So another mass murder by stink muslims, and another limp wristed response.

Here we go again. Now it is time to try to find the "third guy" in the photo. Oh, well cannot wait for "them" to get him. Yeah, that ought to make those smelly throw backs stop their attacks. Yeah, uhhhhhh huh.

Ever wonder why these brave assholes would never go into a place like Sicily and bomb them? Let me clue you in as to why that is. They know god damn well the response they would get. Don't think for one second the Sicilians would give two flying fucks about any fucking mosque and who would be killed in collateral damage. They know damn well the response would be three times as ruthless as anything they would do. They also know it would never stop and one of those dirty smelly muslims would sooner have their heads being mailed back to whatever country they came from with their balls stuffed in their mouths.

Oh I know. How mean, right? The entire problem with the west is how dominated we are by these little left wing constituencies who will never have any clue how to fight and win a war.

The smelly throw backs know how hamstrung the politicians are in the west (most of the west) and they take every bit advantage of our pink tie response.

Most wars are won long before they are fought. We can thank our pathetic media along with the left wing world media.

Ever notice too how they never attack china? Wonder why? You think they could pull their refugee invasion of China the way did it to Europe?

Ever wonder why they would never get a way with that and why they would never attempt it? Hmmmm?

Liberals folks. Everything is their fault. Everything.
First I'll answer some questions; Why don't they bomb Sicily? Simple, Sicily has nothing of sufficient symbolic value to bomb. Brussels is the European capital with all the infrastructure that entails. Why don't they bomb China? Simple, Communism isn't the target, western society is. As to the war comment. What do Muslim terrorist want? They want a war of faith between Christianity and Muslims. Yesterday 4 guys succeeded in parylising a country and threw the world into a frenzy. They rightfully according to your reaction feel. That the overreaction of the west more then likely will make it easier to sell the conflict as a war between ideoligy. Bombing Muslims isn't the answer, it's a big part of the problem.

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