down the ladies trying to make it to their departure gate?

If you find yourself getting felt up by a TSA agent at the airport next year, you’ll know who to thank. It will be AOC and her fellow “squad” members, along with the rest of their friends in the Democratic caucus. The rights of convicted sex offenders trump yours.

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