So How Will Libs React To Conservatives Describing Paul Ryan As "Kennedy-Esque"?

So How Will Libs React To Conservatives Describing Paul Ryan As "Kennedy-Esque"?

The same way we did when you morons were describing Sarah Palin as "Reagan-esque" four years ago....

We will laugh our asses off about it and after Obama gets reelected, rub your noses in it.
and lets not already assume Obumma has won florida, lets see what happens in the primary tomorrow before making any conclusions. I live here and all polls say Ben Nelson is gonna get a liberal asswhippin'

Although it's early, the term "Kennedyesque" has already been used by a conservative commentator on Fox today (Sunday).
Once the description goes viral, many on the right will agree with it, especially with Paul Ryan being 42, attractive, articulate, etc.,just like Kennedy was.
And remember how Obama was perceived to be the modern day jesus&moses rolled into one (in 2008),and at least half of America laughed at the comparison?
The left will be outraged once America sees a little of Kennedy and Reagan in the persona of Paul Ryan. You can just vision Chris Matthews saying "What?!! Paul Ryan is the next John Kennedy? !!! This is a Travesty! Have Americans gone to hell thinking Paul Ryan is some kind of saint !!!!

you wont hear too much of the comparison till RNC week. well at least Ryan is handsome, that will help him take away a few thousand of those "Stupid Naive" single woman block Yobama has a hold of.

Ryan and Palin are the same.

At the bar, they're attractive, until they start talking, and the more they talk, the less good-looking they appear.

Not really.

Palin had an appeal to the blue collar folks. She spoke their language. She wasn't into complexity or nuance.

Ryan is the opposite.

But their agendas are basically the same.
Ryan comes off as a stiff ideologue, with no feelings at all for the rest of the citizens in the US that are not in the favored 1%
Ryan comes off as a stiff ideologue, with no feelings at all for the rest of the citizens in the US that are not in the favored 1%

That's probably because Ryan is a stiff ideologue, with no feelings at all for the rest of the citizens in the US that are not in the favored 1%. It's like Romney was attempting to pick his political doppledanger.
David Axelnose is crapping his pants. he is so jealous of paul ryan cause he is so good looking, and Axelrod looks like a 300 pound aardvark with a big nose.
Kennedy-esque ???

Why such a derogatory comparison.....................Ryans no silver spooned, drunken, adulterer..........

Although it's early, the term "Kennedyesque" has already been used by a conservative commentator on Fox today (Sunday).
Once the description goes viral, many on the right will agree with it, especially with Paul Ryan being 42, attractive, articulate, etc.,just like Kennedy was.
And remember how Obama was perceived to be the modern day jesus&moses rolled into one (in 2008),and at least half of America laughed at the comparison?
The left will be outraged once America sees a little of Kennedy and Reagan in the persona of Paul Ryan. You can just vision Chris Matthews saying "What?!! Paul Ryan is the next John Kennedy? !!! This is a Travesty! Have Americans gone to hell thinking Paul Ryan is some kind of saint !!!!

I cant wait until a Biden/Ryan debate.........

Ryan will intellectually hand Biden his ass with a cherry on top....

It will probably be more of a comedy than "debate."

An informed 9th grader could beat Biden in a debate.... Biden doesn't know how to do anything but blame.

The entire Obama team campaign mantra will be "don't vote for those guys because they're too successful and you're not."

Remember success is bad to progressives, making money is bad to progressives. If they're not rich then everyone should be poor..... Well of course unless you're Sean Penn or Rosanne Barr, George Clooney or Jorge Soros - then it's fine of course...
Ryan comes off as a stiff ideologue, with no feelings at all for the rest of the citizens in the US that are not in the favored 1%

That's probably because Ryan is a stiff ideologue, with no feelings at all for the rest of the citizens in the US that are not in the favored 1%. It's like Romney was attempting to pick his political doppledanger.

Typical progressive bullshit - "let us live for free or you don't have feelings for us."

How about you go earn a dollar?
I wonder how long it will be during the debate for a biden gaffe,,,,,,,What We Need For Our American Citizens Is A Four Letter Word,,,,,S T I M U L U S
Please quote me one liberal reporter, pundit, or elected offical that ever called Obama, moses or jesus like.

Someone could probably find you something more specific than this. This one is scary enough for me:

"I've never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising."

-Chris Matthews
Please quote me one liberal reporter, pundit, or elected offical that ever called Obama, moses or jesus like.

Someone could probably find you something more specific than this. This one is scary enough for me:

"I've never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising."

-Chris Matthews

1st, I dot read that as "comparing Obama to Jesus", however I can understand where the "they think he's Jesus" stuff comes from now.

2nd, I looked up that quote and it took me to a page from 08, I guess he said that before Obama even won the nomination, I had to lol at all the Hillary supporters rants at the bottom of the page.
anyone here been reading the free republic sight? one thread mentions ryan as the next ronny reagan. they are so friggin excited over paul ryan,,,,,on one post it was mentioned that biden drew a crowd of 660 in north carolina just recently,,LOL
"Kennedy-Esque"? The closest persona and ideology Paul Ryan represents is this man.

Both propagandists and staunch advocates of social Darwinism.


In 2005, Ryan revealed “the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand,” the cult figure who in the turgid 1200-page novel “Atlas Shrugged” proclaimed money as “the root of all good” and labeled those who don’t agree as “moochers” and “looters.”

Ah tell us more about this

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