So In Kentucky, Grimes Agrees That Climates Change(?), And That She Voted For Secretary Clinton!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So Secretary Grimes, likely to vote for Secretary Clinton--or maybe already did(?)--reserves the right to secret ballot. Civil Rights have never really been a strong Republican Policy Agenda. So the GOP disdain for other people's rights showed up again, apparently in the Kentucky, Senate Debates. Also Apparently, showing up(?), is that the press corps itself is not too on board with any person's Civil Rights, itself. Probably now, that is not to be noted, what with Ferguson under attack, or something(?)!

Even Lincoln mainly managed to kill off nearly 700,000 White Males, none of who had tried to kill off one single Black, Hispanic, Chinese or Moslem. That being noted, then McConnell claimed to have no clue about whether or not it rains, or it snows, or whether or not the sun comes out at all(?), Here he lost an important opportunity to show support, his own support, for the Civil Rights To LIfe of any remaining White People, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese or Moslems--facing the new rigors of the worldwide climate events!.

Here he lost an important opportunity, to explain to all the world, that maybe they do have Civil Rights(?), not that Republicans, generally, ever so-state.

In Kentucky Senate race will verve upend sure-footed experience

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Teach that many get called, usually when busy! Few ever actually get chosen(?)! Mostly, Great Spirit likely not too involved, in that(?)!)
It's just funny that she won't, or can't, come out and admit voting for Obola.
Since linking Secretary Grimes with Barack Obama seems the only thing the Senate Minority Leader knows how to do, then taking away the Senator's ammunition likely makes some sense.

It goes maybe to the matter, even, if there was any ammunition in that gun he was showing off, waving it around at everybody(?). Likely the Press Corps, what with Ferguson on-going and all, was more inclined itself: To be ready to dive for cover(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sharia Law now used by Moslem "Freedom Fighters(?)," in Iraq, to justify rape of Kurds. . . .likely female. Like maybe Bush, Cheney and McConnell all knew from the start, the Iraqis themselves don't seemed to alarmed about these kinds of matters!)
Get used to it Mascare, you're going to be seeing a lot of associating Obama with Democratic candidates in the next two years.
Since linking Secretary Grimes with Barack Obama seems the only thing the Senate Minority Leader knows how to do, then taking away the Senator's ammunition likely makes some sense.

It goes maybe to the matter, even, if there was any ammunition in that gun he was showing off, waving it around at everybody(?). Likely the Press Corps, what with Ferguson on-going and all, was more inclined itself: To be ready to dive for cover(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sharia Law now used by Moslem "Freedom Fighters(?)," in Iraq, to justify rape of Kurds. . . .likely female. Like maybe Bush, Cheney and McConnell all knew from the start, the Iraqis themselves don't seemed to alarmed about these kinds of matters!)

McConnell isn't asking Grimes if she voted for Obama, several reporters and the moderator did, and she refuses to say whether she did or didn't. To clever by half!

I have to admit that if I had voted for Obama, I would not admit it either, but I am not running for the Senate as a Democrat. I am sure she takes campaign funds that were raised by Obama at the fundraisers he goes to 5 or 6 times a week.
In Kentucky, Secretary Grimes supports the ACA, and McConnell is "fine" with the ObamaCare website--hoping to repeal, at the same time(?)!
Otherwise, Everyone knows that McConnell has ADS(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The ancient Code of Hammurabi created a kind of Welfare State, if the male found himself unable to pay his debts. The wife and children could be sold into slavery, likely where they got fed, clothed, and housed. The debts were considered paid, after a three welfare/slavery term. Israel found itself bound to Egypt, centuries later, to get fed, clothed, and housed. The ultimate terms were not so generous, but an entire mythology would arise around what happened(?).)
In Kentucky, Secretary Grimes supports the ACA, and McConnell is "fine" with the ObamaCare website--hoping to repeal, at the same time(?)!
Otherwise, Everyone knows that McConnell has ADS(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The ancient Code of Hammurabi created a kind of Welfare State, if the male found himself unable to pay his debts. The wife and children could be sold into slavery, likely where they got fed, clothed, and housed. The debts were considered paid, after a three welfare/slavery term. Israel found itself bound to Egypt, centuries later, to get fed, clothed, and housed. The ultimate terms were not so generous, but an entire mythology would arise around what happened(?).)

Now that I know you are a Doctor and can diagnose ADS, I will have to be a little more respectful. When did you examine the Senator and did you inform him of his problem? Just curious!
There is actually a doctor in Kentucky who in fact has been able to inform all Kentucky that Senator McConnell has ADS!

Even McConnell is apparently having trouble with making "Grimes" and "Obama," the very same persona and policy. Then there is the matter that during their campaign debates, that McConnell isaid he is "Fine" with the ACA website in Kentucky, and so now the popular governor, the popular program, and the candidate are one and the same!
There is stuff at the bottom of the link.

Beshear Grimes push back against new McConnell ad criticizing Obamacare in Kentucky - Insider Louisville

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Eyes mythology of sayer of stories, walking on water, maybe due to feet like dolphin tail-walkers, or maybe just rubber ducky boots! Molecular goo can happen in water, too!)
There is actually a doctor in Kentucky who in fact has been able to inform all Kentucky that Senator McConnell has ADS!

Even McConnell is apparently having trouble with making "Grimes" and "Obama," the very same persona and policy. Then there is the matter that during their campaign debates, that McConnell isaid he is "Fine" with the ACA website in Kentucky, and so now the popular governor, the popular program, and the candidate are one and the same!
There is stuff at the bottom of the link.

Beshear Grimes push back against new McConnell ad criticizing Obamacare in Kentucky - Insider Louisville

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Eyes mythology of sayer of stories, walking on water, maybe due to feet like dolphin tail-walkers, or maybe just rubber ducky boots! Molecular goo can happen in water, too!)

I didn't need to read an article written by a flaming liberal. I really feel sorry for the folks in Kentucky when the Feds quit funding Medicaid and your state taxes double.

Do you have the name of the Doctor that violated his oath by revealing a confidence between Doctor and patient. Does he still have a license to practice in Kentucky? If he does, why would anyone want to go to him if he shoots off his mouth about their mental or physical condition?
In the link:
In the ad, Dr. Sandy Schuldheisz of Somerset says that “As a doctor, I see how Obamacare hurts patients’ access to care.” She says McConnell is working for “common-sense health care reforms” and is leading the fight to repeal Obamacare, because “he cares about patients and families like mine.” Schuldheisz adds that her son has diabetes and her plan was “cancelled under Obamacare. Like many, we now pay more for less coverage.”
Insider Louisville requested more background information on Schuldheisz’s personal situation from the McConnell campaign — such as her premium rate before and after, and whether she received insurance through her employer or individually — though they have not provided it.

McConnell has lots and lots of ADS! Probably someone at "Meet The Press" knows more(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes now in happy-mobiles, on way to Lands of Many Nations: With cheap gas in tank!)
So McConnell "is working for 'common-sense health care reforms'", eh? He is "leading the fight to repeal Obamacare, eh?

Then I guess one of his supporters will be happy to point me to a link that contains his comprehensive health care reform legislation.

Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT?!?!
In the link:
In the ad, Dr. Sandy Schuldheisz of Somerset says that “As a doctor, I see how Obamacare hurts patients’ access to care.” She says McConnell is working for “common-sense health care reforms” and is leading the fight to repeal Obamacare, because “he cares about patients and families like mine.” Schuldheisz adds that her son has diabetes and her plan was “cancelled under Obamacare. Like many, we now pay more for less coverage.”
Insider Louisville requested more background information on Schuldheisz’s personal situation from the McConnell campaign — such as her premium rate before and after, and whether she received insurance through her employer or individually — though they have not provided it.

McConnell has lots and lots of ADS! Probably someone at "Meet The Press" knows more(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes now in happy-mobiles, on way to Lands of Many Nations: With cheap gas in tank!)
I think we will find Schuldheisz’s claims are deliberately obtuse and full of half truths, just like all the other anti-Obamacare ads have been.

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