So Beyonce and Jay-Z, Known Illuminati Had Hillary at Their Concert Last Night

You could be right if black people were the only ones who liked their music,

It's probably mostly black. Even if not, they put on this show to bring people in to see the entertainment, and want to dress it up like Hil-Liar is drawing the same kinds of crowds as Trump.

It's all a dog and pony show.

she has become so desperate

that the only way she can get in front of a crowd

is to crash a beyonce concert --LOL

or was it another "benefit" to help prop up corrupt hillary

It's been proven repeatedly that entertainers have very little influence on the electorate in general. To me, it seems like another transparent attempt to buy the black vote.

Well Katy Perry is now on tour with Hillary in Pennsylvania. Perry is another one that is believed to be Illuminati... from how she "sold out" going from a Christian music singer from a very religious family to singing about kissing other girls and dressing provocatively.

So you think Katy Perry is part of your imaginary secret society who controls the world?

NFL's latest conspiracy? It's Katy Perry

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

OK. You convinced me. Katy Perry is an evil demon. What now? Are other singers evil demons too? I need a list. Is a single layer tinfoil hat thick enough to protect us from all those demonic gamma rays, or should we go to 2 ply? I'm pretty sure I saw the neighbors dog doing a demonic dance the other day. He was jumping around and barking at the base of a tree. He could have been barking at a squirrel, but it looked too demonic for that. I'm so glad you finally opened my eyes.

Look you can joke all you want, but even a guy like Dave Chappelle came flat out and said it like it is. And though Chappelle smokes a lot of weed, he is a guy in my mind he speaks it like it is. He comes out and talks about it, and next thing you know he is dropping off the map and hiding out in Africa. He now lives on a farm in a hippy community called Yellow Springs in Ohio. I've been there, it is a pretty place, but definitely a hippy town. It is where Antioch College is. But his career hasn't been the same since.

Celebrities Going Off About the Illuminati On Video
You could be right if black people were the only ones who liked their music,

It's probably mostly black. Even if not, they put on this show to bring people in to see the entertainment, and want to dress it up like Hil-Liar is drawing the same kinds of crowds as Trump.

It's all a dog and pony show.

So you're changing your story now? I thought you said it was specifically black people she was going for. Looks like you're just trying to come up with something to whine about.
It's been proven repeatedly that entertainers have very little influence on the electorate in general. To me, it seems like another transparent attempt to buy the black vote.

Well Katy Perry is now on tour with Hillary in Pennsylvania. Perry is another one that is believed to be Illuminati... from how she "sold out" going from a Christian music singer from a very religious family to singing about kissing other girls and dressing provocatively.

So you think Katy Perry is part of your imaginary secret society who controls the world?

NFL's latest conspiracy? It's Katy Perry

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

OK. You convinced me. Katy Perry is an evil demon. What now? Are other singers evil demons too? I need a list. Is a single layer tinfoil hat thick enough to protect us from all those demonic gamma rays, or should we go to 2 ply? I'm pretty sure I saw the neighbors dog doing a demonic dance the other day. He was jumping around and barking at the base of a tree. He could have been barking at a squirrel, but it looked too demonic for that. I'm so glad you finally opened my eyes.

Look you can joke all you want, but even a guy like Dave Chappelle came flat out and said it like it is. And though Chappelle smokes a lot of weed, he is a guy in my mind he speaks it like it is. He comes out and talks about it, and next thing you know he is dropping off the map and hiding out in Africa. He now lives on a farm in a hippy community called Yellow Springs in Ohio. I've been there, it is a pretty place, but definitely a hippy town. It is where Antioch College is. But his career hasn't been the same since.

Celebrities Going Off About the Illuminati On Video

Wow. If Dave Chappelle said it, it must be true. Did the Illuminati kidnap him and force him to do all that dumb stuff? Is he another victim of your imaginary group that runs the world?
Well Katy Perry is now on tour with Hillary in Pennsylvania. Perry is another one that is believed to be Illuminati... from how she "sold out" going from a Christian music singer from a very religious family to singing about kissing other girls and dressing provocatively.

So you think Katy Perry is part of your imaginary secret society who controls the world?

NFL's latest conspiracy? It's Katy Perry

All the Illuminati References in Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Video

OK. You convinced me. Katy Perry is an evil demon. What now? Are other singers evil demons too? I need a list. Is a single layer tinfoil hat thick enough to protect us from all those demonic gamma rays, or should we go to 2 ply? I'm pretty sure I saw the neighbors dog doing a demonic dance the other day. He was jumping around and barking at the base of a tree. He could have been barking at a squirrel, but it looked too demonic for that. I'm so glad you finally opened my eyes.

Look you can joke all you want, but even a guy like Dave Chappelle came flat out and said it like it is. And though Chappelle smokes a lot of weed, he is a guy in my mind he speaks it like it is. He comes out and talks about it, and next thing you know he is dropping off the map and hiding out in Africa. He now lives on a farm in a hippy community called Yellow Springs in Ohio. I've been there, it is a pretty place, but definitely a hippy town. It is where Antioch College is. But his career hasn't been the same since.

Celebrities Going Off About the Illuminati On Video

Wow. If Dave Chappelle said it, it must be true. Did the Illuminati kidnap him and force him to do all that dumb stuff? Is he another victim of your imaginary group that runs the world?

He's not the only one...several celebrities have come out about it. Sorry you don't want to open your eyes about it. These organizations exist. The Bildeburg Group, the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the Freemasons...

OK. You convinced me. Katy Perry is an evil demon. What now? Are other singers evil demons too? I need a list. Is a single layer tinfoil hat thick enough to protect us from all those demonic gamma rays, or should we go to 2 ply? I'm pretty sure I saw the neighbors dog doing a demonic dance the other day. He was jumping around and barking at the base of a tree. He could have been barking at a squirrel, but it looked too demonic for that. I'm so glad you finally opened my eyes.

Look you can joke all you want, but even a guy like Dave Chappelle came flat out and said it like it is. And though Chappelle smokes a lot of weed, he is a guy in my mind he speaks it like it is. He comes out and talks about it, and next thing you know he is dropping off the map and hiding out in Africa. He now lives on a farm in a hippy community called Yellow Springs in Ohio. I've been there, it is a pretty place, but definitely a hippy town. It is where Antioch College is. But his career hasn't been the same since.

Celebrities Going Off About the Illuminati On Video

Wow. If Dave Chappelle said it, it must be true. Did the Illuminati kidnap him and force him to do all that dumb stuff? Is he another victim of your imaginary group that runs the world?

He's not the only one...several celebrities have come out about it. Sorry you don't want to open your eyes about it. These organizations exist. The Bildeburg Group, the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the Freemasons...

I already thanked you for opening my eyes. What about that list of demonic singers , and what I should do about my neighbor's demonic dog that I asked you about?

OK. You convinced me. Katy Perry is an evil demon. What now? Are other singers evil demons too? I need a list. Is a single layer tinfoil hat thick enough to protect us from all those demonic gamma rays, or should we go to 2 ply? I'm pretty sure I saw the neighbors dog doing a demonic dance the other day. He was jumping around and barking at the base of a tree. He could have been barking at a squirrel, but it looked too demonic for that. I'm so glad you finally opened my eyes.

Look you can joke all you want, but even a guy like Dave Chappelle came flat out and said it like it is. And though Chappelle smokes a lot of weed, he is a guy in my mind he speaks it like it is. He comes out and talks about it, and next thing you know he is dropping off the map and hiding out in Africa. He now lives on a farm in a hippy community called Yellow Springs in Ohio. I've been there, it is a pretty place, but definitely a hippy town. It is where Antioch College is. But his career hasn't been the same since.

Celebrities Going Off About the Illuminati On Video

Wow. If Dave Chappelle said it, it must be true. Did the Illuminati kidnap him and force him to do all that dumb stuff? Is he another victim of your imaginary group that runs the world?

He's not the only one...several celebrities have come out about it. Sorry you don't want to open your eyes about it. These organizations exist. The Bildeburg Group, the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the Freemasons...

I already thanked you for opening my eyes. What about that list of demonic singers , and what I should do about my neighbor's demonic dog that I asked you about?
So you're changing your story now? I thought you said it was specifically black people she was going for. Looks like you're just trying to come up with something to whine about.

Actually it's both. It was designed to attract blacks to her "concert" and to show the country how much she loves dem black folks.
The Illuminati don't care about skin color or how the people make their money. All they care about is that they do make money, and that they get millions of people to follow them so that they can propagate their message to the masses.

Oh, wait. You think the Illuminati is a real thing?
So you're changing your story now? I thought you said it was specifically black people she was going for. Looks like you're just trying to come up with something to whine about.

Actually it's both. It was designed to attract blacks to her "concert" and to show the country how much she loves dem black folks.





Second... Given the fact the Republicans are running the most open appeal to racism since George Wallace in 1968, black people do need to be aware and get involved.

Second... Given the fact the Republicans are running the most open appeal to racism since George Wallace in 1968, black people do need to be aware and get involved.

Yes, because every Republican candidate is racist, sexist homophobe.............

Trust me, the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats is for blacks to become aware. If that ever happens, they will lose the black vote almost entirely.
Yes, because every Republican candidate is racist, sexist homophobe.............

Trust me, the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats is for blacks to become aware. If that ever happens, they will lose the black vote almost entirely.

Actually, the best thing that could happen is for stupid ass racist cracker like you to realize that when your boss cancels your health coverage, that voting Republican is the dumbest thing you can do.
Actually, the best thing that could happen is for stupid ass racist cracker like you to realize that when your boss cancels your health coverage, that voting Republican is the dumbest thing you can do.

Why? Government caused the problem, so the best thing for me is more government out of my life. The more government stays out of my life, the better. It's the way our founders designed this country, and every time government gets more involved, the worse it is for working and responsible people.
Why? Government caused the problem, so the best thing for me is more government out of my life. The more government stays out of my life, the better. It's the way our founders designed this country, and every time government gets more involved, the worse it is for working and responsible people.

are you fucking retarded?

Do you know how miserable the existence was for most people before the 20th century and all the 'government' you bemoan?

I don't want to live in the country the Founding Slave Rapists wanted. I want to live in the one I grew up in.

The one where working people brought home good union wages, and lived a good life.
are you fucking retarded?

Do you know how miserable the existence was for most people before the 20th century and all the 'government' you bemoan?

I don't want to live in the country the Founding Slave Rapists wanted. I want to live in the one I grew up in.

The one where working people brought home good union wages, and lived a good life.

You and your ilk would love a totally government run country. That's why I can't figure out why you leftists don't move to places like Cuba, North Korea, China. It's government everything including healthcare and no guns. You don't have to worry about the rich either. Everybody is equal--equally poor.

Free people do want to live the way our founders created this country. It was their creation that made us the greatest country in the world in just a few hundred years. Much of that is because we had limited government.

Our country didn't get better because of government, our country improved because of innovation and the freedom to create and sell products that make all of our lives much easier.
You and your ilk would love a totally government run country. That's why I can't figure out why you leftists don't move to places like Cuba, North Korea, China. It's government everything including healthcare and no guns. You don't have to worry about the rich either. Everybody is equal--equally poor.

yes, countries we've been punishing for decades by waging economic war, because we wouldn't want them working folks to get any ideas.

again, I'd like to go back to 1970 or so, before republicans started fucking everything up.

Free people do want to live the way our founders created this country. It was their creation that made us the greatest country in the world in just a few hundred years. Much of that is because we had limited government.

Uh, right. Free people. Of course, in the founders America, you had slavery, women couldn't vote, people who didn't own land couldn't vote, and they didn't elect presidents or senators directly. But you think they were interested in Freedom.

The reality- the American Revolution was about rich people protecting the interests of rich people.

Our country didn't get better because of government, our country improved because of innovation and the freedom to create and sell products that make all of our lives much easier.

No, our country got better because we had a series of progressive presidents like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, LBJ who saw that the country had to work for everyone, not just the rich. It got better because we had a labor movement and a civil rights movement that made things better for working folks.

and then we have dumb shits like you, who really think because you have white skin and a dick, that you are somehow better than the other working folks, and vote for clowns like Trump who don't give a shit about you.
Illuminati? This belongs in conspiracy theorys

How come if the Illuminati maybe support Hillary it is a conspiracy theory, but if the KKK support Trump it is political?

Because the KKK is real. The Illuminati is a conspiracy theory nut's wet dream.
The KKK is a joke, they have been from the start. Think about it, a bunch of clowns running around in sheets...
They've never have the percentages to be taken as serious. Just face it you're a lemming
So you're changing your story now? I thought you said it was specifically black people she was going for. Looks like you're just trying to come up with something to whine about.

Actually it's both. It was designed to attract blacks to her "concert" and to show the country how much she loves dem black folks.





Second... Given the fact the Republicans are running the most open appeal to racism since George Wallace in 1968, black people do need to be aware and get involved.
Too bad you don't know what real racism is... it's best if you stay in your moms basement, in seclusion.

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