Solving a mystery: Why McConnell didn't kill the infrastructure bill

Republicans didn't have the political clout or media support to kill what would be the Biden socialist showpiece. Even if it's an abject failure like so many gigantic democrat plans, the media will pretend that it's a victory.
When a Republican is President, democrats group together to resist everything

When a democrat takes office, the GOP folds like a wet suit.

That is how we got to this point, a country with the most debt in the history of mankind with the Left taken over virtually everything.
Republicans didn't have the political clout or media support to kill what would be the Biden socialist showpiece. Even if it's an abject failure like so many gigantic democrat plans, the media will pretend that it's a victory.
I wonder how their media will pretend the collapse of the dollar and then the collapse of America is just a Trump lie? These evil SOBs know full well what they are doing and they will escape the chaos while the rest of America goes to war with itself.
I wonder how their media will pretend the collapse of the dollar and then the collapse of America is just a Trump lie? These evil SOBs know full well what they are doing and they will escape the chaos while the rest of America goes to war with itself.
The DNC has the media and the American people don't have a brain

So yea.
Remember when you all predicted the same under both Obama and Clinton?

We do. You all make the same prediction every time, and you're wrong every time.

They add that it will collapse the economy and send us into recession.

That never happens either.

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