Socialism FAIL- Venezuela

In other words "not Socialist" but an acute form of capitalism.

The means of production concentrated in the hands of a few is the antithesis of socialism. It's capitalist. Private interests have gained control of the government and the means of production in Venezuela.

Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.
The means of production concentrated in the hands of a few is the antithesis of socialism. It's capitalist. Private interests have gained control of the government and the means of production in Venezuela.

Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.

yes, because mass nationalizations is a capiltalist model....
Neither one of you understand socialism. How it differs from capitalism.

When you are indoctrinated it is YOU who has no idea what it is . Other wise you wouldn't be saying those two don't know what it is . You've got real clueless teachings man . Move to N. Korea if you want socialism, communism
The means of production concentrated in the hands of a few is the antithesis of socialism. It's capitalist. Private interests have gained control of the government and the means of production in Venezuela.

Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.

yes, because mass nationalizations is a capiltalist model....
Exactly. The means of production that are concentrated in the state is a form of capitalism. It's called state capitalism.
Excuses Excuses.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.

yes, because mass nationalizations is a capiltalist model....
Exactly. The means of production that are concentrated in the state is a form of capitalism. It's called state capitalism.

Yeah Right. Stop trying to separate your precious socialism in theory from the reality of it in practice.
It's just reality. The capitalist economic model is not immune to plutocratic rule. Or any other form of tyranny for that matter.

But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.

yes, because mass nationalizations is a capiltalist model....
Exactly. The means of production that are concentrated in the state is a form of capitalism. It's called state capitalism.

Yeah Right. Stop trying to separate your precious socialism in theory from the reality of it in practice.
Right, the promise of socialism has always descended into a capitalist reality that is dominated by the state. The Socialist promise left unfulfilled. So we can say that Venezuela is a capitalist country.

The rise of state capitalism
But the wanna be socialists are far better at tyranny.
But they use the capitalist economic model to accomplish it.

yes, because mass nationalizations is a capiltalist model....
Exactly. The means of production that are concentrated in the state is a form of capitalism. It's called state capitalism.

Yeah Right. Stop trying to separate your precious socialism in theory from the reality of it in practice.
Right, the promise of socialism has always descended into a capitalist reality that is dominated by the state. The Socialist promise left unfulfilled. So we can say that Venezuela is a capitalist country.

The rise of state capitalism

No, you can't. Don't blame the intrinsic failure mode of your favorite economic system on another economic system.
Venezuela's Ruling Socialists Sweep Mayoral Races Amid Opposition Boycott...

Venezuela's Ruling Socialists Sweep Mayoral Races Amid Opposition Boycott
December 11, 2017 - The ruling party of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has won more than 90 percent of the country's mayoral races, after the opposition boycotted the election. Maduro said parties that sat out Sunday's vote will be barred from next year's presidential election.
Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela won more than 300 of the 335 mayoral offices. "We have obtained a big victory!" Maduro said in a speech in the capital's Bolívar Plaza late Sunday. "A popular, democratic, free, sovereign victory of an independent country!" "The imperialists have tried to set fire to Venezuela to take our riches," Maduro said. "We've defeated the American imperialists with our votes, our ideas, truths, reason and popular will," he told the crowd, which chanted, "Go Home, Donald Trump."

About half of eligible voters cast ballots in Sunday's races. After casting his ballot, Maduro announced: "A party that has not participated today cannot participate anymore." "They will disappear from the political map," he said of the opposition parties that boycotted Sunday's vote. After the opposition unexpectedly lost most of the regional races in October, it cried foul. An alliance of parties have labeled Maduro a dictator and refused to participate in the mayoral races.


The president of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro makes a speech after casting his vote for municipal elections at a polling station in Caracas on Sunday.​

As The Associated Press reports:

"The elections played out as Venezuelans struggle with triple-digit inflation, shortages of food and medicine, and charges that Maduro's government has undermined democracy by imprisoning dissidents and usurping the powers of the opposition-controlled National Assembly. "... The struggles have caused the president's approval rating to plunge, although the opposition has been largely unable to capitalize on Maduro's unpopularity."

In July, Maduro called a referendum on rewriting the country's constitution to give him near-dictatorial powers. The referendum easily passed despite an unofficial vote held earlier by the opposition that overwhelmingly rejected the changes. Washington responded to the vote with a new round of sanctions on Maduro, freezing his U.S. assets and prohibiting U.S. citizens from having any dealings with him.

Venezuela's Ruling Socialists Sweep Mayoral Races Amid Opposition Boycott

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