So Why Does Obama Need Another Trillion? Another Money Laundering Campaign Scheme ?

Oct 10, 2011

What? Five Trillion wasn't enough? Did Obama expect to have that One Billion in campaign funds by now?
Conservatives all know what Obama has been doing with our taxes and borrowed trillions is soley to collapse the system and eventually launder billions back into the pockets of the Democrats.
And considering what happened with the 2009 stimulus and Solyndra, He wants another Trillion? Obama only has about 6 months to come up with a Billion, hmm, maybe that's why he is asking to print up another Trillion? And where would the money go afterwords?
Any suggestions?:eusa_think::eusa_think::eusa_shifty:
and if Yobama had a 65% approval, do you think he'd be asking for a trillion dollars? and does he have any plan on how to pay it back?
and maybe some of those millions will be used to rig the election? with Harry Reid behind the scheme{like he did in Nevada?}
Like how the stimulus PAID Unions and Democratic Community Organizers. Ya don't read it just sign it.
i forgot, Moochelle needs some of that Trillion to pay for her next 12 trips to Europe. {alone of course}
A trillion here. A trillion there. Pretty soon you're taking about real money.
What's the trillion for?

We have a lot of bills. Don't know which one needs paying right now.

Could be the one for the Iraq war. We haven't settled that bill yet. That one just came in the mail with an OVERDUE stamp on it.

Or maybe it is to pay for the war in Afghanistan.

Or it could be the bill for Medicare Part D. That one will be with us forever. It rolls over every month.

Then there's this obscure one which just says "War on Terra". It has a lot of black censor bars all over the itemization.

Those are some of the oldest unpaid bills we have.

We could dip into the Social Security pot again to pay some bills, but that well is running dry real soon.
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What trillion are you talking about? If it's the next year deficit, then it should be very easy for you to find the answer -- just read your federal budget! You'll find in every possible detail where the money will go.
What trillion are you talking about?

The debt ceiling is being raised for the umpty-umpth time in a hunnert years.

If it's the next year deficit, then it should be very easy for you to find the answer -- just read your federal budget! You'll find in every possible detail where the money will go.

That's no fun!

It is easier to make shit up. You are such a spoilsport.

Thread killer!
and to think Yobama could of sent every average american a check for $30,000 with that 5 trillion. yet the poor/middle class are STILL SUFFERING !!!
I thought Obama was looking out for the little people? yet now he wants another trillion? for what? can't steal any more from the evil job creators?

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