Thanks Joe! 'Texas Seizes Enough Fentanyl To Kill Everyone In 'US And Mexico Combined'

Go ahead, and continue to downplay what has been happening. The majority of Americans are NOT with you.
Who's downplaying? Asking a legit question. Shouldn't this have been taken care of by the orange douchebag?

Did he or did he not promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border within his first 100 days in office? Heck, he even bragged that he would make Mexico pay for it.

Yes or No?

So, if yes, then why didn't he? And, why are you retards blaming Biden?

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

Wandering American Killing *Joe even sent them t-shirts.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
And it's been going on for four hundred years
Who's downplaying? Asking a legit question. Shouldn't this have been taken care of by the orange douchebag?

Did he or did he not promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border within his first 100 days in office? Heck, he even bragged that he would make Mexico pay for it.

Yes or No?

So, if yes, then why didn't he? And, why are you retards blaming Biden?

You and everyone on the left.
No matter what the effort is to curb the invasion, you guys will ALWAYS rush in and throw cold water on the effort.
Trump had four years to build it...
True but he had other things to clean up as well, such as Obama and Xiden’s JV team, and their wars of necessity, plus he had to get the economy gojng

Certainly I wish he had gotten it done, but given what xiden did, he would of torn it all down
And it's been going on for four hundred years

Thanks for the history lesson.
True but he had other things to clean up as well, such as Obama and Xiden’s JV team, and their wars of necessity, plus he had to get the economy gojng

Certainly I wish he had gotten it done, but given what xiden did, he would of torn it all down
Sounds like excuses

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