So Democrats Are Going to Dump Their Top Candidate Over a Kiss? Seriously?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​
If Biden was a Republican the Democrats would be calling him a rapist.

The Democrats have tied themselves into a non white candidate.
Scott walker was the top GOP candidate this time in the last presidential election. Whatever happened to him?
I think, yes, this will sink him. The optics are bad and it will impact the women's vote.

#JoeToo #GeeYourHairSmellsTerrific
Soros does not want an old white person this time. He's taking them all out 10 Little Indians style
Biden will lose the nomination, but it won't be because of this. It will be because he served as the rubber stamp right hand man to Obama, who's legacy was resoundly rejected in the 2016 election. Many of Trump's votes came from people that had voted for Obama before, and had lost faith in their party. Biden will also lose because the Democratic party is now held totally hostage to radical anti American commies.

The Dems will elevate a crazy radical and then go on to a catastrophic defeat in 2020, which will bring about the destruction of the Democratic Party and 40 years of roaming in the desert until they get the American people right.
Biden will lose the nomination, but it won't be because of this. It will be because he served as the rubber stamp right hand man to Obama, who's legacy was resoundly rejected in the 2016 election. Many of Trump's votes came from people that had voted for Obama before, and had lost faith in their party. Biden will also lose because the Democratic party is now held totally hostage to radical anti American commies.

The Dems will elevate a crazy radical and then go on to a catastrophic defeat in 2020, which will bring about the destruction of the Democratic Party and 40 years of roaming in the desert until they get the American people right.

Trump will be reelected...
I think the US government will be in danger of being overthrown.

I don't think the globalists actually plan to win in 2020....I believe they are organizing an overthrow army starting now.

Joe needs to come out and say he sees no difference between an American citizen and an illegal, then Dimocrats will love him.
These acts have been on camera for years. We have known he is a creeper for years.
People are so fucking stupid.
Why don't dems just go with AOC/Some Illegal Alien or Communist dictator as her VP?

Obama already proved that Presidential "qualification" were just suggestions
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​

What do you mean? All women must be believed. Lucy Flores is a victim. Biden is a sexual predator.
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​

What do you mean? All women must be believed. Lucy Flores is a victim. Biden is a sexual predator.

I believe Flores!
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​

What do you mean? All women must be believed. Lucy Flores is a victim. Biden is a sexual predator.

Look the Woman is a Latina Dem and she's still saying it! Let's face it....he's gone.

He has been rubbing the girls asses whenn he's behind them......

Onne video shows the girl starting to cry ...
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​

What do you mean? All women must be believed. Lucy Flores is a victim. Biden is a sexual predator.

I believe Flores!

she's in the same political party she has absolutely nothing to gain by lying about this and probably a lot to lose by telling the truth about it. It sure as hell isn't going to help her political career.


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