So A What IF? Say you're a Billionaire, Would you off yourself? Russian Coal Baron Bosov Dead In Possible Suicide by gun.

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
( So you're a Billionaire and money you have. No matter citizenship as rules don't apply to rich folk Billionaires)

The Investigative Committee announced on May 7 that Bosov, 52, had died the previous evening of a gunshot wound to the head.

A pistol was reportedly found near the body.

Bosov was a major shareholder and board of directors chairman of the Alltek group, which controls the coal producers Siberian Anthracite, VostokUgol, and other firms.

According to the Forbes billionaires' list, Bosov was the 86th-richest Russian, with a fortune estimated at $1.1 billion.

The RBK news agency quoted acquaintances of Bosov's as saying his affairs had been in turmoil since the beginning of the year, when he began moving assets around and dismissing employees.

Early last month, Bosov dismissed his partner in the VostokUgol coal company, Aleksandr Isayev, for purported abuse of his position and embezzlement. Isayev has filed a defamation suit.

On May 1, it was reported that a former employee of the Genius Fund Group, an investment firm controlled by Bosov that is active in the legal marijuana business in the United States, had filed a civil suit against Bosov in Los Angeles seeking more than $1 million for alleged breach of contract. The complainant, Francis Racioppi, is a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran.

:dunno: Unless Putin is hunting you as you a Russian. Hmm? Well, or not. If not that. Why Off yourself?
As in Russia, you can really do some crazy shit and other places.
Btw: Robin William was not a billionaire and offed himself for his mental reasons. So that's one way,
But, other than Putin Hunting you, sick like Robin, or just learned you lost all your money. (I think COVID stock crash possible here)
But, I feel this is too quick for that.

:dunno::uhoh3: FFS!? Your a billion, today I will off myself? So, who will step up and off themself if they were a Billionaire?
Well, he may have. But really why, to much fun to be had as a billionaire.
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So who gets the money ?

Damn. Russian oligarchs are even uglier than ours.

Well, maybe not.
After this Bezos will have Blackwater around him from now on ( Academi now)
Most Russain billionaires are part of Russain mob/crime families. No other way to get to be a Billionaire.
When Putin goes down, the first action is to replace all Billionaires. Under the new ruler. I've seen no readings Putin is gone.


Seem to little? Does he need 40 million? That buys more in Russia than the U.S.

Money can't buy happiness.
I recall a few live like poor peoples. They got money but lived frugally.
Warren lives in a small home. And Howard went nuts and live in hotel rooms in vegas with very long nails as a germophobe.
So if money was the issue, give it away. Move to streets,
Robin killed himself. Money made no impact on reason.
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