Solar Panels Frying Birds Along Major Migration Path


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
So? Who cares? It's all for the good of Mother Earth. Right?

I picked up the following on Breitbart. But, as most of the lefties hate that site, I thought I'd give it to you from the original.

Two months ago, 34 birds were found dead or injured on the site of the Ivanpah solar plant owned by BrightSource Energy in east San Bernardino County, California. Almost half suffered from singed feathers after running afoul of the plant’s reflected beams of sunlight, according to a report from The Desert Sun. This was not an isolated incident: another 19 were found dead at the 500-megawatt Desert Sunlight plant, which is also located in California.

Read more @ Solar Plants Are Burning Birds' Wings | Motherboard

A migratory waterfowl mortality event at the Syncrude Aurora North tailings pond occurred in April 2008 at which 1,606 dead waterfowl were later found (CBC 2008, 2010). Provided that all dead waterfowl were found and no non-waterfowl died, the single event resulted in a mortality of 162 birds/[km.sup.2] well in excess of our highest estimate (Table 1).

The frequency of mass mortality events is unknown.
Inconsistencies and Deficiencies in Reporting Bird Mortality.--We note three major shortcomings in the
data provided by government and industry. First, mortality estimates based on mortality surveys and
landing/oiling rates are far higher than those reported by government. Second, industry-reported mortalities often do not match mortalities reported by the government (Table 3), even though government and industry numbers should be identical. Third, the bird mortality data released by government lack detail. Only company name and total bird mortality for each year and general cause of death are reported; this results in loss of valuable data on location, date, and circumstances of specific incidents.
Wind turbines chop them up and solar panels fry them. If only we could combine the mayhem and develop a taste for hawks and fried eagle we could have a new industry that the greenies could take credit for.
Wind turbines chop them up and solar panels fry them. If only we could combine the mayhem and develop a taste for hawks and fried eagle we could have a new industry that the greenies could take credit for.

Good idea. After all, they did fabricate the ethanol industry and are destroying the environment in the process.

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