So loving my bike...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I've been riding off and on all summer, not to anywhere except the circuit of home, work, childcare, school...occasionally a jaunt around the neighborhood or to the store 9-10 blocks away.

I started out riding the monster Schwinn, the old 7 speed I have with the massive seat. I used it because the new bike I had bought, a Schwinn mid-grade hybrid (7 speed, don't remember what it's called, too lazy to look) was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever inserted into my body. Yes I say inserted because that's what it felt like. It felt like the seat went into my ass just far enough to exert excruciating pressure on both hip bones (from the inside) as well as my sciatic. I would lose feeling in my right hand while riding it....

That plus it felt like I had to position my feet somewhere BEHIND and under me to find the pedals. Not pleasant or secure feeling.

I rode the antique until some weirdo punk that was running around with my stepson slashed both my and my daughter's bike tires, which forced me to use the torture device.

Now I love it! I no longer feel like I'm wearing it inside my body. I do still get tingles in my right hand but other than that minor irritation it's great. That minor irritation will improve...I can sit up and shake it out, it's a matter of strengthening muscles to relieve that pressure and that just takes a little time.

I haven't been riding for a few weeks but I vowed we'd ride regularly to school this week, and today (day 2 of school) that's what we did. I'll pick them up on bike and we'll cycle home tonight. Plus I ride home and back at lunch (about 15 min each way, gives me 1/2 hour with the dogs, not too bad). It was a great day for bike riding, just a little chilly (enough to keep me from sweating too much on the gradual hills). I soooo want to teach Klaus to run with me when I'm riding but on the other hand I know that there is no way I can teach him without having him yank me over at some point.

And that will hurt.
Eventually, I'll do it anyway.
Love my bike.
I got a bike for Xmas a couple years back. I rode it once and the inner tube got a puncture, which we can't fix. That was it, haven't ridden it since. Disappointing, because there is nothing like the wind in your hair, and that tingly feeling you get in your thighs after a long ride.

Glad you're enjoying your riding. I should get my bike fixed and take it out!
I started out riding the monster Schwinn, the old 7 speed I have with the massive seat. I used it because the new bike I had bought, a Schwinn mid-grade hybrid (7 speed, don't remember what it's called, too lazy to look) was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever inserted into my body. Yes I say inserted because that's what it felt like. It felt like the seat went into my ass just far enough to exert excruciating pressure on both hip bones (from the inside) as well as my sciatic. I would lose feeling in my right hand while riding it....

Damn girl! Are you peddling your azz?
I got a bike for Xmas a couple years back. I rode it once and the inner tube got a puncture, which we can't fix. That was it, haven't ridden it since. Disappointing, because there is nothing like the wind in your hair, and that tingly feeling you get in your thighs after a long ride.

Glad you're enjoying your riding. I should get my bike fixed and take it out!

Yeah, tires are flipping EXPENSIVE. I spent more on fixing my girl's tires than I did on the bike itself. Because the little shit used a knife, he ruined the tires as well as the tubes, so everything had to be replaced.

I use tubes with slime in them, that takes care of the small punctures (from goat heads and such).

I also learned that it is EXTREMELY important to keep your air pressure at the right level. I check the air in our tires every couple of days when we're riding...and every time I ride if the bikes are sitting. If you let the air get low you will get flats, guaranteed. The girl at the bike shop taught me that, and we haven't gotten a single flat (except from the tire slashing) since. We rode all summer long. I keep all my tires at 65 lbs right now.
I'm waiting till she gets just a LITTLE bit taller, then I'll get her a 26" hybrid, a good one, and that should see her through to college.

I hope.
On Noomi's new pic...

... Uncle Ferd thinks she's...

... the cutest lil' thing...

... dat ever rubbed red-flanel underware...

... up an' down a washboard.
Yes. I have a wonderful one on the bike I'm not riding anymore. But I'm doing okay with the one that came on the bike now. I just had to get used to it.
Yes. I have a wonderful one on the bike I'm not riding anymore. But I'm doing okay with the one that came on the bike now. I just had to get used to it.

what does "wonderful" mean? I was in the biking industry for 5+ yrs. Does it mean "fit"? "quality of construction"? "style"? I ask because most saddles that come on bikes that cost < a few $100 are junk. They look really kewl but are poorly designed, poorly made and weigh a ton. One of the cheapest comfort modifications one can make to a bike is swapping out a saddle. Comfort is very important, not to mention safer especially when you mentioned that you went numb in your hand :eusa_eh:
Important thing is to get a conversation going w/ someone at the shop about fit/sizing & comfort &/or do the research yourself. Some shops just sell "toys" (bikes that cost under $400) and are not overly concerned, or more likely- qualified about the proper sizing/fit of a bike.

Good to see that you are out there riding, just make sure its set-up properly for someone your size ;)
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I'm not a giantess. The factory saddle is ok, the bike is under $400. The other saddle feels like a luxury car seat, lol but I'm not motivated to switch them.
Monday is payday, and I'm going to take the bike in, get it fitted and have it winterized, whatever that might entail. It's making a little rattling noise in a few of the gears so I'm going to figure out what that is, make sure that nothing's rubbing funky with the brakes which have been working really well, but they get a workout so I'll have them checked. I have decided the seat needs to move back, I didn't even know I could do that until ABS mentioned fitting and I looked it up online and discovered "fore and aft" adjustment exists, wow. Anyway, I'll let them do that in the shop, they have the tools and can help me and I won't have to hurt my fingers, I hate doing that sort of thing...

Something I'm BACK feels better these last few days! The constant burning sensation that I've dealt with for the last 20 years is lessening and sometimes gone altogether. I didn't expect that. I know that when I'm on that dirt bike trail I'm using my upper body a lot to balance/move the bike around, and I can feel it in my shoulders and core.

I love bicycling!
No Harley?

I would recommend a Heritage to get you started, then onto a Street Glide.

Chicks look great on either.
Silly it's a Schwinn.

My ride is an Explorer and I wish I had something bigger.
Love my bike.

Me too! It sounds crazy, but I don't even own a car. I travel quite a bit for work, so I'm always renting a car, but at my home, I prefer to run errands on a bicycle. So much quicker to get around in a city and of course cheaper...parking costs are outrageous!

I'm thinking about investing in a new bike as the my current one is wearing heavily and was never very good to begin with. I've got my eye on this:

Specialized Bicycle Components

Wear your helmet, ride with situation awareness and be safe!
I know, I haven't been wearing my helmet but I will next week, I can't ride this much without a helmet, I'm going to eventually biff and we have a lot of elderly drivers.

I'm also going to get some sort of backpack or belly bag.
Monday is payday, and I'm going to take the bike in, get it fitted and have it winterized, whatever that might entail. It's making a little rattling noise in a few of the gears so I'm going to figure out what that is, make sure that nothing's rubbing funky with the brakes which have been working really well, but they get a workout so I'll have them checked. I have decided the seat needs to move back, I didn't even know I could do that until ABS mentioned fitting and I looked it up online and discovered "fore and aft" adjustment exists, wow. Anyway, I'll let them do that in the shop, they have the tools and can help me and I won't have to hurt my fingers, I hate doing that sort of thing...

Something I'm BACK feels better these last few days! The constant burning sensation that I've dealt with for the last 20 years is lessening and sometimes gone altogether. I didn't expect that. I know that when I'm on that dirt bike trail I'm using my upper body a lot to balance/move the bike around, and I can feel it in my shoulders and core.

I love bicycling!

The back pain improvement is likely due to the fact that you are strengthening your abdominals and lats, giving your back more support.
Yeah the bike I'm using is a trail bike. I want a straight up street bike too, for the days when I just want to get somewhere fast.

My car has essentially been parked for the entire week and at least part of last week.

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