So Democrats Are Going to Dump Their Top Candidate Over a Kiss? Seriously?

Yeah it's icnrediblewhat these pukes get away with as they have the balls to punish the slaves for the same crimes. Better prosecute all or nonen fkn hypocritical fkrs.
Biden will lose the nomination, but it won't be because of this. It will be because he served as the rubber stamp right hand man to Obama, who's legacy was resoundly rejected in the 2016 election. Many of Trump's votes came from people that had voted for Obama before, and had lost faith in their party. Biden will also lose because the Democratic party is now held totally hostage to radical anti American commies.

The Dems will elevate a crazy radical and then go on to a catastrophic defeat in 2020, which will bring about the destruction of the Democratic Party and 40 years of roaming in the desert until they get the American people right.

Trump will be reelected...
I think the US government will be in danger of being overthrown.

I don't think the globalists actually plan to win in 2020....I believe they are organizing an overthrow army starting now.

They control 1/2 of 1/3 of the govt. and are behaving as if they run all of it. Their "army" in the media started mobilizing and went into action in November 2016. They have been conspiring with their deep state plants to remove this president from office, which has been unsuccessful.
If so the Dimocrats have well earned their reputation for self-destructive stupidity.

WaPo's Capehart on Biden Accusations: Not Sure if Democrats Have the 'Patience' to Entertain Him Running | Breitbart

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” network contributor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart reacted to former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores’ accusations that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately kissed and touched her at a campaign rally in 2014.

Capehart questioned if the Democratic Party has the “patience” to entertain a potential Biden 2020 presidential run, given the accusations and “awkward” videos and images of Biden from over the years.

“I don’t know if the Democratic Party even has the patience anymore to entertain someone like Vice President Joe Biden who has these accusations against him running for president,” Capehart stated.​
I knew that they were going to play this game. They are so predictable. The polls were rigged. Joe Biden was never their top challenger. The Globalist paid to make it look as if Biden was winning, And now they pushes out this narrative that they gotten rid of their top candidate. But now they are going to say that the Republicans better surrender their as well. If not, so then they'll push this narrative out that the Republican party is a party of sexual assaults. These people has warped minds. They has many wicked schemes up their sleeves.

Look again, it ain't just a kiss. Biden has become America's crazy old uncle. Don't get me wrong though I hope democrats keep supporting him.

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