Socialism FAIL- Venezuela


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The South America crap hole had some fans here in America. However, now that the rotten fruits of labor relative to Socialism have now taken hold, these same voices are silent. Look, we tell the left over and over that socialism is a complete FAIL.


Celebrities like Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, and Danny Glover praised the regime not too long ago, as did intellectuals like Noam Chomsky.

Six years ago, Bernie Sanders claimed that “the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina.”

These days however, those voices are conveniently silent in regards to Venezuela. There’s always at least one “perfect” example of socialism for leftists to hold up, right up until that that shining example utterly fails.

But that is by no means the extant of their cognitive dissonance. While these same figures preach about how equitable socialism is, and rail against the 1%, socialist countries like Venezuela are run by tiny wealthy elites who are having a blast while their countrymen starve in the streets.

"Socialism Has Produced Some Very Powerful Millionaires": As Venezuelans Starve In The Streets, The Elites Party On | Zero Hedge
Venezuelans fleeing to Colombia...

Desperate Venezuelans set sights on Colombia as worry mounts
Jun 22,`17 -- As the first hint of dawn stretches over a Colombian neighborhood known as "Little Mene Grande" after the warm, Venezuelan city where so many recent arrivals are from, six men and women rise from worn, flattened mattresses.
The women do their makeup in front of a mirror hanging from the security bars inside a window. One wraps her 4-month-old daughter in a fuzzy yellow blanket. The men don jackets and baseball caps. Bogota is cold compared to their Venezuelan hometown and their day will be long. The task: Sell 54 mangos at less than a dollar each in hopes of sending a sliver of what they earn to relatives struggling even more back home. "I never imagined living like this," says Genensis Montilla, 26, a nurse and single mother who left her three children with their grandmother.

While Venezuela plunges further into political and economic ruin, the flight of its citizens is accelerating, reaching levels unseen in its history. Experts believe nearly one-tenth of its population of around 31 million now lives outside the country. For better-off professionals the preferred destination is Spain or the U.S., where Venezuelans are overstaying their visas in droves and now lead asylum requests for the first time - 18,155 last year alone. But for many poor people fleeing Venezuela's triple-digit inflation, hours-long food lines and medical shortages, Colombia is the journey's end. The neighboring Andean nation has received more Venezuelans than any other nation. Estimates indicate more than 1 million have arrived in the last two decades, reversing the previous trend of Colombians fleeing war heading to Venezuela.


Saraid Valbuena, 20, holds her 4-month-old daughter bundled in a blanket, as her husband Jesus Barrios slices mangoes to sell, in Bogota, Colombia. “When you talk to Venezuelans, they all say, ‘I want to come,’” said Valbuena, who made the journey with her husband and their then-1-month-old daughter earlier this year. “Even though you come here to sleep on the ground, people want to come because they know with a day or two of work, at least they’ll eat.”​

The most desperate cross illegally through one of hundreds of "trochas," unpaved dirt roads along Venezuela's porous 1,370-mile (2,200-kilometer) border with Colombia. "When you talk to Venezuelans, they all say, 'I want to come,'" said Saraid Valbuena, 20, who made the journey with her husband and their then 1-month-old daughter earlier this year. "Even though you come here to sleep on the ground, people want to come because they know with a day or two of work at least they'll eat." The influx shows no sign of waning and has worried Colombian officials enough that they are crafting contingency plans in the event of an even larger spike or a repeat of a crisis like the one in 2015, when Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro overnight expelled some 20,000 Colombians.

Recently, Colombia's government sent a delegation to Syrian refugee camps in Turkey to learn how to respond to a sudden wave of mass migration. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is also studying how prepared their offices in Colombia, as well as Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago, are to deal with a potential swell of Venezuelan migrants. "Since about a year and a half ago, it has been a constant flow," said Daniel Pages, president of the Venezuelans in Colombia Association. "They need to leave in order to live." Officially, Venezuela denies its citizens are fleeing to Colombia. As recently as February, Maduro claimed Colombians were still pouring "en masse" into Venezuela. Venezuela has not released migration statistics in more than a decade.

Neither one of you understand socialism. How it differs from capitalism.
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countries like Venezuela are run by tiny wealthy elites
In other words "not Socialist" but an acute form of capitalism.

The means of production concentrated in the hands of a few is the antithesis of socialism. It's capitalist. Private interests have gained control of the government and the means of production in Venezuela.

Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.
countries like Venezuela are run by tiny wealthy elites
In other words "not Socialist" but an acute form of capitalism.

The means of production concentrated in the hands of a few is the antithesis of socialism. It's capitalist. Private interests have gained control of the government and the means of production in Venezuela.

Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
Neither one of you understand socialism. How it differs from capitalism.

I understand Socialism has never endured and never will. Venzuela is a perfect example of it
Well it did work for some there, or one at least. Reports vary as to whether Hugo's daughter as 3 or 4 BILLION DOLLARS salted away in foreign banks.

I'm still trying to find her so I can propose.
Neither one of you understand socialism. How it differs from capitalism.

I understand Socialism has never endured and never will. Venzuela is a perfect example of it
Well it did work for some there, or one at least. Reports vary as to whether Hugo's daughter as 3 or 4 BILLION DOLLARS salted away in foreign banks.

I'm still trying to find her so I can propose.

Meanwhile the populace hunts dogs to eat and have no toilet paper. THAT is Socialism
Neither one of you understand socialism. How it differs from capitalism.

I understand Socialism has never endured and never will. Venzuela is a perfect example of it
Well it did work for some there, or one at least. Reports vary as to whether Hugo's daughter as 3 or 4 BILLION DOLLARS salted away in foreign banks.

I'm still trying to find her so I can propose.

Meanwhile the populace hunts dogs to eat and have no toilet paper. THAT is Socialism
I love hot dogs. And you can always use the paper the vendor wraps it in for that other thing.

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