So with why with 50 years of political experience did France pulls their ambassador? Wow!

I am a German. I "remember" that German travelling theaters in the 19th and early 20th centuries also visited the USA and gave there performances in the German lanaguage. But you lost this heritage.

I never called "french fries" "freeedom fries" we call it "Pommes Frites" from the French expression for "fritierte Kartoffeln". But we speak Frores like Fitz ot hiner ther Old Fritz. This Prussian king tried to introduce potatoes in Germany - but this was not sucessful. No one liked it because no had been informed what (and how) to do with it. So the Alte Fritz used a trick. He sent his soldiers to guard the kingly potatoe fields, so the people thousght he makes a lot of money with it and found many ways
Wars have ben fought over french fries, Old Fritz...
France was one of the allies Biden lied to and whose citizens he abandoned in Afghanistan.

France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???
Worse actually. "

British Government Stands Behind Ambassador Who Called Donald Trump 'Incompetent' and 'Insecure'"​


France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???
This is hysterical! The first people the Left cares about who thinks of US are the ingrate French. GW and Trump continue to laugh at France while the Left gives every flying fuck what they say.
What is the matter Moon Bat, you don't want the Aussies to be able to defend themselves against Potatohead's Chicom buddies? You know, the ones that made his family rich and who helped him to steal the election?

It's clear to me that only the USA is able to defend Australia against China. But it is also clear to me that China never will attack Australia. Question: If you see in China an enemy, why do you make business with China? And why needs the imperium americanum Australian auxiliary troops under command of the USA?

I am a German. I "remember" that German travelling theaters in the 19th and early 20th centuries also visited the USA and gave there performances in the German language. But you lost this heritage.

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Biden is a catastrophe everywhere you look.
You have no clue what's happening at the southern "open border", that is a disaster
AFG is a disaster
His covid policies are disasters
His "infrastructure bills" are disasters

Everything senile Joe touches turns to shit.
Everything Trump did turned out well, especially compared to Joe Dementia, who can't even have a real press conference.

Trump is an idiot and only a symptom for the reasons what is going wrong with the USA. I guess your main problem are drugs.
UUuh... I'm not 120 years old.

Das habe ich glatt so vermutet, Intelligenzbolzen. Stimmt aber eventuell trotzdem nicht. In Wahrheit bist Du vielleicht sogar 13.8 Milliarden Jahre alt ± ein paar Planksekunden, die man fälschlicherweise "Plankzeit" nennt.

The important part of my message to you had been:

And it is not over for Europe. You manipulated the Brexit. You tried to destroy the Nord Steam 2 project - and to split the EU - which had been nearly finished and delayed it so it was finished in the last days. Now you torpeded a project from France with Australia from the year 2016. The USA is on war paths against Europe and her own allies. Better to say: You are on war paths against your own main important mother nations and main roots. "Great again" means "lousy", I guess.

Or with other words: You are not only not reliable for Europe - and you destroy yourself.
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It's clear to me that only the USA is able to defend Australia against China. But it is also clear to me that China never will attack Australia. Question: If you see in China an enemy, why do you make business with China? And why needs the imperium americanum Australian auxiliary troops under command of the USA?
We see China as planning world domination.
You are correct that Wall Street greed built up China by moving 12,000 factories and millions of US jobs to China, combined with China's unfair trading practices, such as intellectual property theft.
So Wall Street will reap what it sowed when China buys them out and owns everything.
Greed is not always good.
Trump is an idiot and only a symptom for the reasons what is going wrong with the USA. I guess your main problem are drugs.
Trump has personality and ego issues, but he understands business, unlike the stupid democrats.
What is going wrong with the US are democrat policies, like: defund the police, surrender AFG, the southern open border, backward energy policies, paying people more to sit on their porches than to work, promoting racism, alienating allies, Canada over KeystoneXL, the Brits hold Biden in CONTEMPT, now the French pulled their ambassador.
Biden has never been right about anything, he can't even hold a real press conference. The US drug problem is another issue along with homelessness and mental health problems. The US needs Trump more than ever.
Maybe that's why Australia will be spending their money here, so what's the problem? France lost a contract, and I'm supposed to be upset?

Yeah, the best I can tell is that we're building subs for an ally to help contain China....

And Trump supporters are upset because the French made an empty gesture of recalling an ambassador.
It's clear to me that only the USA is able to defend Australia against China. But it is also clear to me that China never will attack Australia. Question: If you see in China an enemy, why do you make business with China? And why needs the imperium americanum Australian auxiliary troops under command of the USA?

Dipshit, your history assignment will be how learning the Chinese made the Udihe of the Primorskye Krai hopelessly indebted to them. The keyword for your cowpoke dreams is “economics.”
Except that is what nobody is saying....try again.
Wrong. Trump was right. NATO said Trump strengthened NATO. Xiden is held in CONTEMPT by the Brits, he pissed off the French, and Canada hates Xiden for killing the KeystoneXL while asking OPEC+ to pump more.
Xiden is Putin's Whore.

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