So...explain Texas...


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
Okay. Someone needs to help me with this anomaly. First, we have the Right Wing rhetoric concerning the Affordable Care Act. That rhetoric is that the ACA does not save anyone money. It costs individual citizens money, and it costs States money. It is expensive, and costs money all around, making it a bad idea. If I have misrepresented this position, then please correct my misunderstanding.

Consider Texas. Governor Perry is, arguably, one of the most vocal opponents of President Obama, in general, and the Affordable Care Act, in particular. He is such an opponent that he, and the Republican-led Texas legislature created the Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency. They had one mandate, and one mandate only - find a way to make Healthcare affordable for Texans, without making use of Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act) in any way shape or form. That was pretty much it. We want to provide healthcare to Texans, We don't want to use Obamacare to do it.

Well, the IHCQE just made it's recommendation to Perry. Anyone care to guess what it is?
A board of medical professionals appointed by Gov. Rick Perry said Wednesday that the state should provide health coverage to low-income Texans under the Affordable Care Act — a move the Republican-led Legislature has opposed.

The 15-member Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency recommended that the state’s health commissioner be authorized to negotiate a Texas-specific agreement with the federal government to expand health coverage to the poor, “using available federal funds.

Perry-Appointed Board Backs Health Coverage Expansion|The Texas Tribune

So, if Obamacare is such a universally bad idea that is such a boondoggle to both individuals, and states, then why did a conservative think tank on healthcare, commissioned by a conservative governor, and a conservative state legislature, in an unquestionably conservative state come to the conclusion that the best thing for that governor to do for his citizens is implement this very policy that all of the fake conservatives are insisting is killing our economy, and bankrupting our citizens?, I take it no one wants to explain why this extremely conservative group is advising Governor Perry to do exactly what all of the alleged "conservatives" (and I use that term loosely) insist is destroying our economy, and bankrupting our citizens?, I take it no one wants to explain why this extremely conservative group is advising Governor Perry to do exactly what all of the alleged "conservatives" (and I use that term loosely) insist is destroying our economy, and bankrupting our citizens?
:gives:, I take it no one wants to explain why this extremely conservative group is advising Governor Perry to do exactly what all of the alleged "conservatives" (and I use that term loosely) insist is destroying our economy, and bankrupting our citizens?
Well, that has been kind what I have been screaming about the fake conservatives talking points for some time. I'm glad the attitude is finally catching on. Maybe that needs to be the attitude with the fake conservatives in general: Who gives a fuck?

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