So How Do You Close Enormous National Parks? Tourists Will Find A Way In.

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Now think about it, Yellowstone? Grand Canyon? Sequoia National Park?, Pretty big parks right? Wouldn't you need a few thousand guards to surround the borders?
Americans are creative, if they can't get in thru one entrance, they will just use their hiking/hunter skills and find those short cuts/crevices. Just make sure you have weapons in case you run into an angry bear or mountain lion.
Who knows, next week they might shut down disneyworld. (But Floridians will still sneak in).

Now think about it, Yellowstone? Grand Canyon? Sequoia National Park?, Pretty big parks right? Wouldn't you need a few thousand guards to surround the borders?
Americans are creative, if they can't get in thru one entrance, they will just use their hiking/hunter skills and find those short cuts/crevices. Just make sure you have weapons in case you run into an angry bear or mountain lion.
Who knows, next week they might shut down disneyworld. (But Floridians will still sneak in).

What is truly amazing is that this administration can find a way to shut down places like this but they are totally lost when it comes to something as critically important as shutting down the borders.
I say we take all the politicians and dump them in Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon without weapons and let them find there way out. We can make it a pay per view reality show to pay off the national debt and we can call it "So You Want To Shut Down Your Country".

Just a thought.

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