So funny - Impeachment talk & suddenly Hillary is Back!

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
I can't stop laughing. As soon as talk of an Impeachment Inquiries starts HILLARY IS BACK!!! I think she wants to run for President again.

I was watching Meet the Press where both Giuliani and Schiff came across as deranged. But it was followed by a "Big Announcement" commercial that "Hillary Clinton will be on THE VIEW tomorrow!" The commercial was like "Must see TV, It's Hillary!"

I threw up in my mouth a little.

Me? I think this whole impeachment narrative is being driven BY THE MEDIA. Ratings at MSNBC and CNN are in the tank. Even the networks are losing out to Netflix. The one-sided (liberal) MEDIA is driving this impeachment debate (it is not an impeachment yet, and it may never be) because they need the ratings (and that is not a joke).

By the way -

1) New affidavits show that the prosecutor (Shokin) who Biden got fired says that HE WAS FIRED BECAUSE JOE BIDEN DEMANDED IT - You can read his personal legal affidavit here: Shokin Statement
She and Chelsea were on CBS Sunday Morning, this morning. She sounded so nice and thoughtful, while spewing lies. She calls Trump a criminal. LMFAO. Talk about projecting.
Why won't that bitch just go away? She's never gonna be Queen...I mean President, and neither is her ugly ass daughter.
Impeachment of Donald Trump is the wet dream the Democrats have been having since the first day he took office in 2016. That is how pathetic the Democratic Party has become. "He took our power, we want it back. How do we Impeach him?"
Again, just a week ago, the country was focused on Bill's pedo buddy Epstein and the democrook donor Ed Buck.

Then the media and democrooks suddenly come up with a new asinine accusation and run right into impeachment with it.

Notice a pattern here?

The UK ignoring the will of the people at the very same moment...
She and Chelsea were on CBS Sunday Morning, this morning. She sounded so nice and thoughtful, while spewing lies. She calls Trump a criminal. LMFAO. Talk about projecting.
Why won't that bitch just go away? She's never gonna be Queen...I mean President, and neither is her ugly ass daughter.

She's a bought and paid for mouthpiece for the DNC, owes billions to her Leftist donors which she failed to cover when she lost in 2016 and now must trump up votes and support wherever they send her!
Hillary Clinton is running for President. The DNC will never allow Warren to be the nominee. Biden is out earlier than expected, so Clinton is moving back into the spotlight a little earlier. This is happening folks. Biden is toast and the DNC will not allow Warren or Sanders to run against Trump.
I agree, and the media is slowly breaking it to us...

Could Trump's Impeachment Crisis Push Hillary Clinton to Run in 2020? (link)

" She’s back. Hillary Clinton, who lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump, lashes into him in a CBS News interview that was released on Thursday, declaring that he’s an “illegitimate president.” She also laced into him on Thursday night in an appearance before the National Abortion Rights Action League, not to mention an appearance on Friday at Georgetown University, where she said that Trump has transformed American foreign policy into “an extortion racket” and “stabbed in the back” career foreign service officers. Them’s fightin’ words! "
I can't stop laughing. As soon as talk of an Impeachment Inquiries starts HILLARY IS BACK!!! I think she wants to run for President again.

Dem's know none of their 2020 Dem hopefuls can beat Trump. It would not surprise me in the least. Or she's just being the vindictive bitch she's always been, coin toss.
Barack won't let her run. But he WILL let Michael run, after sabotaging all the other candidates.

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