Socialized medicine does not work...

So after responding to the mindless crap here, I happen to notice this letter to the Senate. The trustees are required by law, to inform congress, when reserves are going to fall below 20% of expenses. That is happening right now for Disability Insurance, and the rest later.

View attachment 113340
Only a mindless left winger can see a graph showing 0% as a future outcome, and conclude.... "it's not going broke!".

Stop with the unending ignorance. The facts win, over your opinion.
:dig::dig::dig: Are you sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid? That is the question. Your graph validates everything I quoted the SSA positing on their website. Do you think hey would post a graph that contradicts their own report???? DUHHH! The zero represents the year the "reserves are depleted" but the system won't be "broke" because millions of workers will still be paying into it. And when all the baby boomers die out in the next 20 years or so, the reserves will start to rise again.
IN the interim, though, Congress will have to act by either raising the FICA taxes or reducing individual benefits in conjunction with raising the minimum retirement age.
Theer is another more diabolical option. The government might find some way to liquidate everyone over 60...

he defined broke as you normally would in a government program, it spends more than allotted for originally and is funded with taxpayer income. Now you want to change the definition to suit your argument, typical liberal lie.

Raising taxes, yet again, is failure. The program originally had about a 2% payroll tax and we now stand at 13%, that is called failure. Your solutions are always the same, more taxes for what failed in the first place.

Funny how the left has no problem defining failure for a piece of military hardware or a war the same way as andylusion. We could endlessly fund any weapon system until it worked, but then you guys would be holding protests.

So after responding to the mindless crap here, I happen to notice this letter to the Senate. The trustees are required by law, to inform congress, when reserves are going to fall below 20% of expenses. That is happening right now for Disability Insurance, and the rest later.

View attachment 113340
Only a mindless left winger can see a graph showing 0% as a future outcome, and conclude.... "it's not going broke!".

Stop with the unending ignorance. The facts win, over your opinion.
:dig::dig::dig: Are you sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid? That is the question. Your graph validates everything I quoted the SSA positing on their website. Do you think hey would post a graph that contradicts their own report???? DUHHH! The zero represents the year the "reserves are depleted" but the system won't be "broke" because millions of workers will still be paying into it. And when all the baby boomers die out in the next 20 years or so, the reserves will start to rise again.
IN the interim, though, Congress will have to act by either raising the FICA taxes or reducing individual benefits in conjunction with raising the minimum retirement age.
Theer is another more diabolical option. The government might find some way to liquidate everyone over 60...

he defined broke as you normally would in a government program, it spends more than allotted for originally and is funded with taxpayer income. Now you want to change the definition to suit your argument, typical liberal lie.

Raising taxes, yet again, is failure. The program originally had about a 2% payroll tax and we now stand at 13%, that is called failure. Your solutions are always the same, more taxes for what failed in the first place.

Funny how the left has no problem defining failure for a piece of military hardware or a war the same way as andylusion. We could endlessly fund any weapon system until it worked, but then you guys would be holding protests.
The narrative you think I changed is not my narrative. It comes from the SSA website. Secondly, the link and accompanying chart is referencing the depletion of the Trust Fund Reserves and cautions that the key point in that depletion for legislative action is when the "RESERVES" fall below 20%. That leaves some wiggle room and gives Congress time to choose one of two options: raise payroll taxes or reduce benefits by commensurate amounts.

)The 2015 FICA rate was 15.3% of which employees pay 7.65% while the employers pay 7.65%. Further here is a chart that refutes your spurious claim that the FICA tax is higher now than it has ever been. If you don't understand this chart get a fifth grader to help you!:
Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 12.35.30 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 12.43.56 PM.png
Because there is no solution. There is no 'fix' for socialism. It fails every single time it's tried, throughout all the nations of the world, and throughout all history.

There is no 'fix' for this. Never was. Never will be.

You act like if we want something to work, then magically it will, simply because we demand that it work. This is like Atlas Shrugged. Read the book.

Just because you demand eating cake and ice cream every day for every meal, make you fit and health, doesn't mean that's going to happen. And screaming that we don't a 'fix' for your cake and ice cream diet, doesn't change the fact your diet doesn't work, and while it will be great fun for a while, in the end it will kill people.

Socialism doesn't work. You want to see how Medicare and Social Security will end up? Look at Greece.

You want a better system? Capitalism. Works every single time it's tried, without exception. Deregulate health care, and cut taxes, let people buy their own health care.

But you don't want that. You want your system, the socialist system to work, and you demand we find a fix for it. There is no fix for it. It's a bad system that never works.

What a load of rubbish. Capitalism on its own does not work. Never has, never will. You need a mixture of both. As long as you have an underclass - and EVERY society has one - you need a mixture of both. Period. Nordic countries, NZ, some parts of Australia, the UK have socialised medicine. You never hear the amount of complaints you hear from US posters or the US in general about their health care.
oh I see, YOU determine the standard and if YOU are happy then we are set. I reject the idea that you are something special there snowflake, and let me be clear in my conversation with you, I am not bitching as much about your HC system as I could not really care less what you do down there, I am bitching about you specifically. You are a self-righteous asshole declaring your thoughts and health care system superior.

Another thing to get straight here dumbfuk, it is the left, with people like you, that is constantly bitching here in the states. A lot of them don't work, and guess who is spending their days protesting?

Unlike you Petal? Bitching? Have you been on here the past eight years? All you neo con loons have been doing is bitching and moaning.

Fuck off about not working you arrogant twat. White unemployed trailer trash are the ones who voted for the Orange Buffoon.

I'm not saying our healthcare is superior, I'm saying socialised medicine is not as bad as you little Petals say it is. I'm defending it because you nimrods don't have a clue what you are talking about.
so doctors, nurses, the janitors, food prep people, all of those that develop, build, sell and maintain the equipment should all work for free? hospitals should never upgrade in order to keep up with technology?

"Not for profit" doesn't mean that health care workers should work for free. It means hospitals should be owned by their communities and not run as commercial businesses.
OK....if all hospitals are run this way, then where does the innovation come from?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.
"Not for profit" doesn't mean that health care workers should work for free. It means hospitals should be owned by their communities and not run as commercial businesses.
OK....if all hospitals are run this way, then where does the innovation come from?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

Most of your tax money goes to support the military and the working poor - you know, the people who are paid less than a living wage, while corporations take in record profits.
Two things would make nationalized medical care work:

1. Free narcotics on demand. Anyone who wants some can have all they want but are required to immediately (that means "right now", liberal scholars) all they take.

2. Mandatory tattoo of an expiration date on the sole of the leftmost foot of every newborn. At any medical facility first part of the exam would involve removing the left shoe and sock and checking the date. Once past - gtf OUT.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
Why are you starting a thread about socialized medicine. We do not have socialized medicine. Not even close. We have some a segment of the insurance system that is socialized insurance-Medicare and Medicaid. The private sector, for profit insurance industry and medical provider industry is alive and well.
OK....if all hospitals are run this way, then where does the innovation come from?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

Most of your tax money goes to support the military and the working poor - you know, the people who are paid less than a living wage, while corporations take in record profits.
the working poor argument is idiotic, not all jobs qualify for a "living wage" I have no personal obligation to subsidize a non skilled, non educated individual just because they cant make ends meet on their job at Burger King.
Maybe you feel compelled to do so, and thats fine, you are certainly free to give every spare dollar you make to someone that needs it. You do not have a constitutional right to demand the rest of us pay into your pet projects.
by the way, you might want to check your numbers, you will find that welfare spending (social services) is quite a bit more than military spending. Paying the moochers is now over 70% of the revenue brought in.
"Not for profit" doesn't mean that health care workers should work for free. It means hospitals should be owned by their communities and not run as commercial businesses.
OK....if all hospitals are run this way, then where does the innovation come from?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

Most of your tax money goes to support the military and the working poor - you know, the people who are paid less than a living wage, while corporations take in record profits.
the working poor argument is idiotic, not all jobs qualify for a "living wage" I have no personal obligation to subsidize a non skilled, non educated individual just because they cant make ends meet on their job at Burger King.
Maybe you feel compelled to do so, and thats fine, you are certainly free to give every spare dollar you make to someone that needs it. You do not have a constitutional right to demand the rest of us pay into your pet projects.
by the way, you might want to check your numbers, you will find that welfare spending (social services) is quite a bit more than military spending. Paying the moochers is now over 70% of the revenue brought in.

And yet in my country, Burger King pays a living wage, as to McDonald's, Walmart and all of the other corporations who are leaching off the American middle class at home.
OK....if all hospitals are run this way, then where does the innovation come from?
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

Most of your tax money goes to support the military and the working poor - you know, the people who are paid less than a living wage, while corporations take in record profits.
the working poor argument is idiotic, not all jobs qualify for a "living wage" I have no personal obligation to subsidize a non skilled, non educated individual just because they cant make ends meet on their job at Burger King.
Maybe you feel compelled to do so, and thats fine, you are certainly free to give every spare dollar you make to someone that needs it. You do not have a constitutional right to demand the rest of us pay into your pet projects.
by the way, you might want to check your numbers, you will find that welfare spending (social services) is quite a bit more than military spending. Paying the moochers is now over 70% of the revenue brought in.

And yet in my country, Burger King pays a living wage, as to McDonald's, Walmart and all of the other corporations who are leaching off the American middle class at home.
you should most likely just stay in your own country. Here, Burger King is not considered a high tech job.
as a matter of fact, if you dont live in the U.S, what right do you have to complain about anything that goes on here? Honestly, it is not possible that it affects you in any way regardless of how much Burger King pays here.
oh I see, YOU determine the standard and if YOU are happy then we are set. I reject the idea that you are something special there snowflake, and let me be clear in my conversation with you, I am not bitching as much about your HC system as I could not really care less what you do down there, I am bitching about you specifically. You are a self-righteous asshole declaring your thoughts and health care system superior.

Another thing to get straight here dumbfuk, it is the left, with people like you, that is constantly bitching here in the states. A lot of them don't work, and guess who is spending their days protesting?

Unlike you Petal? Bitching? Have you been on here the past eight years? All you neo con loons have been doing is bitching and moaning.

Fuck off about not working you arrogant twat. White unemployed trailer trash are the ones who voted for the Orange Buffoon.

I'm not saying our healthcare is superior, I'm saying socialised medicine is not as bad as you little Petals say it is. I'm defending it because you nimrods don't have a clue what you are talking about.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

Most of your tax money goes to support the military and the working poor - you know, the people who are paid less than a living wage, while corporations take in record profits.
the working poor argument is idiotic, not all jobs qualify for a "living wage" I have no personal obligation to subsidize a non skilled, non educated individual just because they cant make ends meet on their job at Burger King.
Maybe you feel compelled to do so, and thats fine, you are certainly free to give every spare dollar you make to someone that needs it. You do not have a constitutional right to demand the rest of us pay into your pet projects.
by the way, you might want to check your numbers, you will find that welfare spending (social services) is quite a bit more than military spending. Paying the moochers is now over 70% of the revenue brought in.

And yet in my country, Burger King pays a living wage, as to McDonald's, Walmart and all of the other corporations who are leaching off the American middle class at home.
you should most likely just stay in your own country. Here, Burger King is not considered a high tech job.
as a matter of fact, if you dont live in the U.S, what right do you have to complain about anything that goes on here? Honestly, it is not possible that it affects you in any way regardless of how much Burger King pays here.

I didn't say that Burger King was a high tech job. You said that these people aren't entitled to a living wage. Anyone who works a 40 hour week should earn enough money to keep a roof over their head and food in their belly. You seem to resent subsidizing these wages, and you blame the people who aren't paid enough to live on, instead of the corporations who keep them dependent on government handouts.

You're blaming the wrong people. Blame those who benefit the most from this system - the employers and their shareholders.
Only the Right is motivated strictly by money.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
An employer doesn't get to judge and determine if an employee is worthy of life. To suggest they can is as egregious as anything I have heard, especially when that judgement is biased and based on assumptions. And your tax dollars aren't yours once you send that check in. It belongs to all of us, and is at the disposal of those officials charged with distributing it as they see fit. That being said, we al judge people in one way or another; but, when your judgement turns potentially pathological to the point that you see other human beings as being unworthy of life, especially those you judge by appearance alone, you may need to see a psychiatrist.

So after responding to the mindless crap here, I happen to notice this letter to the Senate. The trustees are required by law, to inform congress, when reserves are going to fall below 20% of expenses. That is happening right now for Disability Insurance, and the rest later.

View attachment 113340
Only a mindless left winger can see a graph showing 0% as a future outcome, and conclude.... "it's not going broke!".

Stop with the unending ignorance. The facts win, over your opinion.
:dig::dig::dig: Are you sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid? That is the question. Your graph validates everything I quoted the SSA positing on their website. Do you think hey would post a graph that contradicts their own report???? DUHHH! The zero represents the year the "reserves are depleted" but the system won't be "broke" because millions of workers will still be paying into it. And when all the baby boomers die out in the next 20 years or so, the reserves will start to rise again.
IN the interim, though, Congress will have to act by either raising the FICA taxes or reducing individual benefits in conjunction with raising the minimum retirement age.
Theer is another more diabolical option. The government might find some way to liquidate everyone over 60...

Only in mindless leftard world does "Trust fund with ZERO reserves" mean it's not broke.

You are too stupid to continue debating with.
Maybe because generally speaking its the right that end up paying taxes so that those claiming that dont care about money can scream and cry for the taxpayers on the right to give them more of that money they dont seem to care about.
Its not that only the right is motivated by money, its just that the left is equally motivated in not providing for themselves. Maybe if the left was a bit more responsible and actually took care of themselves for a change, the Right might not have to be so stingy when it comes to the constant new freebie programs that they in the end have to pay for.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
An employer doesn't get to judge and determine if an employee is worthy of life. To suggest they can is as egregious as anything I have heard, especially when that judgement is biased and based on assumptions. And your tax dollars aren't yours once you send that check in. It belongs to all of us, and is at the disposal of those officials charged with distributing it as they see fit. That being said, we al judge people in one way or another; but, when your judgement turns potentially pathological to the point that you see other human beings as being unworthy of life, especially those you judge by appearance alone, you may need to see a psychiatrist.

But an employer does get to judge if he's worthy of pay.

I don't care what you think is pathological or not. If 51% say that you don't get our money, then you don't. Welcome to democracy idiot. That's it works.

And by the way... if you try and push this too far.... You end up with people keeping their money, no matter what you say. Again, look at Greece. As taxes went up and up, people paid less and less. Same is true here in America. It's called the shadow economy, where people simply refuse to pay tax, and there is nothing you can do about it. The shadow economy is worth an estimated $2 Trillion dollars. That's mechanics that do cash only backyard business. That's pipe fitters, and HVAC, that do work off the books.

The more you demand that our tax money is yours to have, the more of us simply refuse to pay it.

Yeah, we'll see how much you demand we pay for your programs in the years to come.

So after responding to the mindless crap here, I happen to notice this letter to the Senate. The trustees are required by law, to inform congress, when reserves are going to fall below 20% of expenses. That is happening right now for Disability Insurance, and the rest later.

View attachment 113340
Only a mindless left winger can see a graph showing 0% as a future outcome, and conclude.... "it's not going broke!".

Stop with the unending ignorance. The facts win, over your opinion.
:dig::dig::dig: Are you sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid? That is the question. Your graph validates everything I quoted the SSA positing on their website. Do you think hey would post a graph that contradicts their own report???? DUHHH! The zero represents the year the "reserves are depleted" but the system won't be "broke" because millions of workers will still be paying into it. And when all the baby boomers die out in the next 20 years or so, the reserves will start to rise again.
IN the interim, though, Congress will have to act by either raising the FICA taxes or reducing individual benefits in conjunction with raising the minimum retirement age.
Theer is another more diabolical option. The government might find some way to liquidate everyone over 60...

Only in mindless leftard world does "Trust fund with ZERO reserves" mean it's not broke.

You are too stupid to continue debating with.
If you are too stupid to understand that I am simply agreeing with the SSA's website, indeed you are too dense to continue debating. Stop taking things personally. If the SSA says it is not going broke and explained clearly why not, that ought to be enough for anyone to understand. that "going broke" phrase has led younger Americans to believe there won't be anything left when they reach retirement age. That is false.

As an aside, the process is far more complex than you might realize. As Baby boomers reach retirement age many are staying on the job and getting social security at the same time. But as long as they work they still have to pay income taxes ...HOWever, the LFPR reflects, among other things, that millions of BBs are retiring. And withTrump placing a freeze on Federal jobs, he is contributing to the projected shortfall of the Trust Funds by reducing the federal workforce where higher pay translates into more taxable income and more FICA tax volume. But it doesn't stop there. The private sector workforce growth is going to be curtailed too if Trump's immigration plan works-out. I don't know if anyone has stopped to think about how much income tax ad FICA revenue will be lost when the undocumented workers go.

So after responding to the mindless crap here, I happen to notice this letter to the Senate. The trustees are required by law, to inform congress, when reserves are going to fall below 20% of expenses. That is happening right now for Disability Insurance, and the rest later.

View attachment 113340
Only a mindless left winger can see a graph showing 0% as a future outcome, and conclude.... "it's not going broke!".

Stop with the unending ignorance. The facts win, over your opinion.
:dig::dig::dig: Are you sincerely ignorant or conscientiously stupid? That is the question. Your graph validates everything I quoted the SSA positing on their website. Do you think hey would post a graph that contradicts their own report???? DUHHH! The zero represents the year the "reserves are depleted" but the system won't be "broke" because millions of workers will still be paying into it. And when all the baby boomers die out in the next 20 years or so, the reserves will start to rise again.
IN the interim, though, Congress will have to act by either raising the FICA taxes or reducing individual benefits in conjunction with raising the minimum retirement age.
Theer is another more diabolical option. The government might find some way to liquidate everyone over 60...

Only in mindless leftard world does "Trust fund with ZERO reserves" mean it's not broke.

You are too stupid to continue debating with.
If you are too stupid to understand that I am simply agreeing with the SSA's website, indeed you are too dense to continue debating. Stop taking things personally. If the SSA says it is not going broke and explained clearly why not, that ought to be enough for anyone to understand. that "going broke" phrase has led younger Americans to believe there won't be anything left when they reach retirement age. That is false.

As an aside, the process is far more complex than you might realize. As Baby boomers reach retirement age many are staying on the job and getting social security at the same time. But as long as they work they still have to pay income taxes ...HOWever, the LFPR reflects, among other things, that millions of BBs are retiring. And withTrump placing a freeze on Federal jobs, he is contributing to the projected shortfall of the Trust Funds by reducing the federal workforce where higher pay translates into more taxable income and more FICA tax volume. But it doesn't stop there. The private sector workforce growth is going to be curtailed too if Trump's immigration plan works-out. I don't know if anyone has stopped to think about how much income tax ad FICA revenue will be lost when the undocumented workers go.

No, your explanation is dumb. By your logic nearly no one in the entire country which has filed bankruptcy is broke.

In fact, I have co-worker right now, that filed bankruptcy. But he still has a job. So he still has income. So by your idiotic, and brainlessly stupid perspective..... he's not broke! He's never gone broke! Yes he has zero money in the bank, and all his assets are sold off now.... but no no, because he's got an income still... he's not broke!

No... he's broke. Having money coming in still, doesn't mean he's not broke. He's got no money in the bank or anywhere. Yes he still has just enough to keep fuel in the car so he can get to work, but he's lost everything. He's broke.

You.... are an idiot. You have proven to everyone here, you are disqualified to talk about this subject.

Thanks for playing. Have nice day.
don't complain about taxes; be Patriotic.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
An employer doesn't get to judge and determine if an employee is worthy of life. To suggest they can is as egregious as anything I have heard, especially when that judgement is biased and based on assumptions. And your tax dollars aren't yours once you send that check in. It belongs to all of us, and is at the disposal of those officials charged with distributing it as they see fit. That being said, we al judge people in one way or another; but, when your judgement turns potentially pathological to the point that you see other human beings as being unworthy of life, especially those you judge by appearance alone, you may need to see a psychiatrist.

But an employer does get to judge if he's worthy of pay.

I don't care what you think is pathological or not. If 51% say that you don't get our money, then you don't. Welcome to democracy idiot. That's it works.

And by the way... if you try and push this too far.... You end up with people keeping their money, no matter what you say. Again, look at Greece. As taxes went up and up, people paid less and less. Same is true here in America. It's called the shadow economy, where people simply refuse to pay tax, and there is nothing you can do about it. The shadow economy is worth an estimated $2 Trillion dollars. That's mechanics that do cash only backyard business. That's pipe fitters, and HVAC, that do work off the books.

The more you demand that our tax money is yours to have, the more of us simply refuse to pay it.

Yeah, we'll see how much you demand we pay for your programs in the years to come.
The discussion was about one of you RW homicidal maniacs entertaining the thought of liquidating people you deem unworthy of life for economic reasons.
I dont complain about taxes, I complain about the way they are wasted trying to keep those alive that serve no purpose to society.

And just who are YOU to judge the worthiness of any human?
If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
An employer doesn't get to judge and determine if an employee is worthy of life. To suggest they can is as egregious as anything I have heard, especially when that judgement is biased and based on assumptions. And your tax dollars aren't yours once you send that check in. It belongs to all of us, and is at the disposal of those officials charged with distributing it as they see fit. That being said, we al judge people in one way or another; but, when your judgement turns potentially pathological to the point that you see other human beings as being unworthy of life, especially those you judge by appearance alone, you may need to see a psychiatrist.

But an employer does get to judge if he's worthy of pay.

I don't care what you think is pathological or not. If 51% say that you don't get our money, then you don't. Welcome to democracy idiot. That's it works.

And by the way... if you try and push this too far.... You end up with people keeping their money, no matter what you say. Again, look at Greece. As taxes went up and up, people paid less and less. Same is true here in America. It's called the shadow economy, where people simply refuse to pay tax, and there is nothing you can do about it. The shadow economy is worth an estimated $2 Trillion dollars. That's mechanics that do cash only backyard business. That's pipe fitters, and HVAC, that do work off the books.

The more you demand that our tax money is yours to have, the more of us simply refuse to pay it.

Yeah, we'll see how much you demand we pay for your programs in the years to come.
The discussion was about one of you RW homicidal maniacs entertaining the thought of liquidating people you deem unworthy of life for economic reasons.

You want to pay for me, so I can quit my job, and live off your income? By all means, send me your checks, and practice what you preach.

It's pretty easy for you to demand others pay for the lives of everyone else. Funny how when it's your money, you don't do so well.

We have problem being FORCED to fund others. I have no problem with charity, and conservatives routinely give more to charity than you left-wingers ever do.

But forcing me to keep you alive, simply because you refuse to work? Yes, I agree with him on that. I'm a firm believer that if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

By the way, all those Nordic countries you left-wingers all praise constantly, they don't do it your way either. They do it our way. I was looking up I think Denmark, and they don't have welfare at all... none. They have limited unemployment compensation. First you can't even collect until you work a full year. Then you only can collect if you are laid off, not if you quit, or are even relocated, and refuse to move. Then you can only collect for exactly one year, and if you don't work by then, you starve.

That's the kind of system I support. Not you. Not your welfare, leech of society living off the hard work of others for life, system that you propose and constantly push.

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