So obama thinks he's some great scriptorian and quotes from the 24th Chapter of Matthew...

God created gays to test the love of your fellow man -- to separate the virtuous from the bigots. Hate is the politics of fools.
God created gays to test the love of your fellow man -- to separate the virtuous from the bigots. Hate is the politics of fools.
Maybe He created the temptation for homos if they could resist and stay obedient or yield to it becoming an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
This argument above is just as valid as yours and bolstered by Scriptures, while yours is not.
God created gays to test the love of your fellow man -- to separate the virtuous from the bigots. Hate is the politics of fools.
So you speak for God now.
Ya Know when Billy Graham said that if God doesn't destroy San Fransisco He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. I thought what a rash statement not for intent, but that he supposedly wants to control the mind of God
I dunno there Squirkie. Loving the Lord and loving your neighbor are said to be the greatest commandments. I'm not speaking for God. That's Mark 12:31. You shouldn't judge or hold a grudge either, you know?

And it's just my opinion that hate is the politics of fools from seeing how badly it serves them.

Hate is a choice. A very poor choice. Being gay isn't.
I dunno there Squirkie. Loving the Lord and loving your neighbor are said to be the greatest commandments. I'm not speaking for God. That's Mark 12:31. You shouldn't judge or hold a grudge either, you know?

And it's just my opinion that hate is the politics of fools from seeing how badly it serves them.

Hate is a choice. A very poor choice. Being gay isn't.
Do a quote so we would know to whom you answered… or are you just mumbling to yourself?
If you think being gay is a sin, but hating your brother isn't, your values are fucked up.
...and who is this brother I supposedly hate????
commenting on something I have no control over can hardly be termed as hate
We conservative Christians know we're on the losing end of the stick because we don't promise money and anarchy.

Actually, you are on the wrong end of the stick because you don't believe in taking care of God's Earth and helping the weak,elderly and poor. All of these things are mentioned repeatedly in the Bible. Instead it's "let's get rid of the EPA" and bash alternative energy and the weak, elderly and poor are "leeches". Also, anyone to the left of you are evil and you truly hate them.
Perhaps you might (re)read Paul's letter to the Romans and maybe avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Read Paul's writings many times. That's why I believe queers, fags, effeminate men, and people who leave the natural use of the female body to commit acts of perversion, will burn in Hell.

Being gay is natural... Pretending you can change that is un-natural. What is not natural is basing how you view the world on a book re written so many times that no church in the same state can agree on it's interpretation.

If homosexuality is "natural", why doesn't it produce any offspring? The propagation of species is natural and what God intended from the start of creation. "Go forth and multiply" and all that.

It does produce offspring if you're an in-the-closet Republican who later comes out gay. 16 Anti-Gay Activists Who Were Caught Being Gay and there are many many more pages like 224,000,000 if you want to see.
If you think being gay is a sin, but hating your brother isn't, your values are fucked up.
...and who is this brother I supposedly hate????
commenting on something I have no control over can hardly be termed as hate
We conservative Christians know we're on the losing end of the stick because we don't promise money and anarchy.

Actually, you are on the wrong end of the stick because you don't believe in taking care of God's Earth and helping the weak,elderly and poor. All of these things are mentioned repeatedly in the Bible. Instead it's "let's get rid of the EPA" and bash alternative energy and the weak, elderly and poor are "leeches". Also, anyone to the left of you are evil and you truly hate them.
LOL, really I fill one of these out at least once a month at my church.

I dunno there Squirkie. Loving the Lord and loving your neighbor are said to be the greatest commandments. I'm not speaking for God. That's Mark 12:31. You shouldn't judge or hold a grudge either, you know?

And it's just my opinion that hate is the politics of fools from seeing how badly it serves them.

Hate is a choice. A very poor choice. Being gay isn't.
I don't believe that, I don't believe in the so called gay gene
I dunno there Squirkie. Loving the Lord and loving your neighbor are said to be the greatest commandments. I'm not speaking for God. That's Mark 12:31. You shouldn't judge or hold a grudge either, you know?

And it's just my opinion that hate is the politics of fools from seeing how badly it serves them.

Hate is a choice. A very poor choice. Being gay isn't.
I don't believe that, I don't believe in the so called gay gene
Who said anything about a gay gene? Has someone found a common gene? I implied it wasn't a choice.

Did you choose your sexuality?
I dunno there Squirkie. Loving the Lord and loving your neighbor are said to be the greatest commandments. I'm not speaking for God. That's Mark 12:31. You shouldn't judge or hold a grudge either, you know?

And it's just my opinion that hate is the politics of fools from seeing how badly it serves them.

Hate is a choice. A very poor choice. Being gay isn't.
I don't believe that, I don't believe in the so called gay gene
Who said anything about a gay gene? Has someone found a common gene? I implied it wasn't a choice.

Did you choose your sexuality?
Do you mean male or female
the Sex that I'm attracted to
This shit you are spewing turned/highjacked the OP to a faggot thread. Address the issue of the OP and do not push your faggot agenda. Create a thread about faggotism, moron.
You got caught defending your bigotry and racist buddies and end up puking all over yourself? Tough twinkies Squirk.
My "boy?"

Wow. It's really gotta stick in your craw that the greatest President in your lifetime is black, eh?

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