Socialism/Fascism is the main problem in the U.S : In Re Epipen


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
The price of the Epipen just went up 500%. It costs a dollar to make, and big pharma is charging $500.00 to save a child's life.

The Lack of EpiPen Competitors is the FDA's Fault

There’s a new bout of outrage over an expensive medicine or medical treatment. While the good in question changes each time, the blame always seems to fall on greedy corporations who just aren’t regulated enough. Free markets and capitalism are the scapegoat, even when nothing remotely resembling unhampered markets in health care is in place in the United States.

EpiPen is sold by Mylan, and the price for a pack of two has increased from about $100 in 2007 to over $600 as of May 2016. Mylan has tried to quell the storm by pointing out that many of their customers pay nothing for the drug because of insurance. Their deflection has been unsuccessful.

The economist looks for competitors in cases like this. A firm cannot just willy-nilly raise their prices without a competing firm leaping in to give consumers what they want at a lower price. As it turns out, Mylan has a great friend who keeps would-be competitors out of the market, or at least makes it so difficult for them that they eventually go out of business. That friend is the FDA.

Epinephrine is extremely cheap—just a few cents per dose. The complications come from producing the easy auto-injecting devices. Mylan “owns” their auto-injector device design, so competitors must find work-arounds in their devices to deliver the epinephrine into the patient’s body. This task, coupled with the tangled mess of FDA red tape, has proven to be difficult for would-be EpiPen competitors. It’s like expecting somebody to come up with a new way to play baseball without bases, balls, gloves, or bats, but still getting the game approved by the MLB as a baseball game substitute.

A French pharmaceutical company offered an electronic device that actually talks people through the steps of administering the drug, but it was recalled because of concerns about it delivering the required dose. Just this year, Teva Pharmaceutical’s attempt at bringing a generic epinephrine injector to market in the US was blocked by the FDA. Adrenaclick and Twinject were unable to get insurance companies on board and so discontinuedtheir injectors in 2012.


In conclusion fuck the socialists, the fascists, the FDA



The price went up to $400, a 400% increase, first of all.

That sucks massively, don't get me wrong, I don't like the price hike, either, I have allergies myself.

Capitalism/libertarianism are the political themes here, the company has a patent on the design and only they can sell it, using a supply & demand formula. That ain't socialism, son.

The price went up to $400, a 400% increase, first of all.

That sucks massively, don't get me wrong, I don't like the price hike, either, I have allergies myself.

Capitalism/libertarianism are the political themes here, the company has a patent on the design and only they can sell it, using a supply & demand formula. That ain't socialism, son.

Can you read and Understand the ENGLISH language?

A firm cannot just willy-nilly raise their prices without a competing firm leaping in to give consumers what they want at a lower price. As it turns out, Mylan has a great friend who keeps would-be competitors out of the market, or at least makes it so difficult for them that they eventually go out of business. That friend is the FDA.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Still too high a price to pay for $2 worth of medicine...

Mylan to launch generic EpiPen at half the price of original
Aug 29 2016 - Mylan NV said it would launch the first generic version of its allergy auto-injector EpiPen for $300, half the price of the branded product, the drugmaker's second step in less than a week to counter the backlash over the product's steep price.
The company reduced the out-of-pocket costs of EpiPen for some patients on Thursday, but kept the list price at about $600, a move that U.S. lawmakers and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said was not enough. EpiPen cost about $100 in 2008. Mylan said on Monday it expected to launch the generic product "in several weeks", an unusual move considering the branded bestseller is still patent protected and major rival treatments have failed to get regulatory clearances. "Our decision to launch a generic alternative to EpiPen is an extraordinary commercial response," Chief Executive Heather Bresch said Monday. "We determined that bypassing the brand system in this case and offering an additional alternative was the best option."

Mylan's price move failed to squelch criticism of the company's huge price increase for EpiPen since it acquired the product in 2007. The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sent a letter to Mylan's CEO on Monday seeking documents on EpiPen pricing, including those relating to revenue from EpiPen sales since 2007, manufacturing costs, and the amount of money the company receives from federal government health care programs. And former Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tweeted on Monday, "At $300 generic EpiPens will still cost 3 times more than they did in 2007. This isn't a discount. It's a PR move."


EpiPen auto-injection epinephrine pens manufactured by Mylan NV pharmaceutical company for use by severe allergy sufferers are seen in Washington​

Consumer watchdog group Public Citizen said Mylan's latest move was another "convoluted mechanism to avoid plain talk." It said activists on Tuesday will deliver petitions from more than 600,000 consumers and allergy sufferers to Mylan's headquarters in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, demanding further price cuts. "We would like the company to drop the price to $100 for two EpiPens," said Public Citizen spokeswoman Angela Bradbery, adding that was about the price charged in France. She said the petitions were gathered by it and various other consumer groups, including Consumers Union.

EpiPen has a 94 percent market share for auto-injector devices, which jabs a dose of the drug epinephrine into the thigh to counter dangerous allergic reactions such as to peanuts, food allergies and bee stings. The biggest danger is an allergic reaction called anaphylaxis that could cause death if untreated. Its only U.S. competitor is Adrenaclick, a device sold by Impax Laboratories (IPXL.O) that has not caught on with patients and doctors. The product, which is assembled by hand and is not considered by regulators to be an exact copy of EpiPen, has a list price of more than $400. Impax spokesman Mark Donohue declined to comment on whether the company would lower Adrenaclick's list price given the planned cheaper price of Mylan's generic


The price went up to $400, a 400% increase, first of all.

That sucks massively, don't get me wrong, I don't like the price hike, either, I have allergies myself.

Capitalism/libertarianism are the political themes here, the company has a patent on the design and only they can sell it, using a supply & demand formula. That ain't socialism, son.
You really need to read the op.....crony capitalism is fascism child....
Mylan's CEO gonna get called to Capitol Hill...

US Senators Demand Answers from EpiPen Maker
August 30, 2016 - A group of 20 senators expressed their continued dissatisfaction with pharmaceutical company Mylan's handling of a price hike for their EpiPen product in a letter to the company's CEO.
Having come under fire in recent weeks for unprecedented price hikes of the EpiPen, Mylan has announced coupons and generic versions of the drug. But the group of Democrat senators, which includes Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, remain unconvinced. "Your discount programs, however, represent a well-defined industry tactic to keep costs high through a complex shell game," the senators wrote. They elaborated that the high price of the drug would now be borne by the government, insurance companies, and workplaces, only to eventually increase premiums of those purchasing the drugs. "The EpiPen ... has become so exorbitantly expensive that access to this life-saving combination product is in jeopardy for many Americans. As of May 2016, Mylan has increased the price of EpiPens in the United States by nearly 500 percent," the letter stated.


A pharmacist holds a package of EpiPens epinephrine auto-injector, a Mylan product, in Sacramento, Calif. Mylan said it will make available a generic version of its EpiPen, as criticism mounts over the price.​

It noted the generic drug, which will be sold at $300, costs nearly three times as much as the branded version did just seven years ago. The letter also includes five pages of questions about Mylan's customers and costs, to which the senators demanded answers by September 12. EpiPens are used to treat anaphylactic shock, a symptom of severe allergies often experienced by children that could lead to death.

US Senators Demand Answers from EpiPen Maker
Both liberals and conservatives are socialists and fascists.

Socialism is the collective control over the means of productions. This includes tariffs, immigration, regulations, corporate taxation, ect.

Fascism is an ideology created by Mussolini that advocates a unified powerful state that works for corporations. All for the state and nothing against the state. Corporatism is naturally intertwined with the statist structure.
God, what a dumb post. lol, lol, lol

Fascism within your mind is paying taxes to the government to have nice roads, police, safe food, clean air and a educated population...Your political theory is a joke and so is this thread. hahahha
You really need to read the op.....crony capitalism is fascism child....

If the government is involved in the economy, then crony capitalism is a natural consequence.

Name one nation that doesn't have the government involved? Every successful nation on earth needs regulations, laws and investment to function. Oh'yess, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
I wouldn't even want to live in this country if it wasn't for regulations, laws and investment from the government. The food, water and business environment would be controlled by the mafia.
God, what a dumb post. lol, lol, lol

Fascism within your mind is paying taxes to the government to have nice roads, police, safe food, clean air and a educated population...Your political theory is a joke and so is this thread. hahahha


Fascism is the system of beliefs laid out in Mussolini's "The Doctrine of Fascism"


Read it. It is the byproduct of either liberalism and conservatism. The natural result of a functioning state.
Name one nation that doesn't have the government involved? Every successful nation on earth needs regulations, laws and investment to function. Oh'yess, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

No modern state is successful.

They are all immense failures.
Every country in history had the government invest in its economy from Athens Greece, Roman empire, China, Britain, throughout every imaginable listing you could imagine. It is the single biggest difference between a third world shit hole that is war torn and a successful civilization. The entire top list of nations we consider first world must all be fascist as hell based on your retarded faggotted belief system!

The fact that you don't understand this makes me laugh. Please just give the fuck up!
I wouldn't even want to live in this country if it wasn't for regulations, laws and investment from the government. The food, water and business environment would be controlled by the mafia.

On the contrary, big business is a mafia in its own right.

Those regulations, laws, and investments were passed through congress because of corporate lobbyists.

If you thought any of those precious regulations were passed without being pre-approved by certain factions in big money, then you would be wrong.
Name one nation that doesn't have the government involved? Every successful nation on earth needs regulations, laws and investment to function. Oh'yess, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

No modern state is successful.

They are all immense failures.

So if the people are well off, crime is low and the nation provides a good life for its citizens = it is unsuccessful. But heck, if it is tribal without any central government = successful. got it!
Every country in history had the government invest in its economy from Athens Greece, Roman empire, China, Britain, throughout every imaginable listing you could imagine.

Factually false.

There have been countries with no government, at least not in the context of statism.

It is the single biggest difference between a third world shit hole that is war torn and a successful civilization. The entire top list of nations we consider first world must all be fascist as hell based on your retarded faggotted belief system!


Your last post stated all countries in history had governments that made investments into the economy.

The third world consists of countries too, so one of your two statements is false.

Please just give the fuck up!

So if the people are well off, crime is low and the nation provides a good life for its citizens = it is unsuccessful.

Unsustainability is not a sign of success.

The state does not produce. It appropriates. It does so through the use of systematic control and violent intimidation.

All states are unsuccessful. The state is not synonymous with the nation.

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