So Called Terrorism

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Can a journalist give an honest report about a "terrorist" organization without getting charged with material support?
Journalists even call Palestinian leadership of Hamas & the PA as terrorist organizations. Oh those Zionists. What will they come up with next? Right?
Got news for you. Unless & until the Palestinian people overthrow their leadership the Palestinians will remain their own worst enemy. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
I already know that.

But you ducked my question.
Can a journalist give an honest report about a "terrorist" organization without getting charged with material support?

Yes of course.
Can be a dishonest journalist or a honest observer,
their professional quality doesn't determine material support.

Material support is specific activity in assistance of criminal organizations.

the term material support or resources means any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who may be or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials;
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What are you alluding to?

He wants us to pretend that terrorism,
is only a political jargon, rather than a criminal activity.
And material support for criminal activity is a matter of free speech.

I.e. the Boston bomber was honestly expressing his legal political protest...
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I already know that.

But you ducked my question.
Try to understand. You see, your question is irrelevant. It matters not what any journalist says. What does mater is what leadership of the people have to say.

Israel leadership has tried numerous times to negotiate with the PA but to no avail so not any more. And Israel leadership has made it quite clear Israel will not even attempt to negotiate with Hamas. The only hope for peace is for the Palestinians to change their leadership by accepting the fact that Israel is there to stay.
He wants us to pretend that terrorism,
is only a political jargon, rather than a criminal activity.
Only a handful of countries call Palestinians terrorists. Most do not. It is only a matter of political opinion.
Only a handful of countries call Palestinians terrorists. Most do not. It is only a matter of political opinion.

So-called ''pal'istanians' proudly call their offspring terrorists. More than a handful.

In the past few decades, many Palestinian parents have publicly boasted of the involvement of their children and family members in terrorist attacks against Jews.
So-called ''pal'istanians' proudly call their offspring terrorists. More than a handful.

In the past few decades, many Palestinian parents have publicly boasted of the involvement of their children and family members in terrorist attacks against Jews.
Jewish Press - Lying sack of shit Israeli propaganda site.

Not one quote of a Palestinian mentioning terrorism.
Jewish Press - Lying sack of shit Israeli propaganda site.

Not one quote of a Palestinian mentioning terrorism.
If you want "quotes" of Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians mentioning terrorism, you can find lots of youtube videos.
Only a handful of countries call Palestinians terrorists. Most do not. It is only a matter of political opinion.

Islamic Jihad and Qasam brigades are illegal in 5 continents.
So why should you switch to another false premise,
and appeal to the 'bridge' for popularity.
to compensate for logical reasoning?

Terrorist designation is category in criminal law,
states listing criminal organizations don't 'call
Palestinians terrorists
', but the organizations,
and specific criminal activity.


Was the Boston bomber persecuted
for 'honestly expressing' a political opinion?
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Jewish Press - Lying sack of shit Israeli propaganda site.

Not one quote of a Palestinian mentioning terrorism.

--What lie did you find in the article?

Read the first Al-Jazeerah link,
it's plenty of such mentions,
referred to as 'operations'.

Then tells us,
if a school teacher,
going on a killing spree in Jerusalem,
better charged for'honestly expressing a political opinion',
and punished similarly to that of pimps and drug syndicates?
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Yes of course.
Can be a dishonest journalist or a honest observer,
their professional quality doesn't determine material support.

Material support is specific activity in assistance of criminal organizations.

Perhaps my question was not very clear. You have missed the point.

Recently Israel has added 6 Palestinian human rights organizations to their terrorist name calling list. Since then these people have participated in conferences and interviews and are praised for their work. Material support?

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