So How Will Libs React To Conservatives Describing Paul Ryan As "Kennedy-Esque"?

Here is the problem as I see it: Republicans tend to see every new republican pol as being a reincarnation of someone in the past. Only to be disappointed....everytime!

Dont you think you're setting the bar too high? Where disappointment can be the only result?

Remember Palin was the new Iron Lady, That new tea party member is the new Hamilton etc.

This kind of comparison can only lead to the right saying "WTF?" when they cast one vote against party lines. But then again, repubs seem to relish in disappointment and considers everything to be against them i.e. the media, liberals, govt etc.

So I guess its not surprising when they claim someone has let them down.
Here is the problem as I see it: Republicans tend to see every new republican pol as being a reincarnation of someone in the past. Only to be disappointed....everytime!

Dont you think you're setting the bar too high? Where disappointment can be the only result?

Remember Palin was the new Iron Lady, That new tea party member is the new Hamilton etc.

This kind of comparison can only lead to the right saying "WTF?" when they cast one vote against party lines. But then again, repubs seem to relish in disappointment and considers everything to be against them i.e. the media, liberals, govt etc.

So I guess its not surprising when they claim someone has let them down.

Might be some truth to that of course how high did the left set the bar with Obama they built him up to be FDR, JFK. and Jesus all rolled into one. At least when someone on the right does not live up to the hype they can admit it in some cases at least. Most on the left still can't bring themselves to acknowledge Obama's failings and shortcomings or even admit that he has any.
It's not a good idea to call a politician "Kennedyesque" for a couple of reasons. First of all people are realizing that JFK's legacy is a bit tarnished. Plus there are old timers around who would be quick to use the old Bentsen quote "I knew Kennedy and you sir are no Kennedy". It's fun to quote Reagan though. When Bubba Bill Clinton liked to compare himself to Thomas Jefferson Reagan joked: "I knew Thomas Jefferson and you are no Jefferson".
I can't wait for the Paul Ryan Commemorative Plates to hit the market. will they be made in china?
and now O'Bozo is going to be following Ryan around? what? is Bozo afraid of what Ryan will say at his massive rallies? Bozo is also going to iowa tomorrow,,,,,why isnt he in the white house doing his job?
Brace yourself, I'm about to shock you.

The President, of these United States is running for reelection! They tend to campaign, fund raise, things of that nature whilst doing so.
Sure hope you saw their act in Waukesha today..........


I'd bet my ranch and yours that Paul will be covered by every newshound in the country tomorrow.
Kennedy-Esque: ken·ne·dy/ˈkenidē/ esque
1. The act of turning a limousine into a Submarine while under the influence of alcohol.

No... Ryan doesn't seem very Kennedy-Esque to me.
so if yobama wont be in the white house till september 15th, does that mean Bin Biden is running the show?
in 2016 Obama will demand that the term "Obama-Esque" be used to describe future incompetent presidents&vice presidents,,,,,Oh,,,,,Like Obama and Biden??
in 2016 Obama will demand that the term "Obama-Esque" be used to describe future incompetent presidents&vice presidents,,,,,Oh,,,,,Like Obama and Biden??

I give you a gold star for trying. Keep working at it and you'll have your "I hate Obama" tangent down packed by the end of his 2nd term.
Here is the problem as I see it: Republicans tend to see every new republican pol as being a reincarnation of someone in the past. Only to be disappointed....everytime!

Dont you think you're setting the bar too high? Where disappointment can be the only result?

Remember Palin was the new Iron Lady, That new tea party member is the new Hamilton etc.

This kind of comparison can only lead to the right saying "WTF?" when they cast one vote against party lines. But then again, repubs seem to relish in disappointment and considers everything to be against them i.e. the media, liberals, govt etc.

So I guess its not surprising when they claim someone has let them down.

Might be some truth to that of course how high did the left set the bar with Obama they built him up to be FDR, JFK. and Jesus all rolled into one. At least when someone on the right does not live up to the hype they can admit it in some cases at least. Most on the left still can't bring themselves to acknowledge Obama's failings and shortcomings or even admit that he has any.

You couldnt name one person who made any of those comparisons. Strawman fail!
in 2016 Obama will demand that the term "Obama-Esque" be used to describe future incompetent presidents&vice presidents,,,,,Oh,,,,,Like Obama and Biden??

I give you a gold star for trying. Keep working at it and you'll have your "I hate Obama" tangent down packed by the end of his 2nd term.

Well said ... The Op better get his diapers ready when Obama wins the election. BTW OP your posts sound like a rerun of Fox news.. and of coarse its probably your only news source.
and i forgot to mention, it was that charles grouseklahmenhammen commentator who initially started using the new "kennedy-esque" term. give it time ,it will spread. I hope that after the RNC convention we will be hearing, Paul Ryan, the next John Kennedy,,,just to irritate the left!

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