Socialized medicine does not work...

If Im paying for them, Im buying the right to judge.
just like any employer has the right to judge the people he pays, just like any one has the right to judge anyone that they pay.
Dont want me to judge? dont force me to pay them.
An employer doesn't get to judge and determine if an employee is worthy of life. To suggest they can is as egregious as anything I have heard, especially when that judgement is biased and based on assumptions. And your tax dollars aren't yours once you send that check in. It belongs to all of us, and is at the disposal of those officials charged with distributing it as they see fit. That being said, we al judge people in one way or another; but, when your judgement turns potentially pathological to the point that you see other human beings as being unworthy of life, especially those you judge by appearance alone, you may need to see a psychiatrist.

But an employer does get to judge if he's worthy of pay.

I don't care what you think is pathological or not. If 51% say that you don't get our money, then you don't. Welcome to democracy idiot. That's it works.

And by the way... if you try and push this too far.... You end up with people keeping their money, no matter what you say. Again, look at Greece. As taxes went up and up, people paid less and less. Same is true here in America. It's called the shadow economy, where people simply refuse to pay tax, and there is nothing you can do about it. The shadow economy is worth an estimated $2 Trillion dollars. That's mechanics that do cash only backyard business. That's pipe fitters, and HVAC, that do work off the books.

The more you demand that our tax money is yours to have, the more of us simply refuse to pay it.

Yeah, we'll see how much you demand we pay for your programs in the years to come.
The discussion was about one of you RW homicidal maniacs entertaining the thought of liquidating people you deem unworthy of life for economic reasons.

You want to pay for me, so I can quit my job, and live off your income? By all means, send me your checks, and practice what you preach.

It's pretty easy for you to demand others pay for the lives of everyone else. Funny how when it's your money, you don't do so well.

We have problem being FORCED to fund others. I have no problem with charity, and conservatives routinely give more to charity than you left-wingers ever do.

But forcing me to keep you alive, simply because you refuse to work? Yes, I agree with him on that. I'm a firm believer that if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

By the way, all those Nordic countries you left-wingers all praise constantly, they don't do it your way either. They do it our way. I was looking up I think Denmark, and they don't have welfare at all... none. They have limited unemployment compensation. First you can't even collect until you work a full year. Then you only can collect if you are laid off, not if you quit, or are even relocated, and refuse to move. Then you can only collect for exactly one year, and if you don't work by then, you starve.

That's the kind of system I support. Not you. Not your welfare, leech of society living off the hard work of others for life, system that you propose and constantly push.

Go on, refuse to pay your tax obligation, I dare you! Besides going to prison, where you will be taken care of onMY DIME, how ironic. there are other ramifications.
If all Rw nuts stop paying their taxes, the left won't pay any either. Then guess what? Infrastructure starts to deteriorate; soldiers, teachers cops and firemen stop getting paid and walk off the job and we become sitting ducks for enemies who would pour through the unmanned ports of entry inTRUMP's wall!

Yes, I agree. The right-wing is already paying the most in taxes, while the left often pays as little as possible.

Many refuse to pay their taxes every year. As I said, the shadow economy is already $2 Trillion. And yes, I will be taken care of on your tax dime. Just as you have done for many others, and the numbers will grow, and your income will shrink until everyone is left impoverished. Again, Greece tried that plan.... see how well it worked? Look at Venezuela, same thing.

And for the record, if it gets to that point, I'll just move. I've already thought about it. Why should I be forced to pay for your programs? I can easily live somewhere else. Currently, things are not so bad. But if you guys keep pushing your way, yeah, I'll leave with the rich, and leave you to your misery.

Again you can come up with all your reasons why people should pay ever increasing amounts of taxes. The fact remains we won't. All that blaw bawl blaw about fire and police and infrastructure and education.... all doesn't matter. People will not pay ever growing amounts of taxes. Again, look at Greece. See, it doesn't matter how amazing your education system is, if taxes makes working not worth it. That's why they get their amazing education, and then leave the country. It doesn't matter how amazing your free health care is, if you can't afford to pay for a decent house in Venezuela. You pack up and leave the country.

Doesn't matter how amazing all your social services in France are, if you lose everything you have worked so hard to earn. So over a half million people have left France, and most are the wealthy and business and job creators.... and unemployment is over 10% even to this day.

The debt in France is increasing. The economy stumbling. If they don't change their policies, which they are in fact trying to do, Greece will have company in the rank of failed nations.
You want to pay for me, so I can quit my job, and live off your income? By all means, send me your checks, and practice what you preach.

You have me confused with someone else. I have always worked for a living. And I don't condone any able bodied person that abuses the system by free-loading. And while I realize that some people do game the system, even some middle classed people get section 8 housing and use food stamps sometimes, tjhe vast majority of those o with few options take welfare assistance fully cognizant of the stigma that hangs over their heads when it is revealed to more fortunate people. Perhaps my Christian upbringing is what makes my worldview different from yours. SO when you encounter a poor person that might be on welfare, don't think of your dollars being used for his/her well being, think of mine. Your dollars are being spent on drones and Trump's Towers where his family is ensconced . It is MY tax dollars and people like me that sustain the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.

It's pretty easy for you to demand others pay for the lives of everyone else. Funny how when it's your money, you don't do so well.

IIT IS MY MONEY, Do you thinkI don't pay taxes? Read the above suggestion and act accordingly when your emotions get out of control over welfare recipients.

We have problem being FORCED to fund others. I have no problem with charity, and conservatives routinely give more to charity than you left-wingers ever do.

Again, millions of your tax dollars are being spent on the security of Trump's family in his own hotels. He is making a killing, yet, you begrudge a welfare mom her paltry pittance, shame on you!

But forcing me to keep you alive, simply because you refuse to work? Yes, I agree with him on that. I'm a firm believer that if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

Me???? Hardly. I'm a t ax payer. Your tax dollars are going into Trump's pockets, mine are going to feed the poor and hungry!

By the way, all those Nordic countries you left-wingers all praise constantly, they don't do it your way either. They do it our way. I was looking up I think Denmark, and they don't have welfare at all... none. They have limited unemployment compensation. First you can't even collect until you work a full year. Then you only can collect if you are laid off, not if you quit, or are even relocated, and refuse to move. Then you can only collect for exactly one year, and if you don't work by then, you starve.

Socialist countries rarely have to resort to welfare... didn't you know that?

That's the kind of system I support. Not you. Not your welfare, leech of society living off the hard work of others for life, system that you propose and constantly push.

My society consists of all kinds of people , capitalist leeches as well as a few welfare leeches.

There is no such thing as a capitalist leach. The very concept is impossible.

You can't get my money, in a capitalist system, unless you do something that I am willing to pay for.

A socialist, or welfare leach, is inherent to the system. By its nature, you are sending men with guns (as you already threatened me in a prior post) to come and throw me in prison, unless I give money to other people who have not earned it.

That is the definition of a social leach in my book.
There's also no incentive to "abuse" the system. Medical care is a given. If you're sick you go to the doctor. You're not going to get a bill for it or have to complete paperwork to do so. You just call the office and make an appointment, or walk into emergency.
and then wait 6 months for your appointment.
I like the way it is or was before the ACA screwed everything up. I would call and get a same day appointment, most I ever waited for a specialist was 5 days,
I'm so jealous. I was 100% behind it when I voted for Obama. That's what I thought I was going to get. Then we get this shambles of a mess instead.
might not be so jealous if you actually looked at how it was funded. You think fuel is expensive here? look at some places like NZ where a gallon of fuel is close to $7.00 due to taxes to cover the cost of the "free" health care.
I was willing to have a bigger hunk of my paycheck eaten. At least it would have been worth something if we had universal healthcare.
I would be willing to have a greater amount taken from my check if it went toward a wall and the cost of finding and deporting all of the illegals.
Hopefully that will come soon.
I'm sure that will happen (a greater amount taken from our checks). Yes, I heard on the news this a.m. that Trump is ordering the hiring of 15,000 more border guards and people to process the illegals. It's out of my hands; what will be will be.

How can Trump hire 15,000 border guards without asking Congress for an appropriation? He still hasn't filed an appropriation request for his wall yet.
Good point. We'll see if Congress funds them. He's taken the first step.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
You've never been to the doctor? I'm always amazed by people who have never been sick a day in their lives. Incredible genes. Good for you!
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.

You mean like I have to pay for wars I don't agree with, or the fire department, that I've never called in my entire life. Stuff like that?
You want to pay for me, so I can quit my job, and live off your income? By all means, send me your checks, and practice what you preach.

You have me confused with someone else. I have always worked for a living. And I don't condone any able bodied person that abuses the system by free-loading. And while I realize that some people do game the system, even some middle classed people get section 8 housing and use food stamps sometimes, tjhe vast majority of those o with few options take welfare assistance fully cognizant of the stigma that hangs over their heads when it is revealed to more fortunate people. Perhaps my Christian upbringing is what makes my worldview different from yours. SO when you encounter a poor person that might be on welfare, don't think of your dollars being used for his/her well being, think of mine. Your dollars are being spent on drones and Trump's Towers where his family is ensconced . It is MY tax dollars and people like me that sustain the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.

It's pretty easy for you to demand others pay for the lives of everyone else. Funny how when it's your money, you don't do so well.

IIT IS MY MONEY, Do you thinkI don't pay taxes? Read the above suggestion and act accordingly when your emotions get out of control over welfare recipients.

We have problem being FORCED to fund others. I have no problem with charity, and conservatives routinely give more to charity than you left-wingers ever do.

Again, millions of your tax dollars are being spent on the security of Trump's family in his own hotels. He is making a killing, yet, you begrudge a welfare mom her paltry pittance, shame on you!

But forcing me to keep you alive, simply because you refuse to work? Yes, I agree with him on that. I'm a firm believer that if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

Me???? Hardly. I'm a t ax payer. Your tax dollars are going into Trump's pockets, mine are going to feed the poor and hungry!

By the way, all those Nordic countries you left-wingers all praise constantly, they don't do it your way either. They do it our way. I was looking up I think Denmark, and they don't have welfare at all... none. They have limited unemployment compensation. First you can't even collect until you work a full year. Then you only can collect if you are laid off, not if you quit, or are even relocated, and refuse to move. Then you can only collect for exactly one year, and if you don't work by then, you starve.

Socialist countries rarely have to resort to welfare... didn't you know that?

That's the kind of system I support. Not you. Not your welfare, leech of society living off the hard work of others for life, system that you propose and constantly push.

My society consists of all kinds of people , capitalist leeches as well as a few welfare leeches.

There is no such thing as a capitalist leach. The very concept is impossible.

You can't get my money, in a capitalist system, unless you do something that I am willing to pay for.

A socialist, or welfare leach, is inherent to the system. By its nature, you are sending men with guns (as you already threatened me in a prior post) to come and throw me in prison, unless I give money to other people who have not earned it.

That is the definition of a social leach in my book.

There are lot of capitalistic leaches. The idea that those who employ others are somehow morally superior to those they employ is laughable. Leaches pollute the water or the land without concern because they're making money. They underpay they employees or pay the least they can get by with. They give "promotions" to management positions so they can avoid paying overtime. They do everything possible to minimize what their workers are paid or receive, to their own benefit.
Good point. We'll see if Congress funds them. He's taken the first step.

He hasn't really done anything, if you look at it closely. He signed a meaningless Executive Order to hire the border guards. The President can't just sign an EO to hire border guards, he has to go through Congress for an appropriation first. He has to do the paperwork to PROVE to Congress that the country needs 15,000 people to round up illegals, and then where they are going to work, i.e. do they have the facilities for these people - stations, support staff, vehicles, equipment, and other resources they will need, and how much will those cost, etc., etc., etc. Trump thinks he's been elected dictator and every word he utters is a command. That just isn't how it works.

When I go to work at a new law firm, the first thing I have to learn is the process by which I access trust funds. What paperwork did I need to complete, who signs it and who processes it. Trump no longer works for a family owned corporation, and his every wish is no longer a command. He has to do the paperwork, and file it according to the established standard of accountability required by law and the rules of governance. Even Trump can't spend the taxpayers' money without obtaining the authorization and consent of Congress, and Paul Ryan has his Congressional Budget Committee hard at work on the new budget. Ryan has said they're waiting for the list of appropriations from the White House. Ryan's had his numbers ready for quite some time.

It's hard to get appropriations from the White House, because so many departments aren't staffed yet. Trump is the slowest President in history to staff his Administration. It's not because the Senate isn't confirming his picks, it's that he's sent over so few names for confirmation.

Already you have posters on this board telling us that Trump has done more in one month than Obama did in 8 years, but Trump has done exactly nothing - except a failed immigration order. There are only broad announcements of things that are "done", but stopping funding for NGO's in Third World Countries for abortion is something every Republican President does the moment they're sworn in and is meaningless to the lives of everyday Americans.

Pulling out of TPP required no effort, work or money, just an announcement and probably some kind of Notice. Despite 6 years of Republicans repealing Obamacare, they still don't have a replacement, so Obamacare hasn't gone anywhere yet.

Go down that list of his supposed accomplishments so far, and there's none of them that have happened. They're all "We're going to . . . You'll see". He has presented no Bills for Congress, filed no appropriations, and filled few executive positions. After being publically rejected by the two men he sought to head the NSA, he picked a career soldier still serving in the military who couldn't turn him down.

By this point in his Administration, Obama had passed his stimulus package through the House and Senate, had three times as many of his administration executive staff confirmed, and passed the Lily Leadbetter Fair Pay Act.

This is the difference between a President who cares about the country and getting things done, and a President who goes around the country telling people about everything he's getting done and what a mess he inherited. Trump didn't inherit an economy shedding half a million jobs every month, 2 "boots on the ground wars" in the Middle East, a housing crisis and a bankrupt auto industry.

Other than fake terrorist attacks in Bowling Green, Atlanta and Sweden, what crisis, other than the immigration crisis precipitated by his idiot EO, has Trump dealt with?

And isn't it time that Congress put a limit on his excessive lifestyle spending, or at least bills him for it?
Last edited:
You want to pay for me, so I can quit my job, and live off your income? By all means, send me your checks, and practice what you preach.

You have me confused with someone else. I have always worked for a living. And I don't condone any able bodied person that abuses the system by free-loading. And while I realize that some people do game the system, even some middle classed people get section 8 housing and use food stamps sometimes, tjhe vast majority of those o with few options take welfare assistance fully cognizant of the stigma that hangs over their heads when it is revealed to more fortunate people. Perhaps my Christian upbringing is what makes my worldview different from yours. SO when you encounter a poor person that might be on welfare, don't think of your dollars being used for his/her well being, think of mine. Your dollars are being spent on drones and Trump's Towers where his family is ensconced . It is MY tax dollars and people like me that sustain the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.

It's pretty easy for you to demand others pay for the lives of everyone else. Funny how when it's your money, you don't do so well.

IIT IS MY MONEY, Do you thinkI don't pay taxes? Read the above suggestion and act accordingly when your emotions get out of control over welfare recipients.

We have problem being FORCED to fund others. I have no problem with charity, and conservatives routinely give more to charity than you left-wingers ever do.

Again, millions of your tax dollars are being spent on the security of Trump's family in his own hotels. He is making a killing, yet, you begrudge a welfare mom her paltry pittance, shame on you!

But forcing me to keep you alive, simply because you refuse to work? Yes, I agree with him on that. I'm a firm believer that if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

Me???? Hardly. I'm a t ax payer. Your tax dollars are going into Trump's pockets, mine are going to feed the poor and hungry!

By the way, all those Nordic countries you left-wingers all praise constantly, they don't do it your way either. They do it our way. I was looking up I think Denmark, and they don't have welfare at all... none. They have limited unemployment compensation. First you can't even collect until you work a full year. Then you only can collect if you are laid off, not if you quit, or are even relocated, and refuse to move. Then you can only collect for exactly one year, and if you don't work by then, you starve.

Socialist countries rarely have to resort to welfare... didn't you know that?

That's the kind of system I support. Not you. Not your welfare, leech of society living off the hard work of others for life, system that you propose and constantly push.

My society consists of all kinds of people , capitalist leeches as well as a few welfare leeches.

There is no such thing as a capitalist leach. The very concept is impossible.

You can't get my money, in a capitalist system, unless you do something that I am willing to pay for.

A socialist, or welfare leach, is inherent to the system. By its nature, you are sending men with guns (as you already threatened me in a prior post) to come and throw me in prison, unless I give money to other people who have not earned it.

That is the definition of a social leach in my book.
Well, yes, I have heard of a capitalist leach, the Flint River is full of it.:lol: But the capitalist leeches who put the leach in Flint river water have distanced themselves from it and capitalist leeches just like them are now proceeding to dismantle the EPA. Obviously you are not familiar with the word 'LEECH" and how it can be applied to Capitalists.
You can't even spell it right!

A visual might help you just like they did in the first grade...:

It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
You've never been to the doctor? I'm always amazed by people who have never been sick a day in their lives. Incredible genes. Good for you!
what does my going to a doctor have to do with anyone else going to a doctor? If I go, I pay with money I earned by working. If the loafer goes, he pays with money I earned by working. ( pretty sure you fail to see a problem here)
Now being a male, I am fairly certain that I will not end up in a position to need an abortion, or to have my uterus checked or have my titties squished in some barbaric manner to look for cancer. So, why should I pay for these things? and before you go there, Im too ugly to have sex, Im bisexual, If I get sex, I buy it, so Im not even going to be creating the need for someone else to have an abortion. Besides, I had the grapes severed from the vine after my daughter was born healthy, I only wanted on kid, so I figured that was a good way to avoid "accidents", and I paid for the procedure myself, I didnt even use insurance for that one. If its fairly cheap, I usually pay out of pocket, sometimes its easier than going through the process of convincing the insurance company that something is required and not an elective.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.

what a piece on convoluted horseshit

Yes there are bills in socialized medicine, EVERYTHING has a cost, so how the hell do you come up with that? Those bills are paid by the minority of people in this country who pay most of the taxes while the deadbeats on Medicaid pay nothing.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
Millions of us don't want no fruckin' wall but we are going to have to pay for it 'cause humpty trumpty wants one with his name on it!BTW I don't like spending 10 million dollars a month on security for Trump and his family when they travel, especially when his boys go on long personal business trips overseas...By contrast, Obama spent 11 million on travel for an entire year. Are you OK with that???
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
You've never been to the doctor? I'm always amazed by people who have never been sick a day in their lives. Incredible genes. Good for you!

I actually know several people who have never been, and refuse to go to doctors. It's not all that rare. The last one I met was in her 70s. Still hadn't been to a doctor yet.

It's not that 'incredible". You do realize that 99% of human history, there were no real hospitals. Just shamans and herb drinks, and of course priests.

When people say "how can you possible live without a doctor?" I find that as baffling as kids today asking how can anyone live without a smart phone.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.

You mean like I have to pay for wars I don't agree with, or the fire department, that I've never called in my entire life. Stuff like that?

Such a lame red herring argument.

First off, the fire department, is not a duty of the Federal government, nor does the Federal government pay for that.

That is a local issue paid by local tax. If you in your city, decide you don't want to have a fire department, knock yourself out. If you decide you do, knock yourself out. That's a local issue decided at the local level. I have no problem with you doing whatever you want at the local level.

The constitution specifically says that all rights not listed in the constitution, are reserved to the states. So by all means. If you want to have a massive socialized system, go for it. But don't ask us in Ohio, to pay for your stupidity in California, that is bankrupting your state. That's not in the constitution. You pay your own bills. Not force the rest of us, to pay for your incompetence.

Second, you left-wingers always point to hundreds of things small things, like the Fire department, and police, and a road somewhere, and act like our problem is with that, or even the military.

We could easily.... EASILY... fund the military, all the roads and bridges, all the fire departments, all the police, all the courts, and the worthless post office... and have so much money left over, that we could cut taxes by more than 50%, and still have money to put in a rainy day fund.

The US government collects almost 5 Times as much money as would be required to fund everything that is in the constitution as a duty of the Federal government.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
Millions of us don't want no fruckin' wall but we are going to have to pay for it 'cause humpty trumpty wants one with his name on it!BTW I don't like spending 10 million dollars a month on security for Trump and his family when they travel, especially when his boys go on long personal business trips overseas...By contrast, Obama spent 11 million on travel for an entire year. Are you OK with that???

Depends. If he cuts government spending by 1 Billion. He can take a dozen trips, and I don't care.

The US Federal budget is $4 Trillion, and we have a $450 billion dollar deficit. If he cuts spending by just 1%, that's a savings of $40 Billion dollars to the tax payers. He could go on vacation for the rest of his life, and we'd still be better off with him, than some tax spend budget blowing left-winger.

That said, I don't know if all this vacation cost stuff is true anyway. From what I understand, the entire cost is all security related. Now granted, I'm not a member of the secret service, but as best I understand everyone that is in charge of guarding the president is full time, salary, Federal Government employees.

They don't exactly "contract out" security work for the president of the united states. I highly doubt they are hiring contractor bob, to guard the president. Just saying.

Point being, all those security agents, are all on salary. You under what I mean? They are not paid more, when he goes on a vacation, and they are not paid less when he stays at the White House.

The key for me was when they said they were 'estimating' the cost of his trip. Well we know the government must give budget reports that include the hard cost of line items like security. If there was a line item for 'travel security' we'd see it and you wouldn't need to 'estimate' the cost.

They were likely looking at how much security agents are paid for the year, and pro-rating it for a trip, and then multiplying that by how many agents there were in his security detail.

I'm guessing there is no real additional cost at all, other than the cost of transportation... which literally means fuel. They are not hiring temp staff to fly Air Force one either. Could it be $10 Million in fuel? I doubt it. Not likely.

I don't think there is anything to this 'vacation' cost numbers at all. For Obama or Trump. Just another political football to kick around stirring up the ignorant. I could be wrong. I could be completely wrong, but I doubt it.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
I havent had cancer yet. If I do in the future then the NHS is there for me.
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
Millions of us don't want no fruckin' wall but we are going to have to pay for it 'cause humpty trumpty wants one with his name on it!BTW I don't like spending 10 million dollars a month on security for Trump and his family when they travel, especially when his boys go on long personal business trips overseas...By contrast, Obama spent 11 million on travel for an entire year. Are you OK with that???

Depends. If he cuts government spending by 1 Billion. He can take a dozen trips, and I don't care.

Well, I do care. I don't want my tax dollars spent financing Trump's personal business trips to his posh night club resort in Mar-A -Lago. He stays in his own accommodations but bills his expenses to the US taxpayers. That is FREE money from our tax dollars going right into the tax evading bastard's own pockets. And multiply that by how ever many Secret Service men that are with him. We are getting rolled by a pro and there is not a damn thing we can do about it except to get his ass out of office as soon as possible,

Andylusion said:
The US Federal budget is $4 Trillion, and we have a $450 billion dollar deficit. If he cuts spending by just 1%, that's a savings of $40 Billion dollars to the tax payers. He could go on vacation for the rest of his life, and we'd still be better off with him, than some tax spend budget blowing left-winger.

Heh heh heh, let me see if I'm clear on this: Trump plans to build a wall that could cast as much as 30 -40 billion dollars, travel expense and accommodations for dozens of Secret Service agents guarding Trump's large family is projected to be 11 million a month. Among other things he hasn't considered is If Trump gets rid of all the tax paying illegals the free tax money they contributed to the IRS and FICA funds will hasten the projected shortfalls years earlier than anticipated. Illegals pay about 13 billion annually into the trust funds and get about1 billion in benefits. Add 12 billion to that list of lost revenue under Trump.

Andylusion said:
That said, I don't know if all this vacation cost stuff is true anyway. From what I understand, the entire cost is all security related. Now granted, I'm not a member of the secret service, but as best I understand everyone that is in charge of guarding the president is full time, salary, Federal Government employees.

They don't exactly "contract out" security work for the president of the united states. I highly doubt they are hiring contractor bob, to guard the president. Just saying.

Point being, all those security agents, are all on salary. You under what I mean? They are not paid more, when he goes on a vacation, and they are not paid less when he stays at the White House.

You are so clueless. The salaries of the Secret Service teams isn't the issue. Some have to travel ahead to secure the runway and terminal at the location Air force 1 is to land. and also to secure the places where trump is expected to eat , sleep and do business. All of the agents must be accommodated with food, sleeping quarters and offices...
Trump's family has the same security requirements wherever they go even on personal business trips.

Andylusion said:
The key for me was when they said they were 'estimating' the cost of his trip. Well we know the government must give budget reports that include the hard cost of line items like security. If there was a line item for 'travel security' we'd see it and you wouldn't need to 'estimate' the cost.

They were likely looking at how much security agents are paid for the year, and pro-rating it for a trip, and then multiplying that by how many agents there were in his security detail.

Andylusion said:
I'm guessing there is no real additional cost at all, other than the cost of transportation... which literally means fuel. They are not hiring temp staff to fly Air Force one either. Could it be $10 Million in fuel? I doubt it. Not likely.

I don't think there is anything to this 'vacation' cost numbers at all. For Obama or Trump. Just another political football to kick around stirring up the ignorant. I could be wrong. I could be completely wrong, but I doubt it.

Yep, the ignorant sure have been stirred are proof positive of that!
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
Millions of us don't want no fruckin' wall but we are going to have to pay for it 'cause humpty trumpty wants one with his name on it!BTW I don't like spending 10 million dollars a month on security for Trump and his family when they travel, especially when his boys go on long personal business trips overseas...By contrast, Obama spent 11 million on travel for an entire year. Are you OK with that???
Elections have consequences...
I have no right to healthcare, but i do have right to earn healthcare.
It can't work, because the deadbeats will always abuse the system every time…
In socialized medicine, there are no deadbeats, except for people who don't pay their taxes, like Donald Trump.

how can you people be this stupid?
Deadbeats don't pay their bills. There are no bills in socialized medicine. The money comes from all taxpayers. Hence my statement.
Someone has to pay for something they do not want and will never use, see thats the problem with any form of socialized medicine.... in reality one size never fits all.
I havent had cancer yet. If I do in the future then the NHS is there for me.
No one should be forced to pay for what "might" happen... that is no way to live.
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