So I'm still a Christian..


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
Back in the spring I broke the news on here that I opened my mind back up to religion and gave myself to God after most of my adult life spent being agnostic. Some thought it wouldn't last long, but so far it's still a go :D

Haven't been able to make church in a while though, I've been working Sundays for the past 3 months.

Just thought I'd share that. :thup:
glad to hear it....i remember when you decided to go back to church.

Actually it wasn't that I went BACK to church, because I never went to begin with. I believed in god in my younger years, but we weren't church goers.

I did go every sunday when I was in basic training though, but that was mostly just to get away from drill instructors for a few hours.
glad to hear it....i remember when you decided to go back to church.

Actually it wasn't that I went BACK to church, because I never went to begin with. I believed in god in my younger years, but we weren't church goers.

I did go every sunday when I was in basic training though, but that was mostly just to get away from drill instructors for a few hours.

Congratulations, Paulie! Don't let the fact that you haven't been able to go "to church" trouble you. What you carry in your heart is what matters. The sticks and bricks are not "the Church", you are.
You and other believers. It's hard to follow your faith without meeting with others who are in the same boat.

But congrats, Paulie!
You and other believers. It's hard to follow your faith without meeting with others who are in the same boat.

But congrats, Paulie!

Yeah, I enjoy congregating with other people in the community. I understand that it isn't the be all end all of faith, but it's an important part of keeping the faith for me.

I'll get back there again soon, I just really can't turn down work these days. I'd be a fool to in this economic environment. We're starting a business and I can't conceivably turn down a single potential dollar right now.
You and other believers. It's hard to follow your faith without meeting with others who are in the same boat.

But congrats, Paulie!

Yeah, I enjoy congregating with other people in the community. I understand that it isn't the be all end all of faith, but it's an important part of keeping the faith for me.

I'll get back there again soon, I just really can't turn down work these days. I'd be a fool to in this economic environment. We're starting a business and I can't conceivably turn down a single potential dollar right now.

See if they have a prayer group that meets during the week, or services on a different day.

The point of meeting with the faithful is about bolstering your own faith, gaining strength, trouble shooting, etc. And to praise God. church definitely has a function and a place.

But of course some of us have to work, too (drats!)
Back in the spring I broke the news on here that I opened my mind back up to religion and gave myself to God after most of my adult life spent being agnostic. Some thought it wouldn't last long, but so far it's still a go :D

Haven't been able to make church in a while though, I've been working Sundays for the past 3 months.

Just thought I'd share that. :thup:

Thanks. For a while there, I thought you might end up

You and other believers. It's hard to follow your faith without meeting with others who are in the same boat.

But congrats, Paulie!

Yeah, I enjoy congregating with other people in the community. I understand that it isn't the be all end all of faith, but it's an important part of keeping the faith for me.

I'll get back there again soon, I just really can't turn down work these days. I'd be a fool to in this economic environment. We're starting a business and I can't conceivably turn down a single potential dollar right now.

See if they have a prayer group that meets during the week, or services on a different day.

The point of meeting with the faithful is about bolstering your own faith, gaining strength, trouble shooting, etc. And to praise God. church definitely has a function and a place.

But of course some of us have to work, too (drats!)

There's bible study on Thursday nights, but of course that day is a no-go as well, because my son's speech therapist comes on Thursday nights the same time as service.

He should be done with that pretty soon though, he's finally talking pretty well these days. I think he has his last official evaluation next month, and he's expected to graduate.
So I'm still a Christian..

Christian? I thought you name was Paulie?
Haven't been able to make church in a while though, I've been working Sundays for the past 3 months.

Saturday... God rested on the last day, not the first.

Days of the Jewish Week

Other than Shabbat, the name of the seventh day of the week, the Jewish calendar doesn't have names for the days of the week. The days of the week are simply known as first day, second day, third day, etc. Sometimes they are referred to more fully as First Day of the Sabbath, etc. Below is a list for those who are interested.


Yom Rishon First Day (Sunday)

Yom Sheini Second Day (Monday)

Yom Shlishi Third Day (Tuesday)

Yom R'vi'i Fourth Day (Wednesday)

Yom Chamishi Fifth Day (Thursday)

Yom Shishi Sixth Day (Friday)

Yom Shabbat Sabbath Day (Saturday)
Judaism 101: Jewish Calendar

Also, remember that the important thing is to commune with God, and with your brethren when you can. Don't get too hung up on a building of wood and stone.

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