So How Does the #3 In Line to the White House Have a Home Invader Break Into Her Home?

And you’d be wrong. Scalise was close to dying.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was reading about death threats made against him in 2018 but no actual attack was carried out.

What happened with Kavanaugh is worth comparing I’ll admit.
Nothing is going to get in the way of the fact that rightwing violence is far more prevalent than leftwing violence.
I love how you make a thread on this to avoid the most obvious point about the entire incident itself.

Who the fuck cares if Pelosi didn’t have better security? That’s her problem. The actual thing that MATTERS is that this was clearly yet another example of violent RW extremism.

Luckily for us, these morons rarely accomplish their goals. This moron in particular told the police he was waiting for Nancy to come home. Like the 1/6 Neanderthals, these people fucking useless.

She's No 3 in line. You'd think she'd at least have a top notch mall cop watching over her plantation.
Pictures do not mean jack shit. Statistics do. If I showed you all the pics and videos from 1/6, it’s not like you would give a shit.

Lol most of these pics are from the same incident when a limo was set on fire. The others are pictures of signs. On the horror! Sorry Karen but you’re overreacting again.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was reading about death threats made against him in 2018 but no actual attack was carried out.

What happened with Kavanaugh is worth comparing I’ll admit.
Some deranged leftist shot up a Congressional Republican baseball game, and it nearly cost Scalise his life. It was MAJOR news. (Did the lib media not cover it because it didn’t fit the liberal narrative?) He lost a LOT of blood - almost bled out right on the field - and required multiple surgeries and months of recovery.

Some deranged leftist shot up a Congressional Republican baseball game, and it nearly cost Scalise his life. It was MAJOR news. (Did the lib media not cover it because it didn’t fit the liberal narrative?) He lost a LOT of blood - almost bled out right on the field - and required multiple surgeries and months of recovery.

That’s notable I’ll admit. It really does not change my point that rightwing extremism is far more prevalent than leftwing.

Where were their self defense firearms?

That Paul idiot brought a hammer and the Hippy Dude took it away from him and hit him with it. That is real stupidity.

See what being anti right to keep and bear arms will get you?
I told you this was a false flag.....nobody but a leftist would try something this clearly fake.

if this was a real true right-wing patriot, both Nancy and her drunk husband would be dead...because that is how you protect freedom!!
Where were their self defense firearms?

That Paul idiot brought a hammer and the Hippy Dude took it away from him and hit him with it. That is real stupidity.

See what being anti right to keep and bear arms will get you?
That is because Paul is a can an 82 year old guy not take out someone half his age?? He had a hammer and he still got his ass kicked.....old people are so lame
Thread headline correction. Technically, she is number two in line. Brandon is already President, so he’s not “in line.” Then, God help us all, there’s our illustrious vice President as number one in line. Then, number 2 is Pelousy.
Thread headline correction. Technically, she is number two in line. Brandon is already President, so he’s not “in line.” Then, God help us all, there’s our illustrious vice President as number one in line. Then, number 2 is Pelousy.
Nothing to worry about....Reps will re-take the House....Trump will be appointed Speaker of the House, Biden and Harris will be impeached for treason and murder and sentenced to death...Trump will be back in office..and then he will be able to serve 4 more years after that ....or more than that if he decides that is best for America.
Nothing to worry about....Reps will re-take the House....Trump will be appointed Speaker of the House, Biden and Harris will be impeached for treason and murder and sentenced to death...Trump will be back in office..and then he will be able to serve 4 more years after that ....or more than that if he decides that is best for America.
Or, we aren’t talking about some dystopian future where our former leaders get tried for nonsensical reasons.

Here and now, Pelousy is number 2 in line.

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