So Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to put Boots on the ground in Syria?

Should the U.S. use U.S. troops within Syria to stop the Syrian Civil war while fighting ISIL?

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It seem Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush want to commit U.S. troops in fighting ISIL in Syria, but is that wise?

I say no because the reality is the Syrian Civil War is not our fight, and if we want to support countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey with their effort to put boots within the region then fine, but request our young men and women to put themselves in another Middle East war is something I am against.

So I disagree with Jeb Bush and his hawkish way of thinking.

Jeb Bush says U.S. needs to ‘unleash the military’ on ISIS

Should use US combat troops to wipe out ISIS, but not to stop the Syrian civil war. Did someone come and stop our's? Would we have been okay if they had? Wouldn't the anger have simply festered just below the surface and come out later on?

People wanna fight, let them fight. Coming between two or more factions wanting to fight only puts you in danger. And even if you succeed in stopping the fight, the feelings don't magically vanish. They just fester until they explode. Gonna go back and stop it every time it resurfaces? That's not why people join the military.
I have suggested to friends that I felt our general and flag officers are speaking their minds more loudly in public. This is Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller talking to his Marines in Okinawa. Here he is responding to a Marine who asked about U.S. policy regarding the Islamic State. General Neller's answer follows:

“I’m going to do what the president tells me. “That wasn’t the answer you were looking for, was it? ... If we went there, is there any doubt in your mind, if we got a force together on the Syrian border and we drove into Raqqa, we would beat them into the ground like tent pegs? ... So we’re in Raqqa and they’re all dead or captured or killed or wounded, and were standing in Raqqa and we’re like, ‘Now what?’ So before we go do that I thinks its fair we ask our political leadership... when we’re done, what’s next?”

“Rebuilding, sir,” a Marine shouted from the audience.

“I don’t want to rebuild anything in Syria ... I’ve been to this movie once before. It was called Iraq. I’ve been to this movie and it didn’t end the way we wanted it to end.”

Military News Briefs | Talking Proud
Pretty much all Repubs as well as the entire contents of the Clown Car want an all out 19th century-type war.

They want lots of dead Americans for nothing in return.

Rubio wants american troops dying in Syria, T rump doesnt.
All of this originated in Bush's War. Bring our people home. Boots on the ground just gives the far right reactionary fucks something to exploit for political gain.
All of this originated in Bush's War. Bring our people home. Boots on the ground just gives the far right reactionary fucks something to exploit for political gain.
This whole deal exploded because people elected a vacuum cleaner salesman instead of a CNC..............
Just bring our people home and continue to work for energy independence.
Inside Syria there are:
1. Assad-loyal Syrian Troops
2. Russian Troops
3. Iranian Troops
4. Turkman / Turkey-Supported Anti-Assad Rebels
5. Obama Anti-Assad Rebels (Those Putin hasn't killed yet)
6. Obama-supported ISIS

The Syrians, Russians, and Iranians are killing the anti-Assad rebels, which include Turks (As in Turkey, a NATO member). They are fighting a proxy war against Turkey and the United states. After Russia exposing Turkey for helping ISIS and Turkey shooting down a Russian bomber, Turkey and Russia are about to go to war, risking dragging NATO into the conflict.

The Syrians, Russians, and Iranians are fighting ISIS, who we now know Obama has been funding, supplying, arming, training, and protecting from air strikes; YET, he continues to claim he is against them and is trying to 'contain them' - a (FAILED) strategy he refuses to change.

France (and Russia) are now bombing the crap out of ISIS, hitting critical targets that until the Paris terrorist attacks Obama would allow no one to strike.

And in the middle of all this conflict, uncertainty, chaos, and a lack of a cohesive unified coalition...or goal...Jeb - who is something like in LAST place in the GOP race, running on a slogan of 'Jeb can fix it' - wants to send US troops into Syria.....while thousands of able-bodied military-aged 'refugees' flood into the US, running from their war-torn country while demanding that OUR able-bodied military-aged men and women go to Syria to fight in their place for their country?!

Jeb, don't take this personal, but you are a dumbmass. Don't go away mad - just go away!

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