Zone1 Soledad O'Brien says that the word "Woke" is a racial slur


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Journalist Soledad O’Brien alerted reporters on Monday that the term "woke" has now become akin to a "racist slur" or "the n-word."

From her Twitter account, the ex-CNN anchor posted an image of a tweet from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., commenting on the Super Bowl pregame show. Greene wrote, "Chris Stapleton just sang the most beautiful national anthem at the Super Bowl. But we could have gone without the rest of the wokeness."

O’Brien tweeted in response, "So reporters.. for many people ‘woke’ means Black people. Or more likely--a racist slur. So maybe do a better job in interviews when people talk about 'wokeness' mmkay?"

She double downed by saying, "Yeah I've discovered that some people use it as a synonym for the n-word," in response to a Twitter user who wrote, "I never understood what woke means."

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

Soledad is wrong.
Woke is supposed to mean that a person is aware of racial and social injustice.
However, the Left's idea of social justice is unbalanced and twisted.
The police also kill Asian, Latino and White suspects.
But the Left Wing dominate Press never makes those cases an issue because that does not fit the far-left's racist narrative.
Another issue that the Wokesters are asleep on is that the annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to 1. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
In fact, Blacks commit the highest rates of interracial violence. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
But because of all of the irrational and unreasonableness of the Woksters, it also means someone who is a hive mind far-left extremist and who is unaware of their own racism.
Here are a few terms that the Wokesters use that are racist, white privilege, white fragility, and White paternalism.
To me "woke" means being aware of something as opposed to the opposite which would be asleep.

Oddly some people seem to be proud of being asleep on things.
LOL....I'm surprised someone hasn't evoked Godwin's Law.....It could go either way. ;)

Journalist Soledad O’Brien alerted reporters on Monday that the term "woke" has now become akin to a "racist slur" or "the n-word."

From her Twitter account, the ex-CNN anchor posted an image of a tweet from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., commenting on the Super Bowl pregame show. Greene wrote, "Chris Stapleton just sang the most beautiful national anthem at the Super Bowl. But we could have gone without the rest of the wokeness."

O’Brien tweeted in response, "So reporters.. for many people ‘woke’ means Black people. Or more likely--a racist slur. So maybe do a better job in interviews when people talk about 'wokeness' mmkay?"

She double downed by saying, "Yeah I've discovered that some people use it as a synonym for the n-word," in response to a Twitter user who wrote, "I never understood what woke means."

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

Soledad is wrong.
Woke is supposed to mean that a person is aware of racial and social injustice.
However, the Left's idea of social justice is unbalanced and twisted.
The police also kill Asian, Latino and White suspects.
But the Left Wing dominate Press never makes those cases an issue because that does not fit the far-left's racist narrative.
Another issue that the Wokesters are asleep on is that the annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to 1. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
In fact, Blacks commit the highest rates of interracial violence. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
But because of all of the irrational and unreasonableness of the Woksters, it also means someone who is a hive mind far-left extremist and who is unaware of their own racism.
Here are a few terms that the Wokesters use that are racist, white privilege, white fragility, and White paternalism.

This guy's response to Soledad's tweet nailed the fuck out of it...

"Black man here. When I use "woke", the first race I usually think of are guilty, insufferable, affluent white leftists who endlessly debase themselves by constant apologies for ancient grievances; pronoun games, insipid land acknowledgements; language-fucking, and stupid memes like the ones below. That is, IF I actually think of race at all, because if I'm going to be brutally honest, when I speak of wokeness, I speak of the mind-virus that is a nasty homunculus of narcissism, oikophobia, debauchery and nihilism, with undertones of self-hatred, and a dollop of outright Marxist gnosticism on top. I think of people like you; bitter, cynical has-been journalists immersed in critical consciousness who think something will rise from the ashes of the social contracts you're working to burn to the ground as we speak. Perhaps you say stupid, vitriolic shit like this to overcompensate for the fact of your mixed-race heritage, or because MTG is goofy, low-hanging fruit that's easy to use as a broad brush to paint all who aren't politically orthodox with you, but ma'am, as a classical blue-collar liberal, I'm tired of this. I'm sick of ALL of this. Woke, for me and many others, is the EXACT way to identify what you people are, because Marxism is a religio-political cult that calls for people to be "awake" to the prison that is our modern destroying it. We are DONE with this shit. This ends NOW."

To me "woke" means being aware of something as opposed to the opposite which would be asleep.

Oddly some people seem to be proud of being asleep on things.
It used to mean that until radical leftists started describing themselves as 'woke.'
It used to mean that until radical leftists started describing themselves as 'wokbeat?

It's no different than those who understood that not allowing women and blacks the right to vote was wrong.
Woke are stupid......Study says.

if woke are so stupid how did they grab so much power. They're liars, cheats and will do anything (even murder) to win plus they have a powerful lying media on their side.
Journalist Soledad O’Brien alerted reporters on Monday that the term "woke" has now become akin to a "racist slur" or "the n-word."

From her Twitter account, the ex-CNN anchor posted an image of a tweet from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., commenting on the Super Bowl pregame show. Greene wrote, "Chris Stapleton just sang the most beautiful national anthem at the Super Bowl. But we could have gone without the rest of the wokeness."

O’Brien tweeted in response, "So reporters.. for many people ‘woke’ means Black people. Or more likely--a racist slur. So maybe do a better job in interviews when people talk about 'wokeness' mmkay?"

She double downed by saying, "Yeah I've discovered that some people use it as a synonym for the n-word," in response to a Twitter user who wrote, "I never understood what woke means."

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

Soledad is wrong.
Woke is supposed to mean that a person is aware of racial and social injustice.
However, the Left's idea of social justice is unbalanced and twisted.
The police also kill Asian, Latino and White suspects.
But the Left Wing dominate Press never makes those cases an issue because that does not fit the far-left's racist narrative.
Another issue that the Wokesters are asleep on is that the annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to 1. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
In fact, Blacks commit the highest rates of interracial violence. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
But because of all of the irrational and unreasonableness of the Woksters, it also means someone who is a hive mind far-left extremist and who is unaware of their own racism.
Here are a few terms that the Wokesters use that are racist, white privilege, white fragility, and White paternalism.
This is what the Democrat Regime does. They redefine terms that threaten their power into slurs. They turned Make America Great Again into something evil and now they are trying to do the same with Woke.
Journalist Soledad O’Brien alerted reporters on Monday that the term "woke" has now become akin to a "racist slur" or "the n-word."

From her Twitter account, the ex-CNN anchor posted an image of a tweet from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., commenting on the Super Bowl pregame show. Greene wrote, "Chris Stapleton just sang the most beautiful national anthem at the Super Bowl. But we could have gone without the rest of the wokeness."

O’Brien tweeted in response, "So reporters.. for many people ‘woke’ means Black people. Or more likely--a racist slur. So maybe do a better job in interviews when people talk about 'wokeness' mmkay?"

She double downed by saying, "Yeah I've discovered that some people use it as a synonym for the n-word," in response to a Twitter user who wrote, "I never understood what woke means."

Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

Soledad is wrong.
Woke is supposed to mean that a person is aware of racial and social injustice.
However, the Left's idea of social justice is unbalanced and twisted.
The police also kill Asian, Latino and White suspects.
But the Left Wing dominate Press never makes those cases an issue because that does not fit the far-left's racist narrative.
Another issue that the Wokesters are asleep on is that the annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to 1. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
In fact, Blacks commit the highest rates of interracial violence. (*DOJ)
That seems like an ignored social injustice.
But because of all of the irrational and unreasonableness of the Woksters, it also means someone who is a hive mind far-left extremist and who is unaware of their own racism.
Here are a few terms that the Wokesters use that are racist, white privilege, white fragility, and White paternalism.
Then why did the party of racists invent it?

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