Social scientists agree..welfare increases criminality, poverty, dysfunction

Yes, crime rates in low-income neighborhoods are higher.

And rates of receiving welfare in low-income areas are higher.

Therefore there obviously must be a correlation, right?

I mean, it couldn't be the fact that the people in the low-income neighborhood are poor as fuck that drives up the crime rate...

Could it?

Nah, that couldn't be it.

You take it up with the majority of sociologists, and Guttmacher's...who absolutely don't agree with you and are shitting BRICKS because it's too obvious to hide and therefore must be addressed.

And they have no answer. The long and short of it is it's true, welfare, single parenthood, legal abortion...they lead to more crime, more unplanned pregnancy, more illegitimacy, more child abuse, more child death (aside from the aborted ones) and more welfare recipients.
Yea.... so why are we, as a country, not dealing with the causes of crime? Because if we do, we need to provide ladders out of poverty.... work.... and work seems to be very low on the priority list of the left.

Fix the fucking problem... and you'll lose voters.... and that is why the Democrats prefer welfare to work.

Which would have been the point of "Workfare" in the 90's.

Did you miss that whole legislation?

Were you too busy paying attention to Clinton conspiracy theories to notice that a plan to turn welfare into work has already been implemented?
You take it up with the majority of sociologists, and Guttmacher's...who absolutely don't agree with you and are shitting BRICKS because it's too obvious to hide and therefore must be addressed.

And they have no answer. The long and short of it is it's true, welfare, single parenthood, legal abortion...they lead to more crime, more unplanned pregnancy, more illegitimacy, more child abuse, more child death (aside from the aborted ones) and more welfare recipients.

Please feel free to point out where your links prove that a "majority of sociologists" believe that there is a direct causal link between welfare and increased crime.

Because I'm not seeing it.
"Social scientists may dispute the degree of linkage between welfare and illegitimacy, but the vast majority agree that there is some connection. Even William Galston, President Clinton's Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, says that the welfare system is responsible for at least 15 to 20 percent of the family disintegration in America. Others, such as Charles Murray, attribute as much as 50 percent of illegitimacy to welfare. I believe that any objective look at the available literature on this topic indicates a strong correlation between the availability of welfare and out-of-wedlock births."

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995

the cato institute??? really?

once more... correlation =/= causation.

I can't see welfare as the causation. Not exactly a symptom either. More of a bi-product.
"The Maryland NAACP recently concluded that "the ready access to a lifetime of welfare and free social service programs is a major contributory factor to the crime problems we face today." Welfare contributes to crime by destroying the family structure and breaking down the bonds of community. Moreover, it contributes to the social marginalization of young black men by making them irrelevant to the family. Their role has been supplanted by the welfare check. "

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995

This is from 1995. Nearly half the births in the US are now out of wedlock.
This isn't a good thing but it crosses at socio-economic and racial barriers now.
Yes, the cato institute, lol. It tells me something about the ppl who typically harrangue me the most didn't notice.

however I did post another, less controversial source a couple of posts down in the thread. So even if you don't like Cato (and the sources were good) there remains a lot of support.

Crap, the GUTTMACHER institute has commented on it...only they limit themselves to commenting on abortion (and unplanned pregnancy, and teen pregnancy) only...they don't mess with the welfare part of it (because they don't keep those records at the abortion clinics). Abortion availaibility and high incidence of abortion and teen pregnancy are directly linked. They are trying hard to find a way to say it's because of something else, but they can't, and haven't, been able to deny the correlation is there, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with seems to be directly linked to proximity of PP over long periods of time.
Yea.... so why are we, as a country, not dealing with the causes of crime? Because if we do, we need to provide ladders out of poverty.... work.... and work seems to be very low on the priority list of the left.

Fix the fucking problem... and you'll lose voters.... and that is why the Democrats prefer welfare to work.

Which would have been the point of "Workfare" in the 90's.

Did you miss that whole legislation?

Were you too busy paying attention to Clinton conspiracy theories to notice that a plan to turn welfare into work has already been implemented?

No, sweetie.... I was busy getting a decent education.

How'd that legislation work out? Another fucking epic failure. Just like the GOP fails... if you fucking morons would stop playing politics and start actually caring about your fellow Americans... then you might just save this nation and make it a better place for the next generation. Pay your fucking debts and stop pretending that we can spend our way out of this mess. Hold your politicians - all of them to account.
This is from 1995. Nearly half the births in the US are now out of wedlock.
This isn't a good thing but it crosses at socio-economic and racial barriers now.

And... the crime rates have declined, significantly, since 1995.

Which makes the case for a correlation pretty damn flimsy.
"Social scientists may dispute the degree of linkage between welfare and illegitimacy, but the vast majority agree that there is some connection. Even William Galston, President Clinton's Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, says that the welfare system is responsible for at least 15 to 20 percent of the family disintegration in America. Others, such as Charles Murray, attribute as much as 50 percent of illegitimacy to welfare. I believe that any objective look at the available literature on this topic indicates a strong correlation between the availability of welfare and out-of-wedlock births."

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995


1996 = PRWORA

What's your point exactly? That welfare reform was needed in 1995, and so in 1996 they reformed it?
"The Maryland NAACP recently concluded that "the ready access to a lifetime of welfare and free social service programs is a major contributory factor to the crime problems we face today." Welfare contributes to crime by destroying the family structure and breaking down the bonds of community. Moreover, it contributes to the social marginalization of young black men by making them irrelevant to the family. Their role has been supplanted by the welfare check. "

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995

Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid.
"Forty-five percent of
black women managers or professionals have had an illegitimate child,
compared to 3 percent of managerial or professional whites. Half of all
births in New York City are illegitimate, and in some neighborhoods the
proportion reaches 80 percent. A 1997 survey by the federal government
found that the percentage of black high-school students who said they
have had sex was 73 percent, versus 44 percent for whites and 52 percent
for Hispanics.

"But it hasn't always been this way. In 1940, the black illegitimacy
rate was 19 percent, less than what it is for whites now."

But I thought birth control and abortion were supposed to stem the flow of illegitimate birth, out of wedlock birth, and poverty! Seems to have had the opposite effect, no?

Logical fallacy, and one of the most retarded ones I've heard lately.


I've never seen a fine, law abiding and safe community where the majority are on welfare.

You ever been to a housing project???

Do they kill you instantly?
Entitlement/Moocher U.S.A. Isn't it fun? Thanks a lot Democrats.

We wouldn't have as many "moochers" if wage increases mirrored company profits and jobs weren't be outsourced overseas. So shouldn't we say "thanks a lot private sector"?
"Social scientists may dispute the degree of linkage between welfare and illegitimacy, but the vast majority agree that there is some connection. Even William Galston, President Clinton's Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, says that the welfare system is responsible for at least 15 to 20 percent of the family disintegration in America. Others, such as Charles Murray, attribute as much as 50 percent of illegitimacy to welfare. I believe that any objective look at the available literature on this topic indicates a strong correlation between the availability of welfare and out-of-wedlock births."

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995


Social scientists agree..welfare increases criminality, poverty, dysfunction

Yet - the OP only addresses the affects of welfare on illegitimacy and disintigration of the family unit - it says nothing about causing criminality, poverty, nor does it address general dysfunction outside of n illegitimacy and disintigration of the family unit.

So why did you choose your subject heading the way you did? Were you intentionally dishonest, or are you just a moron?
Actually, it does. Perhaps you should read it.

I'm not terribly interested in reforming welfare 17 years ago.

Particularly since is was reformed 16 years ago.

Report: Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise Again

Report: Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise Again : NPR

I would like to point out that the 14 year decline the press likes to pretend was such a huge thing really wasn't...the teen pregnancy rate increased to such a degree during the 70s and 80s that it was due for tapering off..which is what it did, slowly, over 14 years, in little increments...and now it's climbing again.
"Forty-five percent of
black women managers or professionals have had an illegitimate child,
compared to 3 percent of managerial or professional whites. Half of all
births in New York City are illegitimate, and in some neighborhoods the
proportion reaches 80 percent. A 1997 survey by the federal government
found that the percentage of black high-school students who said they
have had sex was 73 percent, versus 44 percent for whites and 52 percent
for Hispanics.

"But it hasn't always been this way. In 1940, the black illegitimacy
rate was 19 percent, less than what it is for whites now."

But I thought birth control and abortion were supposed to stem the flow of illegitimate birth, out of wedlock birth, and poverty! Seems to have had the opposite effect, no?

50% of all births in the US are to single parent households. This will only increase as our government enables and encourages this behavior. Mainly from the left side of the isle.

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