So the House Democrats are now funding the border wall?

Build that big beautiful wall, you Democrats. :laughing0301:

"The House of Representatives Thursday approved a bill that would fund most of the federal government through early February -- and provides $5.7 billion for President Trump's long-promised border wall, increasing the chances of a partial government shutdown later this week..."

House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall

Of course they are, they got everything they asked for in exchange. The Dems made out like bandits in this last "spending bill", including funding more anti-gun research by the CDC
Guns are a disease?

Nope, but the CDC will get to treat them like one once again after Trump signs the bill...not that you will care, Trump signs it so you have to blindly bow down and say how great it is
So, the CDC will treat an inanimate object as if it is a disease.

Sounds like you and the CDC are a bunch of science deniers.

Also, the CDC also studies lots of things that are not a drowning prevention.

You are not a very well educated person.
they also created the zombie apocalypse. they stay pretty busy.
If that were true, then clearly the Ds are exactly like the Rs.

I have been saying that for years, where have you been.

What happened to Trump being a traitor and Russian agent? Why would the Ds give him greater surveillance authority, increase the already bloated war budget, fund the wall, etc. So much for Pelosi’s amazing leadership qualities

It is almost as if it is one big game to keep the minions distracted from what is really happening in DC.
That’s right.

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