So what if armed guards are placed in schools?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:

There ya to again using your noggin...

But seriously,
Where does it stop? Do we have guards everywhere...? Or do we do the logical thing, IMHO, and let law abiding licensed folks protect themselves with a concealed weapon?

Yep, even a teacher if she so chooses.
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:

Every seen the armed guards at these places? I wouldn't trust them to hit the side of a barn if push came to shove.

I don't think the NRA wants the wild west, nor do they want everyone armed. I think they were suggesting what the public thinks it wants... a feel good safety net.

Also... suggesting armed guards in schools is nothing new. Many schools already HAVE armed guards on campus.
What a sad, sad reflection of American society if armed guards are roaming public school hallways.
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:

Citizens arming themselves for personal protection only really isn’t the issue; the notion of arming schools, hospitals, and other public venues is idiotic, however, where armed individuals are using firearms to ‘fight crime’ other than for their personal defense.

The notion of designated-armed individuals exchanging gunfire with criminal suspects in a public place is ridiculous – there will be as many injured and killed innocent victims from ‘friendly fire’ as criminal, if not more.
What a sad, sad reflection of American society if armed guards are roaming public school hallways.

Yep, and what's even sadder is they are there to protect teachers and students form other students. We have a social problem alright, we're not teaching our children proper values.
What a sad, sad reflection of American society if armed guards are roaming public school hallways.

Yep, and what's even sadder is they are there to protect teachers and students form other students. We have a social problem alright, we're not teaching our children proper values.

So who is supposed to teach "proper values"? I thought the parents of the children were supposed to take care of that, not the teachers.

As far as arming teachers in schools? Really? Because many of you conservatives have stated REPEATEDLY that teachers get too much money, and have put in many cuts to education.

Think about go ahead and arm the teachers, but what happens when the conservatives start going after teachers pay and union rights? Do you REALLY want to see a hostage situation where it's not the union that negotiates for the teachers, but rather someone with a weapon who has a whole classroom hostage?

Oh................and as far as small government goes, putting armed guards in the schools sure ain't the way to go. Besides, who's gonna pay for it? The NRA?
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:

Citizens arming themselves for personal protection only really isn’t the issue; the notion of arming schools, hospitals, and other public venues is idiotic, however, where armed individuals are using firearms to ‘fight crime’ other than for their personal defense.

The notion of designated-armed individuals exchanging gunfire with criminal suspects in a public place is ridiculous – there will be as many injured and killed innocent victims from ‘friendly fire’ as criminal, if not more.

You might want to pull you head out of your little fantasy land, we already have armed guards at schools, hospitals, malls and even the VA clinic I go to has two armed security people on duty all the time. Criminals and gangs have made these security measures necessary.

PUBLIC schools are owned by the taxpayers so they can put 1 local police officer in each school to protect a PUBLIC building like they already do with City Hall, the local courthouse, that Cleatus?

Malls are private, so whoever owns the mall needs to figure out their own security with help from the local police.

Churches are also private, so they can do whatever security is required.

Since nobody is required to go to church and the mall like elementary enter the church and mall at your own risk. Since we force kids to attend school, it is the local taxpayers' responsibility to make sure they are safe from gunmen shooting them inside the school.

This is all too deep for your shallow mind.

Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:
Then there is a Mall shooting, so armed guards need to be placed there. Then a Church shooting and armed guards are placed there. Then a bus station shooting....and

You getting the message? The NRA would be happy if everyone is packing. Back to the old west. More guns will not solve the problem.:doubt:

Every seen the armed guards at these places? I wouldn't trust them to hit the side of a barn if push came to shove.

I don't think the NRA wants the wild west, nor do they want everyone armed. I think they were suggesting what the public thinks it wants... a feel good safety net.

Also... suggesting armed guards in schools is nothing new. Many schools already HAVE armed guards on campus.

Yup. Columbine had one. See how that worked out.
It's up to the local school district, taxpayers, parents and local police if they want to put a police officer in the school.

If you liberals want to protect your little kiddies with fairy dust, then you'll suffer the consequences.

Newtown CT was most likely an upper class liberal town that will now have to face reality or keep being idiots not protecting their kids.
What a sad, sad reflection of American society if armed guards are roaming public school hallways.

Yep, and what's even sadder is they are there to protect teachers and students form other students. We have a social problem alright, we're not teaching our children proper values.

So who is supposed to teach "proper values"? I thought the parents of the children were supposed to take care of that, not the teachers.

As far as arming teachers in schools? Really? Because many of you conservatives have stated REPEATEDLY that teachers get too much money, and have put in many cuts to education.

Think about go ahead and arm the teachers, but what happens when the conservatives start going after teachers pay and union rights? Do you REALLY want to see a hostage situation where it's not the union that negotiates for the teachers, but rather someone with a weapon who has a whole classroom hostage?

Oh................and as far as small government goes, putting armed guards in the schools sure ain't the way to go. Besides, who's gonna pay for it? The NRA?

Yep it's the primary job of parents, and the secondary job of teachers to reinforce those values. But discipline has been taken out of the hands of parents by liberals who tell children if their parents bust their ass for being bad they are being abused and need to tell some one. Teachers are constantly telling children their parents aren't smart enough to protect their environment and it's their duty to educate the parent. This is a systematic undermining of the nuclear family and destruction of the moral fiber of the country. And then people like you wonder why kids have no respect for authority, damn they are constantly told ways around it.

If you think teachers are so unstable that they may take their class hostage over wage negotiations, maybe we should require psyc evals for all teachers and just ban unions.

We are already paying for cops in schools, mostly in the major urban areas, but they are there, and they are there to protect people from students.
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On our local news...

Following the N-R-A's statement that it would like to see armed guards in every school across the U-S, the Nixa Superintedent, Doctor Stephen Kleinsmith says that's already a reality in his district.

Armed officers have been in the schools for years and they plan to hire a fourth officer next year.

He says the feedback from parents is more positive than negative,

Armed Officers Have Patrolled Nixa Schools For Years -

The problem needs to be addressed on numerous fronts. Mental illness is a huge problem that has been ignored for far too long. Many of the homeless are mentally ill. Until gun issues and the mentally illness problem are addressed, expect to see more Newtowns.

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