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So It Doesn't Bother Anyone That Over 90% of the Winning Candiates...

So you would prefer if an organization like the NRA was prohibited from donating to candidates, but you're probably just fine with SEIU writing bills, dictating Democrat policy and spending millions on campaign contributions.

Precisely my point. Both parties are deep in the pockets of special interests. Both parties will continue to be so, until we are willing to take bold measures to get the big money out. Anyone who says it's just the Republicans, or that campaign finance would somehow be a move directly against the GOP and the GOP alone, is either insane or incredibly ignorant.

Governance by special interests not only is entirely removed from the best interests of the country or the people, but it is the antithesis of the true spirit of government of and by a free people.

I don't see people making that argument, I see liberals getting upset about Citizens United and wanting to return to the rules which existed prior and which allowed this to occur:

This what? Contributions that are limited and publicly disclosed? Hell yeah I want to return to that. If the Republicans cannot manage without dark money from anonymous donors then they need to change their tone towards the American people.
Special interest groups are coalitions of people with a common interest. What's the difference if XYZ PAC donates 10 million or their one million members donate 10 bucks each?

It's foolish (and inefficient) to restrict an organizations contributions to anything less than the total allowed for its collective membership.

First of all, can you name a PAC out there with a million members?

You and I both know that the issues of campaign finance in 21st century America have nothing to do with every day Joe's donating $10 to a campaign fund. The problems are narrow circles wielding incredible and grossly disproportionate power to control and direct the actions of government. Whether it's the NRA or it's the AFL-CIO, such concentrated power of government is antithetical to American freedom and democracy as it has been known since our inception. Admittedly, that is a problem that goes beyond simple campaign finance.
See the loon part is when you take the word partisan and insert political , which is synonymous.

Completely incorrect. The rest of your rabble isn't worth spitting on. You should take a nap, you're irrationally cranky.

In politics, a partisan is a committed member of a political party.

Wrong again. A partisan is a person who supports a political party to the exclusion of other interests or concerns.
Admittedly, that is a problem that goes beyond simple campaign finance.

Right. This is a problem of corruption, not speech. Attacking the problem and the speech issues will solve themselves.

Not only did you fail to comprehend what I was saying, your suggestion is batshit crazy anyway. Your argument is equivalent to saying that yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is a mischief problem, so instead of limiting speech we should address mischievous natures, and the speech will solve itself.
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.
I rather enjoyed Eric Cantor losing to a Tea Party candidate who was outspent by millions. I hoped this trend would continue, in vain, that is.
Special interest groups are coalitions of people with a common interest. What's the difference if XYZ PAC donates 10 million or their one million members donate 10 bucks each?

It's foolish (and inefficient) to restrict an organizations contributions to anything less than the total allowed for its collective membership.

First of all, can you name a PAC out there with a million members?

You and I both know that the issues of campaign finance in 21st century America have nothing to do with every day Joe's donating $10 to a campaign fund. The problems are narrow circles wielding incredible and grossly disproportionate power to control and direct the actions of government. Whether it's the NRA or it's the AFL-CIO, such concentrated power of government is antithetical to American freedom and democracy as it has been known since our inception. Admittedly, that is a problem that goes beyond simple campaign finance.
Not a PAC, but you have NEA SEIU, NRA, Teamsters, UAW.... All >million member groups with essentially common goals.
You know what to....

Good looking men tend to date the best looking women....

Good looking women tend to date the best looking men...

The most athletic and best at sports.....tend to win games against the less athletic and worst at sports...

The smart people get the best jobs....

The less smart people get the worst jobs...

People who have rich parents go to the best schools....

People with connections use those connections to advance their children...

Wow....to think all these things are true....how does one get out of bed in the morning....
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.
This shit isn't a local problem and you know it, Republicans want the megabucks that unpopular industries want to give out (tobacco, big banks, big pharma, MIC) and do not want people to know it. No one gives a damn about modest individual donations to candidates, it's the megadonations with clear strings attached that are at issue.
It does bother me. This is the reason why most 3rd party candidates don't stand a chance. They don't have the funding that is provided to the major parties with their PAC organizations. Why don't we have caps on the amount of money candidates are allowed to spend on their campaigns?

See, now that citizens united passed...then 3rd party candidates can work and get their own big money doners and they can now compete...if there were limits, then they would still be stuck as 3rd parties....

The goal should be full disclosure for groups contributing money, and secrecy for private individuals donating money...any caps only help those in power, or those who can self fund their campaigns...

3rd party candidates need to get people to support their cause financially...not bitch and moan about how unfair politics is...put on the big boy pants and get the job done....
Admittedly, that is a problem that goes beyond simple campaign finance.

Right. This is a problem of corruption, not speech. Attacking the problem and the speech issues will solve themselves.

Not only did you fail to comprehend what I was saying, your suggestion is batshit crazy anyway. Your argument is equivalent to saying that yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is a mischief problem, so instead of limiting speech we should address mischievous natures, and the speech will solve itself.

You need to learn to stop and think about what pops into your head before you vomit it out onto a screen.

Mischievous natures are not criminal, corruption is a criminal act.

Secondly, just because speech intersects with the two examples doesn't imply that the nature of the speech is identical. This is what I mean about stopping to think about these "brilliant nuggets" which your brain devises.

Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire is THE ACT which is being penalized. Spending lots of money to advance a viewpoint is not a criminal act, the politician doing you favors in exchange for that money is the criminal act. Limiting my ability to spend my money on my political interests with the aim of stopping a politician being bought off by someone else's money divorces cause and effect in a way that doesn't compare with your theater example - the speech of others is not restricted in order to prevent some joker from yelling fire, only the speech of the joker is penalized and that's because his speech is causing harm to public safety.

Look, here's some helpful advice - quit trying to come off as an intelligent person, just find your natural level and post at that level rather than trying to be something that you're not.
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.

I don't trust fucking liberals. Look at what they did with their hounding of people in the California referendum on homosexual "marriage" - threatened a restaurant, drove a theater set designer out of his job, drove the CEO of Mozilla out of his job. Look at what liberals did with Romney donors:

Wealthy businessman Frank VanderSloot, a major Mitt Romney super PAC donor who was subjected to three federal agency audits after being slimed by the Obama campaign, says he isn’t the only one of his peers who was audited after donating to Romney.

VanderSloot, who was also national co-chair of the Romney campaign’s finance committee, was described in an April 2012 Obama campaign Web posting as one of eight “wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records.”

Shortly after the post appeared, VanderSloot was subjected to two Internal Revenue Service audits — one focusing on his personal finances, the other related to his business interests — and a Labor Department audit of one of his businesses. When asked about whether any of the other seven donors who appeared on the list were audited as well, VanderSloot spoke cautiously, but did say he “wasn’t the only one.​
Admittedly, that is a problem that goes beyond simple campaign finance.

Right. This is a problem of corruption, not speech. Attacking the problem and the speech issues will solve themselves.

Not only did you fail to comprehend what I was saying, your suggestion is batshit crazy anyway. Your argument is equivalent to saying that yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is a mischief problem, so instead of limiting speech we should address mischievous natures, and the speech will solve itself.

You need to learn to stop and think about what pops into your head before you vomit it out onto a screen.

Mischievous natures are not criminal, corruption is a criminal act.

Secondly, just because speech intersects with the two examples doesn't imply that the nature of the speech is identical. This is what I mean about stopping to think about these "brilliant nuggets" which your brain devises.

Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire is THE ACT which is being penalized. Spending lots of money to advance a viewpoint is not a criminal act, the politician doing you favors in exchange for that money is the criminal act. Limiting my ability to spend my money on my political interests with the aim of stopping a politician being bought off by someone else's money divorces cause and effect in a way that doesn't compare with your theater example - the speech of others is not restricted in order to prevent some joker from yelling fire, only the speech of the joker is penalized and that's because his speech is causing harm to public safety.

Look, here's some helpful advice - quit trying to come off as an intelligent person, just find your natural level and post at that level rather than trying to be something that you're not.

Chances are you do not have the resources to buy-off even a local politician, quit defending those who can buy congressmen, they are not the same as you and have no interests that coincide with yours.
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.
This shit isn't a local problem and you know it, Republicans want the megabucks that unpopular industries want to give out (tobacco, big banks, big pharma, MIC) and do not want people to know it. No one gives a damn about modest individual donations to candidates, it's the megadonations with clear strings attached that are at issue.
Let me see if I've got this straight. Big Pharma bad, the labor union representing its workers, bad. Right?
I just used this on another thread....notice how many of the top 20 political doners give to which party....money isn't the problem in politics....dumb people who vote is the problem in politics...I bet that all those posting here complaining about how much money is donated...in particular to the Republicans....know that they themselves don't fall for the slick campaign adds...but think everyone else does....

4 out of the top 20 donate most to Republicans....why not the outrage that 16 of the top 20 give their money to democrats....

And wow....look at all the labor unions....and where and how much money they give to democrats...

People....grow up....money runs politics...as it runs most things in life....people don't give you homes....or cars, or jobs just because you are a good person...politics is no different....and as long as everyone can donate what they want to who they want...there isn't a problem...

Once you start putting limits on who can spend what on who and when they can do it...then you have a problem....

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

RankOrganizationTotal '89-'14Dem %Repub %
2National Education Assn$73,795,23647%3%
3American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees$66,986,21877%0%
4National Assn of Realtors$64,805,26737%39%
5AT&T Inc$59,456,03141%58%
6Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$48,593,41490%1%
7Goldman Sachs$47,497,29552%44%
8American Assn for Justice$45,216,29085%7%
9Carpenters & Joiners Union$45,093,75067%9%
10United Auto Workers$43,364,37571%0%
11Laborers Union$41,402,63982%7%
12Service Employees International Union$40,652,45783%2%
13Communications Workers of America$38,450,99585%0%
14American Federation of Teachers$38,050,16091%0%
16United Food & Commercial Workers Union$37,473,12182%0%
17Teamsters Union$36,373,15291%5%
18United Parcel Service$34,216,30835%64%
19Citigroup Inc$33,910,35748%50%
20National Auto Dealers Assn$33,904,01031%68%
21American Bankers Assn$33,903,95535%63%
22JPMorgan Chase & Co$33,752,00947%51%
23Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union$33,235,19798%1%
24EMILY's List$33,004,99499%0%
25Newsweb Corp$32,536,87131%0%
26Blue Cross/Blue Shield$31,978,23636%63%
27American Medical Assn$31,805,91239%59%
28National Beer Wholesalers Assn$31,647,21036%63%
29Microsoft Corp$31,226,91455%44%
30General Electric$30,392,30647%52%
31National Assn of Home Builders$29,412,97834%65%
32Lockheed Martin$29,405,27242%57%
33Bank of America$28,758,27340%57%
34Verizon Communications$27,959,80340%59%
35Plumbers & Pipefitters Union$27,495,43079%4%
36National Assn of Letter Carriers$27,495,34585%9%
37Morgan Stanley$27,259,22442%56%
38Deloitte LLP$26,936,09335%63%
39Credit Union National Assn$26,036,70547%51%
40Ernst & Young$25,517,37841%57%
41Operating Engineers Union$25,029,50782%14%
42Koch Industries$24,725,0586%76%
43International Assn of Fire Fighters$24,605,57079%16%
44American Hospital Assn$24,399,36652%47%
46Time Warner$23,868,34573%25%
47Sheet Metal Workers Union$23,709,97895%2%
48Boeing Co$23,384,10246%53%
49Comcast Corp$23,377,00256%43%
50American Dental Assn$23,265,67843%54%
51Honeywell International$22,863,40243%55%
52UBS AG$22,831,42040%58%
53Northrop Grumman$22,155,63842%57%
54Union Pacific Corp$21,620,83927%72%
55United Steelworkers$21,390,00780%0%
56Air Line Pilots Assn$21,358,04781%17%
57AFLAC Inc$21,239,76443%56%
58Natl Assn/Insurance & Financial Advisors$20,897,22441%58%
59Pfizer Inc$20,797,61035%64%
60National Rifle Assn$20,546,35716%82%
61Altria Group$19,517,66431%68%
62Raytheon Co$19,352,35843%56%
63Club for Growth$19,130,0530%96%
64New York Life Insurance$18,982,62949%50%
65American Postal Workers Union$18,550,93686%2%
66Ironworkers Union$18,473,24092%5%
67National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn$18,433,71546%53%
68United Transportation Union$18,040,75087%11%
69General Dynamics$17,934,30945%53%
70Credit Suisse Group$17,931,59341%57%
71Akin, Gump et al$17,724,55862%37%
73National Air Traffic Controllers Assn$17,305,92577%21%
74American Institute of CPAs$17,297,92940%59%
75National Cable & Telecommunications Assn$17,223,71047%52%
76Wal-Mart Stores$16,931,99132%64%
77Exxon Mobil$16,573,99413%86%
78FedEx Corp$16,418,15839%60%
80KPMG LLP$16,088,39934%64%
81CSX Corp$15,850,48035%64%
82DLA Piper$15,641,77467%31%
84Indep Insurance Agents & Brokers/America$15,072,09634%65%
85Wells Fargo$15,036,49636%62%
86American Society of Anesthesiologists$15,036,18741%58%
87Merrill Lynch$14,965,70837%62%
88Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance$14,939,19539%59%
89Walt Disney Co$14,870,62668%30%
90American Health Care Assn$14,759,60051%47%
91University of California$14,556,38389%9%
92Associated Builders & Contractors$14,456,6321%98%
93American Crystal Sugar$14,445,20561%38%
94American Financial Group$14,247,20515%73%
95Prudential Financial$14,091,29349%50%
96Home Depot$14,045,59624%71%
97Southern Co$14,022,86128%71%
98WPP Group$13,960,75454%45%
99National Restaurant Assn$13,314,94516%82%
100MetLife Inc$13,126,15351%48%
101Securities Industry & Financial Mkt Assn$13,085,02339%59%
102American Optometric Assn$13,074,85857%42%
103Human Rights Campaign$13,006,01089%8%
104United Technologies$12,891,61445%52%
105News Corp$12,861,41859%40%
106American Academy of Ophthalmology$12,721,70849%49%
107National Assn of Broadcasters$12,544,65544%55%
108Eli Lilly & Co$12,189,10531%67%
109Natl Active & Retired Fed Employees Assn$12,168,20077%21%
110Painters & Allied Trades Union$12,144,08085%12%
111General Motors$12,141,84939%60%
112Saban Capital Group$12,075,07287%0%
113Associated General Contractors$11,777,90713%85%
114Ford Motor Co$11,686,45439%59%
115Exelon Corp$11,597,19541%57%
116American Maritime Officers$11,544,58146%53%
117Independent Community Bankers of America$11,435,68542%57%
118Blackstone Group$11,314,81446%51%
119Amway/Alticor Inc$11,191,1130%94%
120Reynolds American$11,130,61325%74%
121Skadden, Arps et al$11,122,78977%22%
122UST Inc$11,117,09321%78%
123Seafarers International Union$10,871,10583%16%
124National Cmte to Preserve Social Security & Medicare$10,816,99882%17%
125American Physical Therapy Assn$10,705,72349%50%
127American Airlines$10,605,15043%56%
128MBNA Corp$10,485,36316%83%
129American Trucking Assns$10,435,04227%72%
130Freddie Mac$10,309,82943%55%
131Transport Workers Union$10,303,39995%4%
132National Fedn of Independent Business$10,250,1916%93%
133Amalgamated Transit Union$10,242,36893%5%
134Aircraft Owners & Pilots Assn$10,054,18843%56%
135Harvard University$10,028,80787%12%
136Greenberg Traurig LLP$9,989,36161%37%
137American Council of Life Insurers$9,923,37738%61%
138Lehman Brothers$9,822,65952%46%
139MGM Resorts International$9,708,16045%50%
140BellSouth Corp$9,655,15643%56%
141Archer Daniels Midland$9,598,81742%57%
142National Rural Letter Carriers Assn$9,536,10072%27%
143Fannie Mae$9,161,46053%46%
144Wachovia Corp$8,678,91430%69%
145National Cmte for an Effective Congress$8,519,69099%0%
146Interpublic Group$8,483,11065%33%
147Marine Engineers Beneficial Assn$8,399,07973%25%
148Bristol-Myers Squibb$8,100,80723%75%
149MCI Inc
150Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp$7,707,23931%67%
151Bear Stearns$7,384,17355%43%
153Enron Corp
Partisan tilt:

  • Solidly Democrat/Liberal

  • Leans Democrat/Liberal

  • Solidly Republican/Conservative

  • Leans Republican/Conservative

  • On the fence
Historical Profile
Archived Profile
Based on data released by the FEC on October 25, 2014.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center

See something wrong or want to suggest an improvement? Contact us.
It isn't the money. Its the fact that you are losing.
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.
This shit isn't a local problem and you know it, Republicans want the megabucks that unpopular industries want to give out (tobacco, big banks, big pharma, MIC) and do not want people to know it. No one gives a damn about modest individual donations to candidates, it's the megadonations with clear strings attached that are at issue.
No, the problem is national. We already see it played out on a national scale.

The problem is that YOU want to limit specific organizations from donating money so that YOUR ideology can win. You could care less about the rights and free speech of others if it violates your political position.

There are literally hundreds of organizations such as Shriners, or Make a Wish, or Alzheimer's organizations that contribute large sums of money to advocate for their particular interest. They have this right because we have the right as individuals and as a collective, to petition the government for change in existing laws, or to form laws that make things easier for these organizations to do business. These organizations are made up of PEOPLE who band together to get their voice heard because in a sea of 320 million voices, no one single voice can stand out without an organization of like minded people.

This is a RIGHT and government is instituted by men to protect our rights, not to hand them out or remove them.

This means that sometimes, organizations we disagree with get a voice too. And sometimes, those voices are louder than yours and they manage to win a few now an again. It is the price of freedom.

So, no. I do NOT want speech limited and banding together and pooling resources to help that speech to be heard is something that is necessary.

Better you and the rest of this nation should concentrate on removing the barriers to getting elected to office by the ONLY two parties that are allowed to run. No one seems to ever speak about how both parties set impossibly high barriers to running as a third party candidate.
The Left has not utilized vast sums of money in politics, either?

Yes they do. Want to stop them? I want to stop the "dark money", the huge donations, the Super Pacs, etc. from everywhere and to anyone. I support a limit on donations. Donations, IMO, should be from individuals only, not secret and be a limited amount. You?
So, you want the ability of the media and other organizations to slander and trash people who give money to candidates? Don't you even know why we keep donations quiet and anonymous?

Donate to a local Republican and before you know it, Union thugs are banging on your door or destroying your car. And please don't say that it is fantasy. It HAS happened in the past and will again in the future if we allow the rogue elements of politics access to donor information.

I don't trust fucking liberals. Look at what they did with their hounding of people in the California referendum on homosexual "marriage" - threatened a restaurant, drove a theater set designer out of his job, drove the CEO of Mozilla out of his job. Look at what liberals did with Romney donors:

Wealthy businessman Frank VanderSloot, a major Mitt Romney super PAC donor who was subjected to three federal agency audits after being slimed by the Obama campaign, says he isn’t the only one of his peers who was audited after donating to Romney.

VanderSloot, who was also national co-chair of the Romney campaign’s finance committee, was described in an April 2012 Obama campaign Web posting as one of eight “wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records.”

Shortly after the post appeared, VanderSloot was subjected to two Internal Revenue Service audits — one focusing on his personal finances, the other related to his business interests — and a Labor Department audit of one of his businesses. When asked about whether any of the other seven donors who appeared on the list were audited as well, VanderSloot spoke cautiously, but did say he “wasn’t the only one.​
You forgot that Union thugs that arrived at a CEO's home and terrorized his children before he could get there with threats of violence and mob antics....Monetary donations MUST remain secret to protect the ordinary citizen from the loony's in politics.
Monetary donations MUST remain secret to protect the ordinary citizen from the loony's in politics.

Exactly, I used to think you should have full disclosure to go along with unlimited donating to political campaigns....and then the democrats started targeting conservatives with the IRS and with their own attack dog groups...trying to destroy their lives simply because they have different beliefs from the democrats....


Republicans play politics...they win some, they lose some, they take their lumps and wait for the next election....

The democrats fight total, and complete political war...and take no prisoners and give no quarter...and they will destroy anyone who gets in their way....

So....PACs should disclose who they donate money to...but private individuals should be able to donate in complete secrecy....thanks democrats for making that necessary...jerks....

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