So What Ever Happened To,"There's A Lot Of Smoke","We Are Closing In On The Russians !!!" ?

Mueller seems to be calling in witnesses weekly

There appears to be a long line of witnesses they haven't even gotten to yet
Mueller learned as a leader of a Marine Rifle Company to use overwhelming firepower to confront an opponent. He used the same theory and doctrine as a prosecutor. Prepare, build and amass the weapons and ammunition to surprise the opponent with the overwhelming firepower. Whether troops or prosecutors, send them into the battle fully loaded and ready for all contingencies. BTW, he did the same thing with the FBI.

This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation
It's none of your business and you have no need to know. Trump doesn't send daily minutes to CNN like purple lipped jughead did. Plus, it's not against the law to meet with the Russians. LMAO!

Well if it is not my business and everyones business to find out what happened in those meetings ...them it is up to Mueller to find out

It is not against the law to meet with the Russians. But it is against the law to do business with a country under economic sanctions. It is also against the law to participate in the illegal hacking of DNC files for political gain
Got any proof that's what happened? No you don't and you never will, you just keep posting bullshit day in and day out.
The media isn't screaming anything.They're simply reporting a development and it's implications.
You should discuss Manafort's coming indictment, the possible repercussions for others in the investigation and of course why Trump chose to associate with such problematic characters and the depth of his involvement in their activities.
we were discussing manafort but only how he was illegally wiretapped by obama. twice. just because i don't follow your line of thought doesn't make mine wrong.

No, you were discussing "illegal" wiretaps.
Everyone else was discussing wiretaps and his impending indictment.

Your desire to minimize the importance of this investigation is noted. Denying and distorting reality to do so is just dumb.
your desire to see shit out of hate is why we're in the mess we're in.

denying it, well that just makes you the court jester at this point. dance, jojo.

Hate has nothing to do with it. It was Trump's own actions that led us to where we are. He made the appointment of a special counsel unavoidable when he fired Comey.
as did hillary when she deleted evidence.
then smashed it
then denied it existed
then said oops...
then blamed colin powell
then blamed whoever was next to her...

you've bulldogged. have fun but i'm out. you won't talk logic or sense, you'll only agree with what hurts trump and his platform.

i've had more than enough of that crap but it appears you're still playing the game. have fun.
The media isn't screaming anything.They're simply reporting a development and it's implications.
You should discuss Manafort's coming indictment, the possible repercussions for others in the investigation and of course why Trump chose to associate with such problematic characters and the depth of his involvement in their activities.
we were discussing manafort but only how he was illegally wiretapped by obama. twice. just because i don't follow your line of thought doesn't make mine wrong.

No, you were discussing "illegal" wiretaps.
Everyone else was discussing wiretaps and his impending indictment.

Your desire to minimize the importance of this investigation is noted. Denying and distorting reality to do so is just dumb.
your desire to see shit out of hate is why we're in the mess we're in.

denying it, well that just makes you the court jester at this point. dance, jojo.

Hate has nothing to do with it. It was Trump's own actions that led us to where we are. He made the appointment of a special counsel unavoidable when he fired Comey.
as did hillary when she deleted evidence.
then smashed it
then denied it existed
then said oops...
then blamed colin powell
then blamed whoever was next to her...

you've bulldogged. have fun but i'm out. you won't talk logic or sense, you'll only agree with what hurts trump and his platform.

i've had more than enough of that crap but it appears you're still playing the game. have fun.
you've bulldogged. have fun but i'm out. you won't talk logic or sense, you'll only agree with what hurts trump and his platform.

Really? What was the answer?
Where is a record of the meeting?

"Where is a record of the meeting?" Why do you imagine there should be a "record" of it?

Well, it kind of works like this.....

You are Donald Trump, one of the smartest men in America. Your people are having a meeting with Russian agents. Now, being such a smart man, you would be aware that we currently had sanctions against Russia and that there were reports of Russian meddling in the election
Now, wouldn't such a smart man want a recording of that meeting to prove that nothing illicit happened in it?
/----/ You got nothing Tinkerbell.

Manafort has already been told he will be indicted
Flynn will follow shortly

Will they make a deal to avoid prosecution?
Is that why Republicans are so nervous?

Flynn already begged for immunity. If Manafort goes that route then it's over. Trump(s) will be toast.[/QUOTE
/----/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Mueller learned as a leader of a Marine Rifle Company to use overwhelming firepower to confront an opponent. He used the same theory and doctrine as a prosecutor. Prepare, build and amass the weapons and ammunition to surprise the opponent with the overwhelming firepower. Whether troops or prosecutors, send them into the battle fully loaded and ready for all contingencies. BTW, he did the same thing with the FBI.

This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation
It's none of your business and you have no need to know. Trump doesn't send daily minutes to CNN like purple lipped jughead did. Plus, it's not against the law to meet with the Russians. LMAO!

Well if it is not my business and everyones business to find out what happened in those meetings ...them it is up to Mueller to find out

It is not against the law to meet with the Russians. But it is against the law to do business with a country under economic sanctions. It is also against the law to participate in the illegal hacking of DNC files for political gain
Got any proof that's what happened? No you don't and you never will, you just keep posting bullshit day in and day out.

Don't ask me........Trump is not releasing me any information on what he was up to

It is up to Mueller to find out
Benghazi actually happened! Four people died including our US Ambassador.

Yes, they did. Because the Ambassador IGNORED warnings and went to a hot zone anyway.

There never was "collusion".

Trump Jr. meeting with Russian officials isn't collusion? Really?

Back to blaming Benghazi on Chris Stevens, Joe? He didn't ignore warnings...he asked for additional security REPEATEDLY because he knew that Libya was a dangerous place! Hillary Clinton turned those requests down however because of "optics".

As for the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian attorney? She promised she had dirt on Hillary. She didn't. The whole meeting was a scam. As soon as that was obvious the meeting was over! You don't get "collusion" from something that never happened. If that's the best you've got, fold your tent now and scuttle on home because your investigation is going to collapse with a whimper not a bang!
Mueller seems to be calling in witnesses weekly

There appears to be a long line of witnesses they haven't even gotten to yet
Mueller learned as a leader of a Marine Rifle Company to use overwhelming firepower to confront an opponent. He used the same theory and doctrine as a prosecutor. Prepare, build and amass the weapons and ammunition to surprise the opponent with the overwhelming firepower. Whether troops or prosecutors, send them into the battle fully loaded and ready for all contingencies. BTW, he did the same thing with the FBI.

This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation

What meeting and what aides are you referring to, Winger?

I assume you are just playing stupid

Numerous Trump "aides" have been accused of having meetings with Russians, Winger...I would like to know which ones you were referring to so I can show how those meetings do not constitute "collusion"! So be specific so I can answer your "simple question"!
This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation
That question was answered the day the story came out, dipshit.

Really? What was the answer?
Where is a record of the meeting?

"Where is a record of the meeting?" Why do you imagine there should be a "record" of it?

Well, it kind of works like this.....

You are Donald Trump, one of the smartest men in America. Your people are having a meeting with Russian agents. Now, being such a smart man, you would be aware that we currently had sanctions against Russia and that there were reports of Russian meddling in the election
Now, wouldn't such a smart man want a recording of that meeting to prove that nothing illicit happened in it?

So now you expect every businessman who conducts business with Russia to record every word said so that they have proof that nothing illicit happened? Whatever happened to the burden of proof being on prosecutors, Winger? I shouldn't have to prove my innocence to you...under our laws I'm innocent unless YOU can prove otherwise!

Here's a newsflash for you. "Meetings" are not binding. They don't mean a thing. I've had countless meetings with people wanting to sell me things that never went further than a meeting. Should I have kept notes to prove that? How absurd can you get with this nonsense?
Mueller learned as a leader of a Marine Rifle Company to use overwhelming firepower to confront an opponent. He used the same theory and doctrine as a prosecutor. Prepare, build and amass the weapons and ammunition to surprise the opponent with the overwhelming firepower. Whether troops or prosecutors, send them into the battle fully loaded and ready for all contingencies. BTW, he did the same thing with the FBI.

This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation

What meeting and what aides are you referring to, Winger?

I assume you are just playing stupid

Numerous Trump "aides" have been accused of having meetings with Russians, Winger...I would like to know which ones you were referring to so I can show how those meetings do not constitute "collusion"! So be specific so I can answer your "simple question"!

So many to choose from. Well since every one of them lied about having any meetings at all. Take your pick. :)
Mueller learned as a leader of a Marine Rifle Company to use overwhelming firepower to confront an opponent. He used the same theory and doctrine as a prosecutor. Prepare, build and amass the weapons and ammunition to surprise the opponent with the overwhelming firepower. Whether troops or prosecutors, send them into the battle fully loaded and ready for all contingencies. BTW, he did the same thing with the FBI.

This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation

What meeting and what aides are you referring to, Winger?

I assume you are just playing stupid

Numerous Trump "aides" have been accused of having meetings with Russians, Winger...I would like to know which ones you were referring to so I can show how those meetings do not constitute "collusion"! So be specific so I can answer your "simple question"!


Lil Donnie
Jared Kushner
Roger Stone

You going to try to tell me all that high end talent was concerned with adoptions?
The democrat believers use financial ruin to get people to lie. It's the modern form of the rack.

Conspiracy theorist says what?

Funny no one is commenting to what I posted. Probably because what I posted proves there is a lot of smoke. This fire aint put out.
we were discussing manafort but only how he was illegally wiretapped by obama. twice. just because i don't follow your line of thought doesn't make mine wrong.

No, you were discussing "illegal" wiretaps.
Everyone else was discussing wiretaps and his impending indictment.

Your desire to minimize the importance of this investigation is noted. Denying and distorting reality to do so is just dumb.
your desire to see shit out of hate is why we're in the mess we're in.

denying it, well that just makes you the court jester at this point. dance, jojo.

Hate has nothing to do with it. It was Trump's own actions that led us to where we are. He made the appointment of a special counsel unavoidable when he fired Comey.
as did hillary when she deleted evidence.
then smashed it
then denied it existed
then said oops...
then blamed colin powell
then blamed whoever was next to her...

you've bulldogged. have fun but i'm out. you won't talk logic or sense, you'll only agree with what hurts trump and his platform.

i've had more than enough of that crap but it appears you're still playing the game. have fun.
View attachment 150313
and i can put up an empty e-mail box entitled "russia evidence against trump" and we can all giggle at the stupidity of the other side.

after awhile you'd think you'd come to the conclusion that doesn't help.
Any day now the snowflakes will provide one shred of evidence to support their conspiracy theory accusations....

I don't think anyone thinks Hillary is going to be president.

We know the best case scenario in the short term is that we remove the Game Show Host and put Pence in there. You know, a guy sane enough to not go in front of the UN and threaten WWIII.

That's what I figured

"We won so it doesn't matter what laws we broke to get there....even if it is Russia"
/----/ squirm you loser.

We will see who does the squirming once the indictments are handed out
Indictments for what?

Money Laundering, unreported foreign influence, conspiracy
/----/ "unreported foreign influence" That's it? That's all you got?
View attachment 150304
What he doesn't get is that only one of those things is an actual crime, and there's no evidence to support it.
This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation
That question was answered the day the story came out, dipshit.

Really? What was the answer?
Where is a record of the meeting?

"Where is a record of the meeting?" Why do you imagine there should be a "record" of it?

Well, it kind of works like this.....

You are Donald Trump, one of the smartest men in America. Your people are having a meeting with Russian agents. Now, being such a smart man, you would be aware that we currently had sanctions against Russia and that there were reports of Russian meddling in the election
Now, wouldn't such a smart man want a recording of that meeting to prove that nothing illicit happened in it?
So you are demanding that Trump turn over something when you have no evidence of its existence?
  1. How would Trump know they were "Russian agents," whatever that is?
  2. Sanctions don't make it illegal to speak with Russians, so how are they relevant?
  3. Were there reports of Russian meddling when the meeting took place? Even if there were, why should Trump know about that?
The bottom line: you're a fucking moron.
I don't think anyone thinks Hillary is going to be president.

We know the best case scenario in the short term is that we remove the Game Show Host and put Pence in there. You know, a guy sane enough to not go in front of the UN and threaten WWIII.

That's what I figured

"We won so it doesn't matter what laws we broke to get there....even if it is Russia"
/----/ squirm you loser.

We will see who does the squirming once the indictments are handed out
Indictments for what?

Money Laundering, unreported foreign influence, conspiracy
Tax evasion. Don't leave out the tax evasion. Also, failure to register as a foreign agent. He admitted to that. Confessions are admissible as evidence. Lying to federal agents also.

Manafort and Flynn are the ones who failed to register as foreign agents, but, surprise, surprise, so did Podesta!

Why don't you throw in a few more made-up crimes for which there is no evidence, like child molestation?
This entire fiasco is a "circular firing squad" put on by progressives because they can't come to grips with the fact that the voters wouldn't elect Hillary Clinton when they were TOLD to by the liberal media! Overwhelming firepower in a circular firing squad won't get you the results you're hoping for, Camp...just saying...

Simple question.......Why were Trump aides meeting with the Russians and what did they discuss

Answer that question and we can end the investigation
It's none of your business and you have no need to know. Trump doesn't send daily minutes to CNN like purple lipped jughead did. Plus, it's not against the law to meet with the Russians. LMAO!

Well if it is not my business and everyones business to find out what happened in those meetings ...them it is up to Mueller to find out

It is not against the law to meet with the Russians. But it is against the law to do business with a country under economic sanctions. It is also against the law to participate in the illegal hacking of DNC files for political gain
Got any proof that's what happened? No you don't and you never will, you just keep posting bullshit day in and day out.

Don't ask me........Trump is not releasing me any information on what he was up to

It is up to Mueller to find out
Just admit you haven't got a shred of evidence.

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