Sock Bag


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
I thought up another forum name for the taunting area if you should ever need it. This is more of a joke and hopefully not reality but I thought up the name:

Sock Bag

A sock bag is a cloth bag that you put all your dirty socks in before they go in for a wash.

No socks were harmed in the making of this post..err. I mean joke.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea as to why a person would ever want or need a sock in the first place. It's just tooooo crazy for me.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea as to why a person would ever want or need a sock in the first place. It's just tooooo crazy for me.
It is not allowed here. I don't know why people seem to think everyone's a sock when they get here, because that's the first thing you notice: the accusation, and you know it isn't true what was said about you being this one or that one, who you never heard of. :cuckoo:

Registration Guidelines:

Individuals are allowed only one (1) account. Anyone found to be in violation risk, having all accounts banned.

First line at USMB Rules: Guidelines and Regulations page. I trust that is enforced, since people are checked at the door. ;)

The forum nanny says I have to spread reputation before giving any to Stats again. *sigh*
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea as to why a person would ever want or need a sock in the first place. It's just tooooo crazy for me.
It is not allowed here. I don't know why people seem to think everyone's a sock when they get here, because that's the first thing you notice: the accusation, and you know it isn't true what was said about you being this one or that one, who you never heard of. :cuckoo:

Registration Guidelines:

Individuals are allowed only one (1) account. Anyone found to be in violation risk, having all accounts banned.

First line at USMB Rules: Guidelines and Regulations page. I trust that is enforced, since people are checked at the door. ;)

The forum nanny says I have to spread reputation before giving any to Stats again. *sigh*

psst: persistence pays off!!! :D
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea as to why a person would ever want or need a sock in the first place. It's just tooooo crazy for me.

At this site it's unnecessary. At some sites, the mods have to use socks because the regular membership gets all uptight when they see a mod posting. A site I'm on has socks to toy with lurkers from a rival board, and sometimes we break them out just for fun on slow days. There's another board I'm on that's always having issues - sometimes we can't log in, so we have to go to a different browser and log in with a (very obvious) sock account.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea as to why a person would ever want or need a sock in the first place. It's just tooooo crazy for me. they'll have at least one friend to talk to, to agree with, to pat them on the back...

Pussies!...I say! All of them pussies!

Are these designed for a two-toed sloth?

I think I must have evolved from the sloth family myself.
My sleeping habits, and ability to get moving in the morning,
seem closer to them than to monkeys or apes!

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