So obama thinks he's some great scriptorian and quotes from the 24th Chapter of Matthew...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
and makes out like he's some great prophet.
His speech has been in the prophecies of the Bible for centurys.
Whadda plagiarizer.
He's not. Obama is just a worthless piece of shit who would get his ass kicked on the playground by real ni66ers, if he had to live in the real world.
Nice display of Christian values you two.

Really? Well thank you very much.

But the part of the Bible I really find fascinating is Revelations, when Jesus comes back on a white horse, wielding a big fucking sword. I have a feeling he's not going to be the groovy hippie-dippie peacenik some people think he is. In fact, I'd gather that he's going to be quite pissed. If you thought the episode in the Temple where he turned over those tables and whupped a couple Jews was rowdy, well just wait.
Nice display of Christian values you two.

Really? Well thank you very much.

But the part of the Bible I really find fascinating is Revelations, when Jesus comes back on a white horse, wielding a big fucking sword. I have a feeling he's not going to be the groovy hippie-dippie peacenik some people think he is. In fact, I'd gather that he's going to be quite pissed. If you thought the episode in the Temple where he turned over those tables and whupped a couple Jews was rowdy, well just wait.
It is Death who rides the pale horse with a sword.

Revelation 6:8.

Jesus comes back with snow white hair and a deep tan, and a sword for a tongue.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Nice display of Christian values you two.

Really? Well thank you very much.

But the part of the Bible I really find fascinating is Revelations, when Jesus comes back on a white horse, wielding a big fucking sword. I have a feeling he's not going to be the groovy hippie-dippie peacenik some people think he is. In fact, I'd gather that he's going to be quite pissed. If you thought the episode in the Temple where he turned over those tables and whupped a couple Jews was rowdy, well just wait.

Actually, Jesus showed up at Occupy Wall Street to just start a conversation about wall street's money changing ways. He got the crap beat out of him by the cops. This assault on Jesus was applauded by conservatives on this board. Don't you remember?
Nice display of Christian values you two.

I keep wondering when the left is going to comment on Obama's lack of IQ for being a Christian. I wonder if he learned how old the planet was when he was going to that racist church for 20+ years.

No no, instead talk to others about them being poor Christians.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Read Paul's writings many times. That's why I believe queers, fags, effeminate men, and people who leave the natural use of the female body to commit acts of perversion, will burn in Hell.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Read Paul's writings many times. That's why I believe queers, fags, effeminate men, and people who leave the natural use of the female body to commit acts of perversion, will burn in Hell.

Being gay is natural... Pretending you can change that is un-natural. What is not natural is basing how you view the world on a book re written so many times that no church in the same state can agree on it's interpretation.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Read Paul's writings many times. That's why I believe queers, fags, effeminate men, and people who leave the natural use of the female body to commit acts of perversion, will burn in Hell.

Being gay is natural... Pretending you can change that is un-natural. What is not natural is basing how you view the world on a book re written so many times that no church in the same state can agree on it's interpretation.

If homosexuality is "natural", why doesn't it produce any offspring? The propagation of species is natural and what God intended from the start of creation. "Go forth and multiply" and all that.
Nice display of Christian values you two.

Really? Well thank you very much.

But the part of the Bible I really find fascinating is Revelations, when Jesus comes back on a white horse, wielding a big fucking sword. I have a feeling he's not going to be the groovy hippie-dippie peacenik some people think he is. In fact, I'd gather that he's going to be quite pissed. If you thought the episode in the Temple where he turned over those tables and whupped a couple Jews was rowdy, well just wait.
It is Death who rides the pale horse with a sword.

Revelation 6:8.

Jesus comes back with snow white hair and a deep tan, and a sword for a tongue.

I thought that was Gandalf the White.
If you think being gay is a sin, but hating your brother isn't, your values are fucked up.

Did I say that I "hated" you? No. Pity maybe, but "hate" is a pretty strong word. Like they say, "Love the sinner, hate the sin".

And truthfully, politics come into play more than anything else. I have no problem with anyone of any race, creed, nationality, or sexual preference as long as they aren't a liberal, a progressive, a Socialist, a Communist, or a Democrat. What I do in my bedroom is my business, as well as how many guns I own, which church I choose to go to, how many tires I burn on Earth Day, who I vote for, how many gas-guzzling vehicles I own, and what I want to do on my property. My business, not the government's.
If you think being gay is a sin, but hating your brother isn't, your values are fucked up.
...and who is this brother I supposedly hate????
commenting on something I have no control over can hardly be termed as hate
We conservative Christians know we're on the losing end of the stick because we don't promise money and anarchy.
What is not natural is basing how you view the world on a book re written so many times that no church in the same state can agree on it's interpretation.
That's because it is fiction, really, really bad fiction.

It just blows my mind that "rational" human beings actually believe this bullshit.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Read Paul's writings many times. That's why I believe queers, fags, effeminate men, and people who leave the natural use of the female body to commit acts of perversion, will burn in Hell.

Being gay is natural... Pretending you can change that is un-natural. What is not natural is basing how you view the world on a book re written so many times that no church in the same state can agree on it's interpretation.

Being gay is not natural. It goes against evolution and science. There is absolutely no natural explanation for being gay.

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