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Solomon's Baby: Divide Benefits Policies under Two Separate Tracks


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Given the disruption surrounding legislative and judiciall dissension over the Gay Marriage issue and equal access to social and govt benefits,ou
I believe we are heading toward separating two tracks for benefits and health care
between the Democrats/Greens who want Singlepayer under their values and vision
and the Republicans/Libertarians who want to shift this back to free market and personal responsibility of the people directly.

Both groups, and all people, should have equal access to the track of their CHOICE that represents THEIR
core values and inherent principles they believe in, similar to their religious convictions the govt cannot subvert or force people to fund.

Below is the latest I received from Dr. Hotze, a Prolife doctor fighting against ACA and now Gay Marriage.

Since the Supreme Court was split 5-4 why not let both sides keep their own policies separated from each other. The Congressional vote on ACA was also split by party, so why not separate those two tracks and LET EACH HAVE THEIR OWN.

If Hindus and Muslims were split 50/50 on a policy, you would say let them each have their own way.
If Catholics and Protestants were split in half, you would say to do things separately under their own churches.
Buddhists and Christians do not try to pass legislation forcing the other denomination to do things "all the same way" -- we understand to respect religious freedom to set up and fund separate facilities and programs for those members to be completely autonomous. There is no fight over "separate but equal" because this is understood that people have their own cultural ways and to RESPECT that.

Where is the respect and responsibility with Gay Marriage, Health Care and other benefits?
If Mormons can set up their own social security system, if Galveston Texas has its own system, why can't the Democrats and Greens set up a national network with all the resources organized statewide and nationally that are LOYAL to the liberal causes of gay equality and universal health care. Why not just do it.

Who says that all benefits have to be under the same rules?
We have different tracks for Federal employees who get different benefit packages.
And a different systems for Veterans. Inmates in prison are under that system.
Teachers and Police have their own unions and pension plans. Why can't these be run and funded
by the actual members and quit imposing these on taxpayers to fight over how to manage them publicly?

Why not let the Singlepayer, pro Gay Marriage and Pro Immigrant finish
setting up a universal track through the Exchanges that only those members
who AGREE to participate and fund that network are required to follow under the rules THEY agree to!

Why not let the Free Market, anti-drug anti-abortion anti-homosexuality advocates
set up their own network that requires all participants to go through spiritual healing
to remove or prevent any extra expenses caused by addiction, abuse or other sickness that
could be healed for free. If they don't want to be forced to buy insurance under Obama and Pelosi's plans
that their side would be required to follow.

If you set up rules, you follow them. Nobody should be in the business of dictating financial contracts
for "other people to follow" and yet be exempted themselves (while receiving better benefits
under a separate contract that the taxpayers don't have access to).

Let people be under the rules they agree to mandate.
if you want free choice, then you need to enforce free choice.
If you want mandates, then you should be under them.

Quit fighting for control of the baby nobody wants to pay for,
just trying to use that as leverage to force the other parent to pay child support
while you control the money and the baby.

Let everyone raise and pay for their own babies.

crtpac.com Dr. Steven Hotze said:
Ohio AG DeWine Must File Motion for Rehearing Homosexual Marriage Case with Supreme Court
Abbott Must Call Special Session to Nullify Court’s Decision

July 7, 2015

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Never give up! Never! Never! Never!

With this correspondence I am requesting that you contact Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and ask him to file a Motion for Rehearing in the Obergefell v. Hodges homosexual marriage case with the U.S. Supreme Court. The basis for Motion for Rehearing is that neither Justice Kagan nor Justice Ginsberg recused themselves from this case. Both of these justices violated the Code of Judicial Ethics by performing marriage ceremonies for homosexuals while the Obergefell marriage case was pending before the Court. Ginsberg even spoke on national TV that she supported homosexuals being permitted to have marriage ceremonies. This is just outrageous! Had Kagan and Ginsberg properly recused themselves, the Court would have upheld Biblical marriage by a vote of 4-3.

Please tweet this out immediately on your Twitter account or copy and paste this to Twitter.
For Atty. Gen. DeWine: @OhioAG please file a Motion for Rehearing Obergefell v. Hodges immediately! #nullifySCOTUS orclick here.

--28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge"Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned”

Does this look like impartiality to you?

Like Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiated homosexual "weddings" prior to the marriage ruling

This information is not new. I filed, Pro Se, a Motion for Recusal which follows below. The Foundation for Moral Law also filed a Motion for Recusal. The three Republican attorney generals of Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee declined to file the Motions for Recusal that I had prepared for them by Andrew Schlafly, Esquire. The Foundation for Moral Law and my Motion for Recusal were the only two motions for recusal filed. They gave detailed information about the personal involvement of Justices Kagan and Ginsberg in presiding over marriage ceremonies between homosexuals. We have learned that the members of the U.S. Supreme Court never saw these arguments because their staff members never brought this information to their attention.

Members of the Court may not be fully aware of how serious the conflict of interest is involving Ginsburg and Kagan. At this point we have nothing to lose by filing this appeal. This may be the most damaging U.S. Supreme Court decision in our lifetime and we must make every effort to reverse it. If this information is seen by Justices Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Scalia, then it is possible that it would give them an opportunity to force the Obergefell case to be reheard with Justices Ginsberg and Kagan being recused.

Contact Ohio Atty. Gen. DeWine and encourage him to file a Motion for Rehearing. DeWine’s office phone is https://gov.texas.gov/contact/assistance.aspx. Tell Gov. Abbott to call a Special Session to defend the Texas Marriage Amendment.

Please tweet this out immediately on your Twitter account or copy and paste this to Twitter.

For Governor Abbott: @GregAbbott_TX please call a Special Session to defend the Texas Marriage Amendment immediately! #nullifySCOTUS or click here.

Post this on your Facebook: Tell Governor Abbott that you want him to call a Special Session to uphold the Texas Marriage Amendment immediately! SHARE if you agree!

You will be encouraged by Governor Mike Huckabee’s video statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling, https://www.facebook.com/mikehuckabee/videos/10153092642842869/?fref=nf.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.

“Like a trampled spring and a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.” (Proverbs 25:26)

“Through God we shall do valiantly, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” (Psalm 108:13)

Thank you in advance for having the courage of your convictions.

With much appreciation for your support and your friendship, I remain, as always,

Sincerely yours for Constitutional liberties and the Biblical principles upon which they are based,


Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Conservative Republicans Of Texas
One Greenway Plaza, Suite 225
Houston, Texas 77046

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