So What's Mueller Up To?

The DNC plan is to obviously drag this whole distraction out as long as possible, which is starting to piss the American people off according to politicians who say no one cares about Russia at their town halls but do want to know when the DNC and GOP are going to do something constructive.

Who Cruz?! Yes we care, most of us anyway.
Of course you do, because you can't get over Hillary losing.
Chinagate aka Commercegate is the most serious scandal in U.S. history. It involves the transfer of America’s most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, apparently in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee.

But they had the media covering for them.

That's correct....every Chi-Com ICBM aimed at US cities will now find their mark thanks to Willy and Al's scheme to get campaign money. It was accomplished through Loral and Ron Brown's DofC against the warnings of the entire defense and intel establishment. Brown of course was later killed in a mysterious plane wreck, his autopsy showing what appeared to be a large caliber bullet wound to the back of his head.
Let's see...he's hired FIFTEEN lawyers but only disclosed 13 of them as being Hillary supporters...the other two are mystery guests. So is his budget....none of our business. One of his stooges says they'll let us know in October maybe....or maybe not. So what's he looking into that hasn't already been leaked by his protege Comey (getting a big laugh from Mueller and noted muslim-convert/traitor Brennan:


My guess is he's in his office a couple hours a day sticking pencils in the acoustic ceiling tiles and practicing his golf swing....maybe looking for a new boat he can buy thanks to his "investigation". He's aware nobody can say anything about all this because the Rats have put their entire future as a party in his gnarly hands, and the cowardly GOP want's nothing to do with any of it. He'll keep Comey's ass out of Leavenworth and ride this pony right up to November, 2018....that's his mission. :tinfoil:

No glimpse of Mueller's Russia special counsel budget until October
I can't imagine any institution more corrupt than the "special counsel's" office. Who is he accountable to? What are the constraints on his actions? There are no financial constraints, legal constraints or ethical constraints.
I do have concerns for a fair investigation that isn't going to take 10 years.

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Chinagate aka Commercegate is the most serious scandal in U.S. history. It involves the transfer of America’s most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, apparently in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee.

But they had the media covering for them.

That's correct....every Chi-Com ICBM aimed at US cities will now find their mark thanks to Willy and Al's scheme to get campaign money. It was accomplished through Loral and Ron Brown's DofC against the warnings of the entire defense and intel establishment. Brown of course was later killed in a mysterious plane wreck, his autopsy showing what appeared to be a large caliber bullet wound to the back of his head.
It was OK for Clinton to have China help him get reelected because shut up.
The DNC plan is to obviously drag this whole distraction out as long as possible, which is starting to piss the American people off according to politicians who say no one cares about Russia at their town halls but do want to know when the DNC and GOP are going to do something constructive.

Who Cruz?! Yes we care, most of us anyway.
Of course you do, because you can't get over Hillary losing.

Actually if she won she'd be impeached by now , under some phony excuse, or being questioned day in and day out , so I'm kind of glad it happened this way, people can really see what the GOP is like.
Actually if she won she'd be impeached by now , under some phony excuse or being questioned day in and day out , so I'm kind of glad it happened this way, people can really see what the GOP is like.
Phony Excuse?

Yeah like illegal mishandling of classified information, illegally refusing to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, giving her maid illegal access to classified information, illegally storing a classified server in an insecure location managed by an IT company that did not have the security clearance required to possess her their bathroom.

Good god some people are just stupid as dirt yet want to talk like they are actually intelligent....

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