So Will HiIlary Apologize for Inciting the Bomber?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
She owes America an apology for inciting this bomber...... areal nut job. Obviously he agreed with her in that uncivil behavior is justified and warranted when you disagree with a political party

She hasn't apologized for hiring felons, the homeless and drug addicts to go to Trump Rallies and assault voters, so why is she going to apologize for this?
She owes America an apology for inciting this bomber...... areal nut job. Obviously he agreed with her in that uncivil behavior is justified and warranted when you disagree with a political party

Maybe after your party stops defending him
It is clear to me.... I don't listen to Hillary, but evidently, he did..... what a dummy

Welcome to backwards world

TRUMP named and attacked all of the targets of these attacks.

MAYBE...he ought to stop doing that
Welcome to backwards world

TRUMP named and attacked all of the targets of these attacks.

MAYBE...he ought to stop doing that

Trump can't name people because some nutjob might do some nutjob shit?
Welcome to backwards world

TRUMP named and attacked all of the targets of these attacks.

MAYBE...he ought to stop doing that
I hope he doesn't.

This nut job disliked the Democrat party.... Following HIllary's direction that when you disagree, civility does not apply. Even Holder said when they are down..... kick them

Ah the Trumpublicans and the wacky CT's are itching to get Americans killed.

Turds are a threat to our Republic.

TurdTrumpyBear should resign in disgrace.
She owes America an apology for inciting this bomber...... areal nut job. Obviously he agreed with her in that uncivil behavior is justified and warranted when you disagree with a political party


She owes America an apology for inciting this bomber...... areal nut job. Obviously he agreed with her in that uncivil behavior is justified and warranted when you disagree with a political party


Or madonna, who said she wanted to Blow up the White House.........
She hasn't apologized for hiring felons, the homeless and drug addicts to go to Trump Rallies and assault voters, so why is she going to apologize for this?

Yes....bob creamer, the husband of democrat politician jan shikowski of chicago, worked for hilary and hired people to actually start fights at Trump rallies....actual violence initiated by the democrats with orders from hilary clinton and the DNC....
Psychopaths, by definition, are incapable of feeling remorse. When has the chestburster Whorellary ever shown regret or compassion about anything?
Psychopaths, by definition, are incapable of feeling remorse. When has the chestburster Whorellary ever shown regret or compassion about anything?
Will the rump bastard pay for bombers law defense??

No, he won't, I don't know why a nutcase like you is asking me that unrelated, non-sequitor question. The very fact that you support a medically provable psychopath like Hillary (according to ALL 15 AMA parameters for a diagnosis of anti-social disorder), simply proves that you have no more conscience than Hilarious Hillary. A woman who BRAGS about getting violent pedophiles acquitted back in her lawyer days.

But I must say, your idiotic question is VERY typical of you Hillary supporters.
Is any filthy hate mongering Democrat going to apologize for inciting the Republican Congressmen shooting?
The nutjob was just taking what Hillary, Waters and Holder ordered. Lack of civility is justified when you disagree with a political party

She owes America an apology for inciting this bomber...... areal nut job. Obviously he agreed with her in that uncivil behavior is justified and warranted when you disagree with a political party



Yeah, even for the usual moronic Trump threads this is a moronic thread.
How so? Did Hillary not say you can't be civil with a political party you disagree with? Did Holder not say when they are down, kick them? I take it the nutjob disliked the Democratic party to say the least.


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