So when is Iran's regime going to fall already? We're waiting.

I admit that the Vietnam War was pointless. We should've left them alone.

Left who alone....the Viet communist butchers....and lost Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines too? Admit this, don't know shit about what was happening in SE asia in the 60's.

They took over all of Vietnam , and none of those other countries fell to communism. The domino theory is a proven falsehood. We should have left them alone.
They aren't losing. They aren't going anywhere. Threats and sanctions haven't worked, and more of them won't. Admit it, Trump's Iran policy is a big ol' flop.

The ragheads were loading their patrol boats with cruise missiles to attack US shipping in retaliation for sanctions. Trump has said repeatedly he doesn't want a war with Iran. Try getting your information from a real source in the future....repeating CNN/MSLSD fables makes you a fool.
They took over all of Vietnam , and none of those other countries fell to communism. The domino theory is a proven falsehood. We should have left them alone.

And who stopped the domino theory...we did by intervening in Vietnam....try getting your story straight....
pick a side. we're at war.

you're either with us...or you're against us.

brothers and sisters: Iran's nuclear weapons are designed to attack America, not to protect Iran from attack. but before we go to war, my friends, we must make damn sure the american people know the cost of war!

Trump needs to be clear to the american people, we're in it for the long haul, and its gonna cost lives and treasure

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