Socialism-the BIGGEST plight/failure to this world, EVER.

(R)IGHTeous 1

Dec 5, 2010
Tally up ALL those killed by the far-left Socialist regimes of Hitler, every regime in the U.S.S.R., Mao, various past Socialist regimes of Latin America. not to mention every war they started. WW2, Vietnam, etc. And you get Satan's own personal masturbatory aid collage.

Count the large number of times Socialism has fallen, been disproven, fell to Capitalism.

Compare of superpower status, usual economic prosperity, and freedom in Capitalist nations of the U.S. and western Europe, to well, anywhere else in the world, including a small, insignificant village in China somewhere.

There is no comparison. This is the main reason why the left must be defeated, and shunned, here, everywhere. It's/they are inherently anti-liberty, freedom, prosperity, individualism, etc.
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youre confusing socialist regimes with socialist ideas. we are the US already employ many socialist ideas into our version of democracy.

Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
The School Breakfast Program
Disability Insurance
The VA

If we were to become a true "free-market" society. none of these programs would exist, and we would have to pay for all of these services.

if that be the case, are we prepared to pay for fire fighters to come to our homes if they are burning, the police to come to our businesses if someone is stealing, the jails to house the criminals of society, the primary education of all of our children?

to eliminate all social programs, would mean yes we may get to keep more of our money in our own pocket on our paycheck, but it would also mean that we would be spending 10 times that in the basic services that our tax provide for.
Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.
Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.

They were indeed called the National Socialist Workers Party for a reason, do you want me to pull up their manifesto? Or are you gonna be good and stay quiet now, as all you're doing is talking outta your ass, as usual.
youre confusing socialist regimes with socialist ideas. we are the US already employ many socialist ideas into our version of democracy.

Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
The School Breakfast Program
Disability Insurance
The VA

If we were to become a true "free-market" society. none of these programs would exist, and we would have to pay for all of these services.

if that be the case, are we prepared to pay for fire fighters to come to our homes if they are burning, the police to come to our businesses if someone is stealing, the jails to house the criminals of society, the primary education of all of our children?

to eliminate all social programs, would mean yes we may get to keep more of our money in our own pocket on our paycheck, but it would also mean that we would be spending 10 times that in the basic services that our tax provide for.

Alot of those "examples" are actually funded by the local municipalities or by the state. I don't think any conservative would argue that we shouldn't have police men or fire fighters.

And we can argue over the semantics of what is a socialist idea and what is not, but most people that oppose socialism have a problem with the federal government controlling those things. I have no problem with state governments funding schools or jails but when you have a federal department of education telling 300 plus million people how their children should be schooled I tend to have problems. If people in their local communities want to teach their kids differently then mine, then I have no problem with that.

You are right though that we do have some "socialist" programs that are run by the federal government and I would contend that they are partly responsible for the fiscal problems this country faces.
My point was that Socialism has, is now, and will ALWAYS been worse than Capitalism by light years, will always have killed more people, and is the plight I previously asserted.

Communism, socialism, collectivism, etc, WHATEVER. It's all far left, and they remain guilty of what I previously posted.
I don't know who any of you people are.

Also, the OP is bland partisan twattery that we've all heard before.
Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.

This post is a joke, right?

Liberals do hate liberty, freedom, and don't believe individual responsibility even exists.
Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.

This post is a joke, right?

Liberals do hate liberty, freedom, and don't believe individual responsibility even exists.

Don't forget Christians; liberals want to kill all Christians.
I wouldn't talk bad about socialism being a complete failure. That socialist country who owns most of our debt who say otherwise (China)
I wouldn't talk bad about socialism being a complete failure. That socialist country who owns most of our debt who say otherwise (China)

That same supposed socialist/communist country are FAKES. Everyone knows this, real commie nations would never allow multi-billion. multi-national corporations like Wal-Mart in, to rake huge profits, no matter what regulations they may try to place on them.

China's political system is really the only thing that remains truly commie, they're a joke cuz they're to stubborn to admit they've been so wrong all this time.
Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.

They were indeed called the National Socialist Workers Party for a reason, do you want me to pull up their manifesto? Or are you gonna be good and stay quiet now, as all you're doing is talking outta your ass, as usual.
By all means, pull up their manifesto.
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Yep the Nazi must be socialist because they have it in their name.

Next you'll make the jump to Nazis were liberals.

Liberals that hate liberty, freedom, individual responisblility.

Black is white, up is down.

Your world.

They were indeed called the National Socialist Workers Party for a reason, do you want me to pull up their manifesto? Or are you gonna be good and stay quiet now, as all you're doing is talking outta your ass, as usual.
By all means, pull up their manifesto.

25 Points of the Nazi party - Nazi Party Manifesto

That should do, it's all the points of said manifesto, which starts "WE ARE SOCIALISTS" if I remember correctly (and I'm pretty damn sure I do), cuz I had it saved on my old, and now shot hard drive, and don't feel like combing thru Google links cuz its 3:30 A.M. here.....

7 We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.
10 The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

11 That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.
12 Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13 We demand the nationalization of all trusts.
14 We demand profit-sharing in large industries.
15 We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

Seriously, that should be MOOOOOORE than enough, lol I can't believe you were gonna try this dude, I mean cmon, Fascism, Hitler, the Nazis being anything even remotely close to rightist is 1 of the greatest political myths ever.
Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy with Nazi prosperity, most Germans remained silently obedient,[original research?][when?] while political opponents, especially the Communists, Marxists, and international socialists were imprisoned; "between 1933 and 1945, more than 3 million Germans had been in concentration camps, or prison, for political reasons".[16][17][18] "Tens of thousands of Germans were killed for one or another form of resistance. Between 1933 and 1945, Sondergerichte (Nazi "special courts") killed 12,000 Germans, courts martial killed 25,000 German soldiers, and civil justice killed 40,000 Germans. Many of these Germans were part of the government, civil, or military service, a circumstance which enabled them to engage in subversion and conspiracy, while involved, marginally or significantly, in the government’s policies."[19]
Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy with Nazi prosperity, most Germans remained silently obedient,[original research?][when?] while political opponents, especially the Communists, Marxists, and international socialists were imprisoned; "between 1933 and 1945, more than 3 million Germans had been in concentration camps, or prison, for political reasons".[16][17][18] "Tens of thousands of Germans were killed for one or another form of resistance. Between 1933 and 1945, Sondergerichte (Nazi "special courts") killed 12,000 Germans, courts martial killed 25,000 German soldiers, and civil justice killed 40,000 Germans. Many of these Germans were part of the government, civil, or military service, a circumstance which enabled them to engage in subversion and conspiracy, while involved, marginally or significantly, in the government’s policies."[19]

.........That's your response........are you.......serious?

You think that just because Hitler had a different brand of national socialism, and imprisoned OBVIOUS threats to his power, or as he perceived anyway, that that somehow, magically disproves the archived facts I previously posted? The obvious far-left socialist ideals Hitler implemented?

Stalin had fellow commies jailed, and killed routinely too, OMG HE WAS REALLY A CAPITALIST! Quick call the Kremlin!

LOL wooooow, I think my work here is definitely done for the night.
Nazis were Christian conservatives bent on carrying out Martin Luther's doctrine. They had that blessing of Pope Pius.

They were only "Socialist" in name.
Stalin was another conservative Christian..bent on ridding Europe of Jews.

He was an ex-alter boy that was studying to become a priest when he happened upon Communism.

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